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after dinner audrey dropped me off at my dorm before she went to hers. princey wasn't here yet so i was all alone. i decided to turn on the tv we had and see what there was. nothing much really, the news, some cartoons, and some movies. i didn't feel like watching the movie i landed on, but i didn't turn off the tv just so i could have some background noise. i don't like being alone in quiet spaces, it's scary and brings back horrible memories.

i began working on my assignments, which is rare, only because i wanted to make mother proud. she always said that i was smart and that i could have a good life with my big brain. i'm a hearts, and i'm going to make sure everyone remembers that. build a new foundation for our name, yeah i'm the son of the queen of hearts and what about it?

enough about me, back to this homework. must i really learn the history of the gods? they're gods, they're just as bad as people, i think that's about it. how long have i been working on this assignment? it feels like i've been working forever, i deserve a break for my hard work. okay but what the fuck do i do on my break? i don't have a phone, i already ate, and nothing on the tv catches my interest. ugh i'm bored now.

"working hard or hardly working?" when the fuck did princey come back? i legit did not hear the door open nor did i hear him come in. yeah okay whatever at least i have a distraction so i don't have to do this homework. it's not even due tomorrow what the fuck am i even doing?

"a little birdie told me you asked the wicked witch of the west on a date? is that true?" princey tilted his head in confusion like a puppy, adorable. "i asked who?" now no need to be so kind, you know damn well who i'm talking about. "mal." princey let's out a small 'ooh' followed by a laugh. still not answering the question princey.

"that's such a bizarre nickname, why go with that one?" why is he avoiding answering the question? "because she's a witch, now stop walking around the question. did you ask mal out or not?" i don't know why i sounded so angry, but i swear i'm not. i don't care if mal goes out with princey, this is all because of a love potion. i just really care for princey as a friend and don't want anything bad to happen to him. that's all.

"oh right, yeah. well no, it's not exactly a date. more of a hang out, not a date. who's calling it a date? is she calling it a date? because it's not." okay now why is he on the fence about whether it's a date or not? is it a date or not? make up your mind sir.

"so, where are you taking her?" i asked as i sat on his bed. "on a picnic by the enchanted lake." the enchanted lake? wouldn't that like wash off the effects of the potion? i mean if not then why give it such name? "a picnic you say? well that does sound like a date to me." princey turned around to look at me rather quickly, the expression on his face screamed a sort of terror. i like it.

"it's not a date, and i don't want her thinking it's a date. where do you suggest i take her?" well now i've only been on a few dates here and there, and they're nothing compared to what you could do here. i don't really know what type of advice i could offer other than something simple. "just take her out to eat, like a restaurant with other people around. not a fancy one either, if it's not a date then go for burgers. don't share a milkshake, and talk?" most of my dates ended up with us making out, but then again they didn't seem to be into it. maybe that's because two of them ended being lesbians.

"so basically just do what i would do if i went out with the guys?" now you're starting to get it princey. "precisely." princey relaxed a bit and came to sit next to me. "so have you ever been on a date?" he asked me, as if the answer wasn't obvious. of course i have princey.

"of course, i mean have you seen me? i'm beautiful, you'd be a fool to not love me." that being said i've only had three girlfriends, so yeah... "yeah? well isn't someone proud of their looks. it's a shame i can't relate." what did he mean by that? is he comparing himself to me? i mean that wouldn't be a fair comparison but it's not like hes ugly, i mean he's not.

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