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we made it to the isle in no time, princey had given us the remote thing that opened it up for us. all we had to do was be quick, hopefully hades was cooperative. i really doubt it though. mal parked her bike out in the open, why? i don't know. i put mine somewhere no one could see it, i'm not saying it'll get stolen but old habits die hard. i get i don't know how to drive, but it can't be that hard right? i mean not to complain anything, but speeding on a bicycle is really fucking hard when you have noodle legs like i do.

"follow me ladies and gents, we have good timing too. it's right about his nap time." celia led us down a street that had posters everyone that read, keep out, followed by a blue ball with blue hair. i take it that's him? did a child draw those or did he? eh what's the difference. as we got closer the signs got bigger and nastier. so many curse words, nice. oh one even read 'beware of dog.' didn't know we had dogs on the isle, i didn't think it was possible.

"a three headed dog? who's gonna believe that?" i asked celia, however mal was the one that answered that for me. "how big is that dog?" celia and i exchanged a look before she went and opened the door for us. "you'll see." we walked in and dogs barking could be heard everywhere. "and stay quite, it echos like crazy in here." you don't say... my ears might bleed from all the barking, it's so unnecessarily loud. it must work to keep people away.

celia led us farther in till we reached what seemed to be a bicycle meant for two. yeah i'm not doing that. "so who's getting on?" not me for sure, my legs are tired. "i'll walk behind, have fun." celia and mal hoped on and began pedaling as i walked behind them. i don't see the point of there being a bike thing, but i guess he just wanted to be as far away from society as possible. i don't blame him.

i stopped walking as they stopped pedaling, we arrived to the entrance to his home. i'm nervous, why am i nervous? i shouldn't be, and i shouldn't be here either. we made our way in, and just like celia said, he was napping. so he snores huh? it's very loud, i think louder than the dogs. which by the way, i don't see. so there were no dogs, but where was the barking coming from? i saw celia walk over to a record player and turn it off, smart but where does one get a dog barking vinyl? why would someone even make it, it's not like these type of situations happen daily.

mal walked over to him, or well behind the couch he was on. if he's just going to be asleep the whole time then why did i even bother coming? i should've stood up to princey and said no... like i could ever say no to him, have you seen his puppy eyes and pouty lip?

"what are you doing here?" his voice scared me a bit, just a bit though. "i noticed you were low on canned corn." where the fuck did celia get canned corn? did she know... of course she did, the cards must've told her what she was going to do today. hades hadn't taken off his shades yet so he didn't notice mal behind him. she was about to succeed and grab the ember when he slammed his hand on hers. great reflexes dude. he took the ember out of her hand and put it in his vest pocket. no it's not a vest, what's it called? or is it? like a rockstar vest basically, yeah i can't english.

"hey dad." that's weird, why'd she call him dad? i mean unless... no, no you're kidding right? no i'm hallucinating, she did not just call him dad. she did not. oh my gods she did. what the fuck? what the actual fuck? "he's your dad?!" i walked down the steps and joined an equally surprised celia. mal and hades looked over at us, which i did not like.

"yeah, only evie knows so this stays between us." she did not say yeah, she did not. oh my gods i think i'm gonna be sick. is the room spinning? am i spinning? "hey samael." who the fuck is samael? why did he and... oh my fucking gods. this means my mother is... maleficent. oh i'm totally going to be sick. "samael?" mal asked him, though it felt like she was asking me.

"yeah your mother let me choose it. she chose your name, i chose his. it means grim reaper, chief of the dragons of evil, and prince of darkness. it's cool isn't it?" mal stood up straight and her eyes widened so much i thought her eyes were going to pop out. "i didn't expect to see my kids this soon, what is it father's day already?" neither of us said anything, i mean what the fuck do i have to say? i should have just stayed with princey, i could've gone my whole life without finding out mal's my long lost sister.

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