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the walk to ursula's fish and chips wasn't a long one from mother's place, but i decided to take the long way this time. on my way there i made sure to take down every single cotillion poster, hey i was doing the isle a favor by taking them down. after taking many posters down i finally reached the joint, and whew was it late. i didn't realize the long way was that long.

i walked in and my presence wasn't noticed yet. well that's good. the crew were all facing the other way as they all took turns throwing knifes at a cotillion poster. well now this is something i could be good at. i quietly walked closer and picked up a knife from one of the tables. well this will be quite an entrance. without a beat i threw the knife and boom! i win! i hit mal's face! that's means i won right? if it doesn't then it should. everyone turned to look at me and gasped.

"well look who's back! valentin hearts, what happened your majesty? did auradon get tired of having isle trash on their land?" uma asked as she walked toward me. i had to laugh, that was a good one. "if they were then we'd all be back. i came back on my own, i got tired of them actually." uma gave me a look of confusion though instead of laughing with me.

"you didn't come back with the others?" with the who now? "i beg your pardon?" uma and harry looked at each other before looking at me. "dragon breath and the others are back, we actually have your king back there. so you're telling me you had no idea they came back?" what? they have princey? what is he doing here?

"he's here? where? let me see him." okay tone it down val, you sound desperate. uma and harry shared another look, i take it they're just as confused as me. "hearts what's going on?" uma sweetie i love you; but why do you have princey? "look i'll explain later, can i just see him?" okay i sound so desperate it hurts. "i- sure, just don't let him go." uma and harry led me to the back room, i see ursula's not here.

"there he is, make it quick. you have some explaining to do. and lost time to make up for." i looked at her and smiled. "thanks girlie." with that she and harry left me alone. i didn't think they'd actually leave me alone with princey. he hadn't noticed me yet which was good actually.  once they left he finally looked up. he didn't say anything at first, and i don't blame him. i did throw a fucking tantrum earlier and i ended up slapping him.

"princey, what are you doing here?" i walked over to him and grabbed a stool to sit on. he didn't say anything though. "you're giving me the silent treatment huh? i guess i deserve that, well if you'd rather be here tied up then so be it. i'll just be on my way, have fun waiting for someone else to rescue you." this got him to talk.

"wait! okay, i'm here because evie brought me. we came back for mal." oh of course. that's why he's here. for mal. "what are you doing here? you weren't with us when we left." i was right, he didn't even notice i was gone. "i came back a while ago. by myself." he probably doesn't care, he just wants me to untie him and let him go running back to mal.

"why did you come back?" oh well i didn't expect him to care. "because i hated auradon." and because of you. "i thought you loved it there, i mean heck you joined the cheerleading team. that just scream auradon spirit." ugh shut up. "that doesn't mean anything, i hate auradon and everyone on it." he laughed, why is he laughing? "even audrey and me?" oh fuck off.

"everyone except her, i could never." he stopped smiling and now seemed hurt. "you hate me?" did he not remember our little 'talk from earlier'? "yes...no? i don't know okay! i don't know how to feel about you anymore!" i raised my voice a bit, but hopefully no one could hear us from the outside. "what do you mean?" what do i mean? is he serious?!

"oh my gods! stop acting like everything is okay for a minute please! i know damn well that you remember what happened before i left, i know you walked in to a trashed room, and i know you were just using me okay? i'm glad i was able to help you figure out who you were! if i was just a little experiment that's fine, just next time have the decency to tell me before hand. before i go..." go falling for you. "do you even remember the days after your coronation?" he shook his head.

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