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(this is basically a filler chapter or whatever you wanna call it, enjoy?)

"i'm sorry val, but i wasn't going to leave you behind. i care too much for you to leave you there." i didn't say anything, i just kept looking forwards and away from him. "i'm really sorry that things didn't go the way you wanted them to." i closed my eyes and let a few tears slip away. "i mean, as long as you're safe..." how could he? he knows i need to be there for mother.

"at least i got to see the isle, they're my people too. uma helped me see that." yeah he had a point but still. "if they're your people then you shouldn't have taken me, my mother will die without me. saving one person doesn't make up for losing another." princey reached out for my hand and gave it a squeeze. the rest of the way to auradon was painfully quite. he hadn't let go of my hand and i didn't push it off either.

once we arrived princey parked and everyone got out. the others looked at me weirdly, i take it they didn't feel okay with me being back here. hey it's not like i had much of a choice. lonnie went her way, the others were huddled together and jane came over. something about the cotillion, i didn't have the energy to go actually. "jane, get rid of it." was all i heard princey say.  what were they talking about? me hopefully.

i was about to walk away when princey pulled me back, he didn't know when to give up huh? hasn't he done enough? "if you don't want to come tonight that's fine, i'll understand. i'll see you in a bit, just don't stay mad at me please. i lost you once, i can't lose you again." i sighed and nodded. "i'll see you in the room." he let go off me and walked off with jane.

i was making my way to my dorm when i felt a hand on mine. i turned and saw audrey staring at me with her arms crossed. i forgot i left her without an explanation, i didn't mean too. she looked so mad and i just wanted to cry. "where have you been? i've been looking for you all day and night, my date cancelled and- what's wrong?" i couldn't hold it in anymore. i started to cry yet again.

"let's go, we should talk in private." she held my hand and we walked to her room as i silently cried without making eye contact with anyone that passed us. once we made it to her room she walked me to her bed and handed me a box of tissues. "v, you can tell me anything. i'm here for you whenever you need me. you know i love you, i'm here for you and heck i'd kill for you, you're my best friend." i couldn't help but cry even more.

"i was on the isle, i left yesterday evening. i had gotten into a fight with princey and i just felt so hopeless. i know what you're going to say, i should've reached out for you but i didn't want to burden you with my problems. i left and i saw my mother. that however made me feel worse, audrey my mother is dying. and then she tells me she doesn't know how long she has left, and that she's not my real mother. then i go see my friends, and they tell me they captured princey. i see him and i find out he came to the isle to rescue mal. then i figure out mal gave him a love potion! that's why he was all weird with me! then we get into a sword fight on a pirate ship, then smoke bombs go off and princey picks me up and throws me into the car after i told him i had to stay. and now, i just feel like i let everyone down. i was suppose to stay for my mother, take care of her because i don't want to lose her. i feel like i've lost enough, i can't bare to lose her either."

i didn't mean to unload so much on audrey but i felt like i couldn't breath. she wrapped her arms around me and held me close as i cried. i felt so good on the isle and now i'm back and ugh. everything sucks. i tried to calm myself before i said anything else. ugh i'm such a mess.

"v, i know nothing i say will make everything feel better. i offer what i can to you get through this. i'll be here for you ever step off the way. i'll beg day and night to have your mother brought over and taken care of. i'll make sure fairy godmother puts her in the hands of the best doctors. as for mal, i'll make her pay. if she thinks she can just get away with what she did then- ugh i just want to slap her across the face and-" i couldn't help but laugh through my tears as audrey got mad at mal. "i know, i was this close to hurting her but princey got in the way. it's hopeless though, we hurt her and everyone turns on us."

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