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For the people who don't know, I'm Rainy also known as ThaFantasticFoursome on my main account :)

Grey puffs of smoke twirled through the frozen air, melting the snowflakes coming down. It had been a gloomy day and it had gotten colder throughout it. Now, finally, snow had started falling down, piling up onto the streets and painting everything an innocent white.

Taehyung stood by the high school gate, freezing a few limbs off as he was waiting for his girlfriend to come out of school. He himself was a student at college and had no classes today, meaning he wanted to surprise his girlfriend by picking her up from school.

He saw a few parents throwing him disapproving looks as he tapped the cigarette and then dropped it onto the ground. The snow immediately dimming the burning stick with a sizzle. He really couldn't care less about the glares he was getting as he wrapped his scarf closer to his neck, nuzzling his nose against it.

Finally, after what seemed like ages, the school bell rang, making kids pile out of the building. His gaze shifted from groups of girls, trying to find his girlfriend among the crowd. Parents disappeared along with their children as more and more students piled into buses or took their bikes.

Then his gaze landed on the curly dark brown locks he knew all too well. His girlfriend almost hopped down the stairs as she left the school building, talking away to some boy he'd never seen. The male had dark raven hair and was wearing some kind of football jersey. His frame was wide but his posture small, radiating nothing but insecurity.

He waved to his girlfriend, hoping she'd finally notice him so they could go. He couldn't feel his feet anymore.

Her eyes went wide before she quickly said something to the boy next to her. The male nodded and she then sprinted towards him. "Taehyung!", she smiled, engulfing him into a hug. She then grabbed his arm and tugged him towards the street. "What a surprise", she spoke, eyes shifting to the previous boy who had begun his way home, back turned to them as he walked to the opposite direction.

"I thought I'd surprise you by taking you to that place you love with all that chocolate you love", he smiled, grabbing her hand, feeling her tense a bit, "With the boy you love of course". He threw her a wink, making her snort.

"You think so highly of yourself", she teased, bumping against him.

"That's the only right way to think of myself dear", he spoke with a posh accent, hearing her chuckle. "How was school? I saw you made a new friend. Haven't seen him before".

She raised an eyebrow, "Oh- you mean the jersey guy. He was just asking me about math homework. Apparently he's failing that class. Can't help it I'm so smart".

This time it was Taehyung's turn of snort, "Didn't you almost had to redo last year because of your bad grades?"

"That's only because you came into the picture around exam period", she shot back, tightening her grip on his hands. Her hands always fit in his so perfectly, his large hands engulfing hers completely, just like the rest of their bodies. Whenever they hugged it was a perfect fit, and Taehyung really thought this might be it. She might be the one he'd see himself living with.

"Sure it was", he smiled, thinking back to the time they had run into each other for the first time. He had almost thrown a bowling ball into her face, a classic flirting technique it seemed. It had worked like magic. One second he was apologizing as the heavy & sturdy ball was rolling next to her feet and the other second they were making out behind the vending machine.

Taehyung often described himself as a nerd. Many others wouldn't because he didn't exactly look as one. But they didn't know his interests, and neither how he looked inside of the safe confinements of his home. He wasn't exactly the best with flirting, never had, but he was a social bloke so he had that going for him.

He studied ICT at college, meaning his main activity of the day was staring at a screen and clicking the mouse. Numbers, SQL codes, pivot tables and anything else related to computer things were things he loved. Not many of his friends understood this, especially not when they themselves were either language or art freaks.

In public he looked like a typical pretty boy but once he got his hands on a laptop he turned into nerd mode. He wore contact lenses and tight fitting clothes when going outside, but the moment he stepped inside his home, he'd have his glasses and comfy clothes on in no time.

His girlfriend of course knew how he was. But he got the feeling she liked his outside persona more than the inside one. It didn't bother him too much though. It was just how the world was. If he was honest, she also looked very different with make-up and styled hair, and maybe he too liked that look more on her than her bedhead look.

They entered the chocolate shop, the scent of it immediately numbing all other senses. The shop was also a little café, you could either buy different chocolate flavors or drink a cup of homemade chocolate milk with a slice of cake. They shuffled to the counter, both already knowing what they wanted since it wasn't their first time at this place.

Taehyung's eyes scanned the different chocolate flavors, always fascinated at all the variations. But he was a habit person, meaning he took the same thing every time. The coconut bomb flavor was his favorite. He had never taken another flavor if he was being honest. He had taken that one on his first date with her and had never wanted anything else.

"One toffee explosion please", his girlfriend smiled at the shopkeeper. She then quickly scanned the cake options, "And a slice of strawberry cheesecake too".

A sweet option, just like she was.

"And I'll have the coconut bomb", Taehyung continued, pulling out his wallet, "With a slice of carrot cake please".

He slid the money over the counter and stuffed the returned change back into his wallet. The couple sauntered over to one of the empty seats in the café, waiting for their order to be ready.

Taehyung watched his girlfriend grab her buzzing phone, her eyebrows furrowing at the lit up screen. "I'm sorry, it's mom", she huffed before walking towards the toilets, the sound of her ringtone following her.

Taehyung sat back and waited, not bothered to grab his own phone to amuse himself. He watched how their order got brought to him and he started eating some cake to fill the silence now Lottie was away.

Lottie, his first every girlfriend, a normal girl that actually stuck up with his extra behavior and love for computers. He had no idea how he had become so lucky to date her, but he was sure some sort of god had a thing for him going on. She was two years younger, which sucked to be honest. He was in his second year of college while she was still in her last year of high school.

He had no idea if she would be going to the same school as him next year, but he hoped she did. He moved to Seoul from Daegu and was renting a small dorm for himself. If she'd stay in the city, they could maybe rent a small apartment for the two of them. They hadn't talked about it yet, because Taehyung became a nervous wreck whenever he thought about her leaving the city. And he also wanted to avoid putting pressure on her choice of college. He didn't want to force her into anything.

He had almost finished his cake by the time Lottie had returned from the bathroom. Her dark brown hair was swaying as she walked towards him, eyes cast down as she was stuffing her phone back into her jeans.

Taehyung smiled, still in disbelief that she was actually walking his way, being here with him, being his girlfriend. It was all so unbelievable.

He really was the luckiest man out there.

EDIT: I know the right figure of speech is 'Three's a crowd' but the title of this book is based on the song Underdog by You Me At Six where they sing:

Underdog, just look at the mess you've made.
It's such a shame, a shame,
We had to find out this way.
Revenge loves company
three makes it a crowd,
So wash your mouth, sit this one out.

And I thought the song really fitted the book so I made it the title.

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