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Jungkook was shaking on his legs as he waited in front of Taehyung's dorm that he had, for once, found completely on his own without any help from the random guy named Namjoon. He had a bottle of red wine in his left hand as his other hand was carrying a couple of beers.

Taehyung had replied to the message he had sent an hour ago, asking the older if he was free Friday night around 8 pm. The older had informed him that he would be in his dorm like always, but was very confused as to why Jungkook had asked him that. The younger hadn't replied to that question though and decided to just show up at his door around eight.

Loud footsteps could be heard before the door swung open, revealing a tired looking Taehyung in sweats. "Hey", the older greeted, giving Jungkook a lopsided smile, "You showed up".

"Of course I did", the youngest replied, going inside as Taehyung stepped out of the way, "Sorry for randomly inviting myself, again".

"No worries", Taehyung chuckled, watching as the younger set down the bottles in his hands and began to untie his shoes. The older scrunched his eyebrows in confusion as he saw the bottle of wine and the beers now standing on his kitchen table.

"Big plans?", he asked once Jungkook had toed of his shoes and set them aside. He pointed towards the bottles, seeing the sheepish look appear on the younger's face.

"I wanted to return the favor", Jungkook started, awkwardly rubbing his foot against the floor, "So I asked my older cousin for some tips as to what I should get you. He told me to buy liquor because supposedly college students are always drinking".

Taehyung snorted at that. He definitely wasn't such a fan of alcohol and he didn't really go out that much in comparison to normal college students. But he didn't have the heart to tell him that, especially not when he was looking at Taehyung with big hopeful eyes.

"Thank you", the older smiled, watching the younger do the same, his nerves seemingly disappearing, "It really wasn't necessary though".

Jungkook merely shook his head, before he realized something. He threw off his backpack and pulled out the once neatly folded clothes. He had tried so hard to get them to Taehyung without them crumpling too much, but the backpack wasn't that spacious.

"Here are your clothes by the way", Jungkook smiled, handing them over to Taehyung, "Freshly washed and everything. Thank you for letting me borrow them".

Taehyung shook his head with a smile, already able to smell the fabric softener. It was the same scent Jungkook always carried, the one he could smell when he had slept next to the boy. "No worries. It's not like I missed them".

Taehyung looked expectantly, staring at Jungkook's coat and wondering when he would take it off. Jungkook didn't seem to get the message and only looked confused when the silence went on. "Aren't you putting your coat away?", the older finally asked. He went over to the table where he placed down the clothes and grabbed the bottle of wine.

A look of surprise washed over Jungkook's face, "Oh- I thought I'd just drop off these bottles and-"

"You're not drinking with me?", Taehyung asked, a small pout gracing his lips as he was on his way to grab two glasses for the wine. He saw the younger start to falter.

"It's your present", Jungkook tried to reason, "And I'm not even legal-"

"Nonsense, you don't expect me to finish this all by myself, right?", Taehyung asked and grinned when he noticed Jugnkook's small shake of a head, "Then let's have a drink".

He brought the wine and beer over to the small coffee table standing in front of his couch. Jungkook grabbed the glasses off the kitchen table once he had hung his coat away and set them down next to the bottle of wine. He didn't know if he even liked the wine he picked out, didn't know if Taehyung would even like it. With a sigh he could feel his stress spike again.

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