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Jungkook murmured in protest as he felt his toes wiggling in the cold. The rest of his body was cozy and warm but his feet had been left without a blanket, which had woken him up. He groaned in discomfort and tried patting around for his bedsheets, before realized that what he was touching wasn't part of the bed.

His eyes flew open at the feeling of someone's warmth underneath his hand. With a silent gasp he realized who the person was and where exactly he was sleeping. He had almost forgotten that he had been napping in Taehyung's room, the other boyfriend his girlfriend had behind his back.

"I could just join you. The bed is big enough for two".

Remembering those words and seeing the same boy who had spoken them, laying in bed with him, brought a dumb expression on his face. He had never thought that the male had meant his words.

Though, Jungkook had been right. The bed would have been too small for the both of them if they were sleeping in the positions Jungkook had imagined them to be in. Alas, Taehyung had been having other ideas as he was now cuddled up to him, clutching Jungkook's shirt tightly into his fists. One of his legs were thrown over Jungkook while his head was partly on his shoulder, soundly asleep and breathing loudly.

Jungkook now realized the reason his feet had been so cold. Taehyung had kicked the sheet off his legs, probably when cuddling closer, but he was warming Jungkook's body with his own.

The youngest male had no idea what to do with this new information. Should he just continue to sleep on and act like he didn't notice a thing? Or should he wake up Taehyung and ask him what the hell he was doing cuddling another man? Was the older even aware of the position they were in? What if he was a natural hugger and it happened without himself knowing it?

Pushing Taehyung away from him wouldn't work, since the bed was way too small for that. The brunette would end up on the floor and kicking him out of his own bed would be a terrible thing to do.

So Jungkook ended up doing the thing the thought was the best. He closed his eyes, relaxed his body against the other boy's warmth and fell back asleep.

Taehyung was the next one to wake up. Though he wasn't as confused to find himself in a quite comfortable position with the younger as Jungkook had been. He vaguely remembered trying to fall asleep on the couch but being unable to as the material was hard and the room was cold without a blanket.

So that's why a sleepy and groggy Taehyung had wandered into his bedroom before sliding into bed. Jungkook had taken up everything, being in the middle, and Taehyung found no other way than to latch himself onto the younger so 1. he wouldn't fall out of the bed and 2. He could leech off some warmth.

The older tried to slip out of bed without waking the other male and carefully tiptoed to the bathroom, with a different set of clothes, so he could take a shower. He paid no attention to the time as he knew his Monday class was only at 2 pm and he had plenty of time left. But unfortunately, he didn't think of the younger, currently still asleep in his bed, high schooler whose school hours were a bit different than his.

"Oh fuck", he muttered to himself as he stepped out of the hot shower, the mirrors in the room being fogged up. Realization only now sunk in as his eyes fell on the time displayed on his wrist watch that he had dropped in the sink. It was 7.30 am, meaning Jungkook's school would start in less than an hour.

"Jungkook!", he yelled as he quickly dressed himself. He didn't get a reply and sighed, remembering from last time what kind of deep sleeper Jungkook actually was. "Jungkook!", he yelled again and sprinted out of the bathroom.

As he had expected, Jungkook was still sleeping in the exact same position he was in when Taehyung had left. The older rolled his eyes and walked over to Jungkook as he started to slap the younger awake.

"Hmm", Jungkook murmured in protest, rolling onto his side to avoid the slaps.

"Get the fuck up", Taehyung yelled again, before getting an idea that had worked last time. He grabbed the younger's leg and tugged, dragging him down onto the cold hard floor. Jungkook woke up in less than a second when his butt came in contact with the hard wooden floor. "What the fuck", he said, confused, as he blinked his eyes open.

"You have school in less than an hour", Taehyung stated, pointing at the clock on his nightstand, "You need to fucking go".

Jungkook didn't need to hear anything else as he almost jumped off the floor and raced to the front door. "Wait- fuck- I can't go like this", Jungkook scrunched his nose as he sniffed his sweater. It smelled and he knew he did too. "Going back home will at least take half an hour and what if Lottie catches me coming home and asks where I was and oh my god I can't-"

"Jungkook", Taehyung interrupted the boy's rambling, grabbing him by the shoulders, "Go take a shower and I'll hand you some clothes to borrow. My dorm isn't that far away from your school like your house is so you'll be on time".

"But-", Jungkook protested, feeling like an absolute burden, "What if Lottie notices the clothes-"

"I'll give you neutral ones she won't be able to recognize them", Taehyung tried to reason, beginning to push Jungkook towards the bathroom, "You can leave your own clothes here for the time being. I'm sure you'll visit again".

The younger boy merely nodded as he felt the hand on the small of his back begin to push harder. Jungkook almost ran towards the shower, his head too busy to panic to form any words.

When the bathroom door closed and Taehyung was sure Jungkook had gotten into the shower, he started picking out clothes. He grabbed a random white shirt and some blue jeans out of the closet and laid them down in front of the bathroom door.

"Jungkook!", he yelled and could hear the shower stop for a second, "You can find towels in the cabinet under the sink and I laid some clothes in front of the door". When he was sure the younger had heard it he went to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water, an apple and a banana. He hoped this was enough for the younger to live through the day of school since he didn't have much more than this to give. He hoped Jungkook's school had a cafeteria where they could buy lunch or he'd be starving.

Jungkook appeared not too long after, freshly showered and wearing the older's clothes. The jeans were a bit too tight around his thighs but besides that, everything fit. Taehyung smiled, relieved he liked wearing large clothes otherwise his shirt wouldn't have fit Jungkook.

Taehyung lifted up the backpack Jungkook had brought along and handed it to the younger. "I put a bottle of water and some fruit in there. I don't have much else to offer".

Jungkook's face flashed from an expression of surprise to one of guilt. "You didn't have to do that. I unexpectedly invited myself, fell asleep in your bed and now you're feeding me, I feel so bad".

The older merely waved it away, "It's okay. I don't mind. Have a fun day at school".

Jungkook smiled and nodded, "I'll try. Thank you, really, I'm very grateful. I'll pay you back someday. I promise".

Hope you enjoyed!

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