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The bedroom was brightly lit and Jungkook winced when the lights shone into his eyes when his back hit the bed. Taehyung chuckled and got up, strolling over to flicker off the lights and put on the night lamp instead. "Better?"

Jungkook nodded and grabbed onto Taehyung's wrist, tugging the boy back onto the bed. The older boy was taken by surprise as he watched Jungkook climb onto him, straddling his waist. The boy looked conflicted, nibbling on his bottom lip as he wrung his hands, unsure of where to place them.

The raven haired boy's eyes were still glazed over but he tried his hardest to fight back against the urge to just let Taehyung do all the work. The older boy noticed the battle Jungkook was fighting, seeing how he was trying to regain control.

"Baby", Taehyung whispered, noticed the way the younger immediately responded to the word, gaze meeting his. Taehyung stretched his arm, hand reaching up to pet the boy's hair, "Don't force yourself". Jungkook's eyes started to glaze back over but the boy fought back against the feeling.

"But I want to make you feel good", Jungkook spoke, clearing his throat when he noticed the tremble in it. "I don't want to have you do all the work while I do nothing".

Taehyung smiled softly, deciding to roll them back over so he was the one on top. "You don't need to be dominant to be a top, baby", he spoke, hand trailing down the boy's firm chest, "I like the way you fall apart under my hands. I love the way you submit to me and give me all the control".


"And tonight baby, you won't have to act dominant at all", Taehyung smirked, dipping down to press a kiss onto the boy's lips, "Because you won't be the one topping". He saw Jungkook hesitate and quickly added, "If that's okay with you of course?"

The younger nodded, hand gripping the large hand that had been sliding down his body, "I want to bottom. I'm really curious how it feels like".

"I'm glad to hear that baby", the older smiled, "Let's get on with it then".

It didn't take long for the two boys to lose their clothes, both now comfortable with being naked in the other's presence. Jungkook was harshly pushed down by the shoulders, moaning when Taehyung began kissing him. Teeth and tongues clashed together as the older started grinding down.

As Jungkook lost himself in the kiss, Taehyung started patting around for the lube the younger had gotten out of his nightstand when they had entered the bedroom.

He smiled into the kiss when he grabbed onto the bottle, bringing it between their bodies. "I'm going to start now", he mumbled against the boy's lips but the younger didn't seem to care about his words as he cupped Taehyung's face and brought him back down for a kiss.

Jungkook didn't flinch when the first finger entered him, and he didn't care either at the second one. But when the third one hit the right spot deep inside of him he actually jolted.

"Surprised?", Taehyung smirked, feeling the other clench around him. Jungkook let out a small whimper and nodded. He started to grind down onto the fingers when Taehyung stopped moving them, enjoying the blissed out expression on the boy's face.

He reached down, kissing down the boy's jaw before taking his earlobe between his teeth, "Ready for me?" Jungkook let out a loud yes, already beginning to feel like begging.

Taehyung didn't need to hear more as he rolled on a condom and positioned himself right in front of the boy's entrance. He looked up once again to see Jungkook's bright doe eyes staring back at him, breath hitching in his throat by the beautiful sight in front of him.

He nudged forward and saw how Jungkook's head fell backwards against the pillow, letting out a small cry. "You okay?", the older asked, halting immediately. Jungkook didn't reply but gave a thumbs up, mouth still hanging open. He let out another loud cry, this time being obviously one out of pleasure.

When Taehyung was completely inside he waited for a few seconds before beginning to move. "You feel so good", he groaned, pushing back against the boy's body. Jungkook was too busy letting out moans to reply, eyes closed shut to drown in the feeling.

"You're always so perfect for me, always so pretty, taking whatever I give you", the older spoke out between groans, knowing just how much the younger got off on these praises. Jungkook let out another loud moan, hands reaching out to grab onto the older's biceps. "So so obedient for me".

"Hyung-", the raven head spoke, eyes still squeezed shut. He wanted to know what the older liked, what he liked being told during sex. But his brain wasn't cooperating all too well and he felt his headspace fall back into one of mindlessness.

"What is it baby?", Taehyung hummed, momentarily slowing down his movements, making a whine fall from of the boy's lips. "What do you want to tell me?"

The younger forced his eyes open to look up at the older. He felt blessed at the sight in front of him, the brunette's sweaty hair being a glorious sight. "I want to know what you like to be told", Jungkook croaked out, "What do you want to hear me say?"

It was silent for a moment, Taehyung's eyes avoiding any kind of eye contact.

"It's kind of the opposite of yours", Taehyung looked down, a soft hue painting his cheeks. "You can be a bit mean to me".

Jungkook's mouth fell open, a small "Oh", leaving his lips. He had to wreck his brain for words that would please the older, his headspace making it difficult to think at all. Taehyung didn't wait for an answer and started picking up his pace again, the sides of the bed hitting the wall. He was so focused on the pace that he didn't see the small grin that formed on Jungkook's face.

"Hyung likes being a pervert doesn't he?", Jungkook's voice feigned innocence. He caught the older's surprised look, mouth hanging open at the dirty words that left the younger's mouth, "Filling younger boys up, making them feel like sluts".

The older was perplexed, his thrusting completely stopped. "Am I a good slut to you Taehyung?", Jungkook proceeded, tilting his head to the side, "You can always make me one". The younger smiled, reaching up to trace Taehyung's lips with his thumb.

"No Jungkookie, you're so good to me", Taehyung panted, hands firmly planted beside the boy's head as he started thrusting again, "It's me who is a dirty whore, can't stay away from you".

It didn't take either of them too long to finish. Their newly found interest in dirty talk had both of them seeing stars as they came down from their highs. Taehyung pulled out of the younger boy, who seemed completely out of it, and walked to the bathroom to clean up their mess.

Jungkook smiled when he heard feet padding towards the bathroom. He felt at ease, he felt complete. It was something he never wished to let go of.

Jungkook stretched his limbs, moaning when he felt a sharp pain shoot up his bottom. Taehyung had left just an hour ago since his parents would be coming home soon. He sighed as he felt his joints pop before strolling over to the closet to fish out a shirt. He smiled when he picked out a white shirt that once belonged to Taehyung, but had never been returned. Jungkook loved the material of the shirt and the way it fell wide around his shoulders.

As he tried to wiggle into the shirt, back facing the door, he heard a loud gasp that made him freeze in his movements. He quickly turned around when he heard the obvious footsteps coming closer to him, heels clicking against the floor. "Jungkook!"

His mother looked absolutely furious and Jungkook's face paled as quickly as she reached him and turned him back around. Her nails dug into his shoulder blades and he winced when she began tracing the scratch marks on his back.

"What is this?" Her voice was sharp and demanding. Jungkook pressed his eyes shut, terrified to see his mother's reaction when she turned him back around. "Answer me".

Jungkook didn't want to. The marks spoke for themselves and it was evident they had been caused by someone who wasn't Lottie, seeing as she was still in Paris.

"I- I can explain".

Oh but can he explain? Find out next chapter mwuahaha. Also it's the first time I wrote the smut and I cringed all the way through it while listening to highschool musical songs.

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