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Jungkook's breath hitched in his throat at the sight of the man that had just set foot inside of the room. The tan skin he adored was partially hidden by a silk robe, the material falling smoothly down the older's body.

The clothing piece was something Jungkook hadn't thought to see, his initial thoughts being that of a naked Taehyung. But he couldn't deny this was so much better.

He hadn't expected Taehyung to be such a tease though but at the same time how could he not have expected it. Taehyung was used to being on top now and he wouldn't go down that easily. So Jungkook had to step up his game if he wanted to have his boyfriend like putty in his hands.

"C'me here". Jungkook patted his lap, the motion making Taehyung's eyes shift to the boy's thighs. He took long strides towards him and wasted no time plopping himself down onto his boyfriend's lap. His long tan legs easily wrapped around the younger boy's waist and his arms did the same around his neck.

"You're so damn beautiful". Jungkook gave his older boyfriend a wide smirk as his hands began running down the man's sides until they were resting onto his ass. They shared a look for a small second before their lips crashed together and the hunger became evident in their heated kiss.

The younger's hands began groping Taehyung's ass, the feeling making him let out a deep moan into their kiss. His arms tightened around Jungkook's neck as he pushed his chest flush against the younger's.

Jungkook wasted no time loosening his arms around Taehyung to grab the lube that was next to him on the bed. "Let's get started", he spoke against the older's lips, Taehyung ignoring it as he feverishly kissed back. Jungkook leaned back to put some lube on his one hand and rubbed them together to warm the substance.

Taehyung swiped his tongue across his bottom lip as he watched Jungkook's long fingers being coated in lube. When he realized Jungkook wanted to start, he raised his ass a bit, hovering it over the boy's lap so Jungkook would have more acces.

Taehyung wasted no time pressing his lips against Jungkook's neck and jaw as the first digit entered him. He shuddered at the familiar feeling but didn't say a thing as he continued his assault on the boy's skin.

Jungkook was focused on pushing in another finger. "You take it so easily", he spoke, locking eyes with Taehyung in that moment, "Such a fucking slut, aren't you? Always ready to please me, to tend to my every need".

He slipped in another finger, "You should see the way you look bouncing on my fingers, being silent even with three of my fingers buried deep inside your ass".

Right in that moment he pushed in his fourth finger which made Taehyung's mouth fall open as his head tipped back, a loud moan tumbling from his lips. "Jungkook fuck-"

The younger boy smirked and Taehyung was sure he could come alone from watching Jungkook’s face. The younger boy had to wrap one arm around his boyfriend's waist so he wouldn't tumble off since Taehyung seemed to have lost all power in his body.

Jungkook then dipped down to start painting marks on the male's exposed collarbones and neck. And while Taehyung was so lost in the experience, he couldn't feel the thumb prodding at his entrance as well.

When Jungkook pushed the fifth digit even deeper Taehyung's eyes flew open, "Jungkook what are-"

"I'd think a whore like you could take my whole fist up your ass", Jungkook spat, knowing just how much impact his words and tone of voice had on the older when he could see the brunettes eyes roll back in pleasure when his thumb was finally in as well. "See, that wasn't too hard now was it?"

"Jungkook", the older boy whined, his deep voice sending tingles down the other's spine, "I'm gonna come if you keep this up".

Jungkook didn't pay any mind to that as he released one of his hands to tug at the belt that was constricting the boy's silk robe from falling. The material immediately loosened and fell down Taehyung's broad shoulders and pooled around his waist.

He then got out his hand from inside of Taehyung, needing both of them to pull off his own shirt. "Won't you be a good slut and take off my pants babe?“ He whispered into the older boy's ear.

Taehyung was out of breath and he could feel his hole gaping with need. But he merely nodded after hearing the question--which he knew was more of a command than anything and he dropped onto his knees in front of him.

He started fumbling with the button and zipper, desperate to get his boyfriend out of his tight jeans. "Jungkook", he whined when the material of the jeans was constricting him from sliding it down and the younger boy had to chuckle at that.

He lifted his ass so Taehyung was able to slide it down more until the jeans finally pooled around his ankles and he could kick them off. The older didn't waste any time yanking his boyfriend's boxers off before getting rid of his panties as well.

Jungkook smiled when he saw his boyfriend throw the panties somewhere inside the room before he looked back up at him from his place on the ground, still on his knees. His big eyes sparkled as he watched Jungkook get up and he gasped when fingers tangled themselves in his hair, pulling him up from there.

Jungkook was manhandling him, he realized, and it took him by surprise when he was harshly pushed up against the wall, legs curling around his boyfriend's waist. "The wall?", Taehyung let out, his voice small when he took in the situation he was in.

Jungkook pinned both of his wrist to the blue painted wall and smirked, "Still think these muscles are useless?"

Taehyung now finally realized as to what had triggered his boyfriend to be so rough with him. The conversation in his kitchen a week ago came back to him and before he knew it his thoughts were quickly wiped away by the feeling of Jungkook entering him.

The boy didn't even wait to see if Taehyung was fine with it as he started slamming himself inside. Taehyung's head hit the wall behind him with a thud, the sudden hard pounding taking him by surprise.

Jungkook had never been this rough with him but he couldn't say he didn't like it. He loved the way Jungkook's  muscles moved underneat his large hands when Jungkook finally released them so he could grab onto Taehyung's waist to keep him up.

The youngest was so strong that if he wanted to he could throw Taehyung onto any surface and fuck him into oblivion without Taehyung being able to do anything to stop it.

It turned him on to see his usual soft boyfriend pound into him, hard enough to make Taehyung see stars. Jungkook grinned and detached the older from the wall before planting him on top of his desk.

He slipped out of Taehyung before grabbing the older's waist and turned him around, tan chest now flat onto the wooden surface. Jungkook's hand was spread out onto his spine as he rammed back inside, hearing the slaps resonate throughout the room.

Loud pants left Taehyung's lips before a yell made its way past his lips when a sudden sting was left on his ass. "Kook", he panted out but was quickly shut up when another sharp pain shot through him. The sting hurt but was pleasant, something that surprised him.

Jungkook grinned when he slipped his hand from Taehyung's spine to his ass, feeling the swell of the slap and the heated skin against his hand.

It didn't surprise Taehyung when he was coming quickly with a loud shout of Jungkook's name and before he knew it he saw black in front of his eyes.

Jungkook noticed his boyfriend passing out for a few seconds and smirked before he shot his load into the dazed boy. He then let his head drop against the tan back to catch his breath.

He carefully carried Taehyung to the bed and laid him down, finally able to slip out now. He went to the bathroom to clean up and noticed that the boy was asleep when he came back.

Jungkook smiled when he could finally cuddle up to his boyfriend now they were both clean. "Goodnight Tae", he spoke, pecking the boy's hair before closing his eyes.

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