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Taehyung groaned as a loud and blaring noise interrupted his peaceful sleep. He tried tossing and turning, pushing the pillow to his ears to block out the noise, but nothing helped as the same noise kept going, without any hint of stopping.

Angrily, Taehyung started patting around the nightstand, knowing that whatever the noise was coming was, it was nearby. As he finally caught the culprit and brought it up to his face, he got confused. The phone that was making an awful lot of noise wasn't his and the title of the alarm surely wasn't one he came up with.

"Wake up Taehyung" it said and before anything at all registered into his brain, the time on the phone unnerved him the most. It was set at 8 am, meaning whoever set the alarm really wanted him to suffer.

Then it dawned on him. The words he had spoken to the owner of the phone he was holding right now, the person that had probably tried to do a nice thing by setting the alarm. He remembered telling Jungkook the night before about wanting to get up early to finish his project and Jungkook telling him something about not forgetting to set an alarm, which was something he had indeed forgotten about.

But that all confused him even more. He couldn't remember crawling into bed and setting an alarm, which meant that those things never happened. But if he hadn't went to bed, then how had he ended up in bed anyway? It was evident that Jungkook had noticed he hadn't set an alarm and set one for him, but did that meant that he went into Taehyung's bedroom? With him?

He finally realized that he should stop the alarm from repeating and swiped it away. When the alarm disappeared, Jungkook's home screen picture appeared again. Taehyung scrunched his nose in distaste as Lottie's face appeared and he quickly threw the phone somewhere on the bed to get it out of his sight.

With heavy steps he got out of bed, shuddering as he could smell his own sweat from sleeping in sweatpants and a large hoodie. He didn't change before going to bed which peaked his curiosity on how he actually got into bed.

He sluggishly ventured into the living room where he found his couch being occupied by the owner of the phone. Jungkook hadn't seemed to be bothered by the loud alarm going off in the other room and was still sleeping peacefully.

Taehyung felt bad now he noticed that he hadn't given Jungkook any blanket to sleep under. The boy had pulled up his knees and was hugging himself, probably from the cold. Taehyung went over to him and tried nudging him in the hopes he'd wake up. His first few nudges didn't have much of an effect. He started wondering just how deep of a sleeper Jungkook was because Taehyung would've been awake the moment someone touched him.

Jungkook mumbled something incoherently as Taehyung kept poking him and the younger merely slapped his hand away before turning on his side. "Heavy sleeper, much?", the older mumbled before beginning to shake him away. "Get up", Taehyung said, hoping that this at least would wake up the boy. He got hopeful as he noticed Jungkook moving around, eyes almost opening.

"I'm awake, I'm awake", Jungkook grumpily mumbled, though it still seemed like he was half asleep. Taehyung rolled his eyes and threw a pillow into the younger's face, who flinched at the sudden weight on his face.

"What the hell?", Jungkook yawned as he started stretching his arms, making the pillow tumble down. He felt how his back hurt and how his limbs were sore and was confused for a second until he opened his eyes and realized just where he was. Oh right, Taehyung's place.

"Good morning", he spoke sheepishly, seeing an blank faced Taehyung standing in front of him, "Slept well?" Jungkook knew he was a heavy sleeper and Taehyung had probably spent a while getting him awake.

"Not as good as you it seems", Taehyung spoke before stepping away and into the kitchen, "Cereal?"

Jungkook, who was still a bit dazed, blinked his eyes at the question, "Uh- yeah sure". As the older left and Jungkook got time to wake up his brain, smmories from last night flooded back and his cheeks heated up at the memory of him carrying Taehyung to bed. He really hoped the older wouldn't question him about that.

"Why was your alarm going off next to my head?", Taehyung asked as he searched for the cabinet that held the cereal box.

"I remembered you saying you wanted to get up early to study so I set an alarm for you", Jungkook explained, twiddling his thumbs as he got himself comfortable again, "I'm so used to setting alarms for Lottie because she always forgets to set them. Sorry if it startled you".

Taehyung hummed, having his suspicion confirmed now that Jungkook answered him. Lottie indeed never set any alarm clock when she was with him, but she only ever stayed over in the weekend so it wasn't that necessary.

As Taehyung finally found the cereal box and went to find two bowls, two spoons and a cold packet of milk from the fridge, he realized how silent it had gotten again. With furrowed brows he turned around and saw the cause of it. Jungkook had fallen back asleep, his body sprawled over the couch.

He neared the younger and set down his bowl and spoon on the coffee table. "This boy", he tsked, going over to sit on the chair that stood next to the couch. As Taehyung filled his own bowl with cornflakes and milk, he couldn't help but let his eyes slide over to Jungkook's sleeping figure.

His shirt had ridden up by moving and it showed the faint lines of a six-pack that was still hidden by his shirt. The boy had slept in light blue jeans, which seemed very uncomfortable as they tightly wrapped around his thighs, showing off how muscular they actually were. Taehyung wondered how often he went to the gym and then stared down at his own slim but pudgy body.

He really couldn't think of a reason why Lottie had ever hooked up with him when she had someone like Jungkook. He was handsome, popular and muscular and everything Taehyung ever aspired to be in high school, and even now, but didn't manage to be. Why did she keep him on the side when she had a loyal boyfriend living right next to her?

Suddenly the doorbell rang and Taehyung realized just how long he had been staring at the younger boy asleep on his couch. He rose up from the chair and gave Jungkook one last look. He shook his head at himself and proceeded his way to the door that was again being knocked on.


The said male froze as he heard the feminine and all too familiar voice.

"Shit", he whispered, his head flipping back to the sleeping Jungkook and then back at the door that was the barrier between him and the person who knew both of them, "Lottie".

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