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Jungkook watched as Taehyung guided his large palms on his waist with a high boost of confidence, whimpering when the other helped him pull his shirt off, his tan skin being caressed by his own hands as Taehyung slowly dragged their arms over his head.

When the shirt was off, the older leaned down, still being on top of Jungkook, looking at the other's tear stained face and red eyes. "C'mon, baby, you can touch me.", he whispered, knowing that Jungkook needed more guidance than he let on show.

The boy immediately complied, his palms settling on Taehyung's waist, caressing his skin until he reached his nipples. Jungkook wasn't exactly sure if Taehyung was sensitive there but he rubbed them between his fingers anyway, Taehyung letting out a soft whimper due to the feeling.

"Oh, you got braver, baby?", Taehyung smiled cheekily, making Jungkook put his palms back on his waist before turning them around and laying on top of the other.

He smashed their lips together, Taehyung gripping the back of Jungkook's head like his life depended on it, fingers tracing through the short strands of hair, one of his legs circling around Jungkook's waist


"We have to get you out of this clothes, Jungkookie. Will you be a good boy and undress for me?"

Jungkook looked at him with wide, reddish eyes, Taehyung rubbing his cheek softly to let him know that everything was fine, that everything was going the way they wanted and that they could stop anytime. The younger pulled away, immediately taking his shirt off, his ripped body making Taehyung sigh as he watched the muscles on his abs contract due to his moves. Jungkook was so pliant now.

"You look so hot, baby. Still can't get over your abs.", Taehyung mumbled, tracing his fingers over Jungkook's torso. "Always looking so pretty for me".

They moved fast after that, kissing messily and undressing until they were both naked, Taehyung back on top of Jungkook since the other was still pliant and waiting for praises instead of taking the lead. Taehyung pressed kisses on the other's neck, not even caring about the no marking rule anymore. Jungkook was a mess, whimpering and moaning as he rolled his hips in search for some friction, Taehyung chuckling every time the younger let out a broken "Hyung, please" fall out of his swollen lips.

"You're so polite baby but you better shut up before a I find a better use for that mouth of yours".

Jungkook whimpered, his hands gripping Taehyung's waist as the other pulled away, rolling his hips softly only to tease the younger more. Taehyung caressed Jungkook's chest with his palms, rubbing his fingers over his nipples teasingly, smiling when the other let out a loud moan fall out of his lips.

"C'mere, be a good boy and help me prep."

Getting off the other's body, Taehyung leaned on his back, patting his legs so Jungkook could fit between them just fine. The younger knew what he needed to do, tracing his fingers over Taehyung's skin in the same teasing manner.

"Don't be a tease, Jungkook.", Taehyung mumbled and Jungkook had no other choice than to listen to him.

Jungkook was slow, making sure he didn't hurt Taehyung as he added more fingers inside him, looking up with doe eyes every time Taehyung whimpered so he could make sure that the other was feeling good. Each time their eyes met the older made sure to smile, petting Jungkook's hair softly before praising him.

When Taehyung felt he was prepped enough he pushed Jungkook's shoulders until the younger was leaning with his back on the sheets, doe, red eyes staring at him as he waited for further praising or instructions from Taehyung. Their eyes met, Jungkook whimpering when the older leaned on top of his body to kiss his lips softly.

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