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Now that Lottie was finally leaving, Jungkook felt more relaxed. She'd be taking a flight in the evening and was busy packing when Jungkook left his house. It was a Saturday and he had just finished studying for his upcoming math test. He had made plans with Taehyung now Lottie would be gone and Jungkook could finally feel a weight leave his shoulders.

Lottie was folding one of her skinny jeans when she saw her boyfriend walk out of his house. Her eyes narrowed at the happy step he seemed to have, and especially at the rucksack he was carrying. It looked as if he was dressed for a night out, but she knew that all of his friends, that were her friends as well, would be studying for the math test they had the next week.

So there was no way he'd be going with her friends. Come to think of it he had been leaving the house a lot lately, always claiming to go study with his other friends. Which other friends? He never said, only gave some vague names and descriptions. It was way too strange for Lottie to believe.

And so she did the only thing she could think of. Follow him to wherever he was going. She'd been getting quite good at sneaking around ever since gaining her second boyfriend. Another thing she had gotten good at was catching the right bus to the nearby college, which was the exact same bus Jungkook was taking right now.

Lottie entered the bus after him, hood up and sitting in the front as Jungkook settled in the back of the bus. They drove towards the place that was crawling with college students and Lottie held her breath when their stop neared. She wasn't sure if he'd actually get out at this stop, it was crazy to think he'd step out here, there was no way he had any business here.

Unfortunately for her Jungkook did get out at the stop, Lottie quickly getting out after him, keeping her distance as he stepped towards the dorm buildings. Her heart was pounding right then, hoping to god she was wrong. But when he stepped into the exact same building where her other boyfriend resided, she was sure she was close to passing out. Though she had to be sure and followed him up the stairs, keeping her footsteps light.

He stepped into the same hallway Taehyung's dorm was situated in and Lottie was convinced she was merely dreaming and she'd wake up from this terrible nightmare. She was about to yell after him, stopping him from getting any closer to Taehyung's door, but she stopped herself when he passed by the familiar door.

Had she been wrong all along? Jungkook stopped a few doors further, lifting his knuckle to knock on the door. Lottie let out a sigh of relief when the door opened and an unknown college student invited him in.

Still, this was dangerous territory. Her boyfriend and her other boyfriend being in the same building? In the same hallway? Just a few rooms apart? It was nerve wrecking. But she couldn't do anything but turn on her heels and get back downstairs, hoping her two boyfriends would never accidently run into each other.


The boy smiled when he saw an already slightly tipsy Taehyung sitting on one of the few couches. Namjoon, who had invited him in, pushed a bottle of beer into Jungkook's hands, "You're already behind kid, gotta keep up with the adults".

Jungkook rolled his eyes at that and quickly took a sip from the bitter drink. He still didn't quite enjoy drinking beer but if he wanted to get drunk tonight, he'd have to keep up. "You started without me", he spoke, a small pout on his lips as he took a seat next to Taehyung.

The older's boys lips spread out in a wide grin, hands quick to wrap around him in a tight hug, "You were too slow".

"I think you were just too quick", Jungkook spoke, rolling his eyes at the way Taehyung downed a whole bottle of beer after releasing him.

"Glad you could come", a formerly unknown orange head spoke, who he had gotten to know of as the owner of the dorm he was currently in. Hoseok was studying biology and was in his last year. He seemed like a fun person and his smile was as bright as the sun for some reason.

Jungkook sent him a small smile, "Thanks for the invite".

"Happy to see me again kid?", Namjoon, fist clumsily bumping against Jungkook's shoulder. He looked quite drunk as well, a goofy smile permanent on his lips. The older boy had bumped into Taehyung last night and decided that three times was a charm and they would have to become best friends. He had told Taehyung to come party with them tonight and to bring his friend.

That's how Jungkook ended up in an unfamiliar dorm, chugging bottles of beer with his newly made college friends. He sometimes got the feeling he was very out of place, but that was until Taehyung would give him a soft smile or a cheeky wink, and he'd fit right back in.

"I got a bottle of gin", Hoseok spoke, pulling the bottle from underneath the little coffee table, "Who's ready to get drunk?"

This book suddenly got a lot more attention woah where did you guys come from?

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