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"I can't believe I'm going to have to share my dorm with an absolute caveman", Taehyung muttered when he walked inside the living room, bed head on display for his boyfriend who chuckled at the terrible state his hair was in. The older boy was wearing silk pajamas, something Jungkook had to get used to seeing. He had always either slept to him when he was naked or just in a big shirt.

"Can you just let it go already?", Jungkook mused as he tapped away on his laptop. He sat around the kitchen table, mug filled with coffee steaming next to him.

Taehyung came to a halt in front of him, "No, what the fuck Jungkook, who eats cereal with his hands?"

"All the spoons were dirty! What did you want me to do- eat with a knife?", Jungkook exasperated, letting his hands drop onto the keyboard, wide eyes staring into Taehyung's annoyed ones. He had never expected to have these kind of discussions with his boyfriend of two months. But once you move in together, you get to see a different side of your roommate.

"Wash one of the goddamn spoons Jungkook!", Taehyung stressed, hands now flying into the air as the energy in his body got too much to handle. And, really, they had only been living together for two weeks. The new semester would start in a week and Jungkook wanted to settle in long beforehand.

"I'm too lazy to do that and you know it", Jungkook replied, dismissing his boyfriend's idea with a wave of his hand. Taehyung let out a loud huff and his eyes swept to the mountain of dishes that still hadn't been done.

"I'm going to suffer", Taehyung mumbled to himself as he marched towards the refrigerator, "A year full of suffering is what I get".

He already had to suffer with finding room for Jungkook's collection of white shirts in his closet. Not to forget the misery of getting a double bed inside of his bedroom so they would finally get rid of their backpains that were caused by constantly falling out of the single bed. Fortunately, Jungkook's parents had gifted them the bed, telling him they knew what kind of nuisance their son was and how glad they were with him being able to put up with Jungkook.

Jungkook looked back up from his laptop, eyebrows now furrowed, "Excuse me- why only a year?"

"Oh didn't I tell you? This relationship has only an one year membership. After this year you'll need to pay me a thousand dollars for another year".

"Sadly I don't have that kind of money but that's okay", Jungkook smiled sweetly, eyes narrowed and nose scrunched, "Wouldn't want your crusty ass after a year anyway".

Taehyung clicked his tongue, getting out the orange juice that he knew Jungkook took a swig of because he was too lazy to reach for a glass, "You quite literally bought my crusty ass lace panties last week".

Taehyung had honestly expected Jungkook to be a tidy person. In bed he was always finding ways to get praised for being a good boy, but in reality, as his roommate, he wasn't a good boy at all. But on the other hand, Taehyung found great pleasure in denying him his release because he hadn't done the dishes again, or hadn't made the bed. And then the next day the dorm would be tidy again.

"You're such a loser", Jungkook immediately mumbled, cheeks flushing at the thought of him stepping inside a women's lingerie shop to buy panties for his older boyfriend. He had only until recently came to know of Taehyung's birthday having passed without his knowing and so he wanted to buy him a present. Only that present was also kind of a present for Jungkook as well.

"Do you think I should get your parents something?", Jungkook asked when silence had settled between them again. Taehyung was busy cutting up a banana and an apple to make himself a smoothie for breakfast. He glanced over his shoulder and noticed how the younger's eyes were wide in worry.

They were going to be spending the next weekend with Taehyung's parents and it had worried Jungkook more with each passing day. The smug feeling he had gotten when he had talk to Taehyung's mother wasn't there anymore and only worry invaded him now.

"No baby, why would you need to get them anything?", Taehyung asked as he turned around, hands leaning on the counter top. He could see Jungkook shrug before he started fumbling with his hands.

"Because they invited me to their house", the raven haired boy mumbled, "I can't just show up empty handed, can I?"

It was a genuine question and it was in times like this that Taehyung could see how young Jungkook actually was. He often acted like he was an adult and sometimes Taehyung actually forgot the age gap between them. Sure, it was only two years but it was visible in times like these. Jungkook got unsure about a lot of things, especially now he was in an unfamiliar place. College was a confusing time.

"I don't think they expect anything from you Kook", the brunette smiled, "The only thing they want is to meet you. They want to get to know my little boyfriend that owns my whole heart a bit better".

"Stop being so cheesy", Jungkook said with a roll of his eyes, though the pink color on his cheek said otherwise, "And who are you calling little? I'm the one with the muscles here".

"You're still a few centimeters smaller so shush", Taehyung smiled, having turned back around now to put his fruit into the mixer, "And you haven't put those muscles into good use lately".

Jungkook's mouth fell open at that. "I am absolutely offended". He knew he hadn't been that dominant in bed ever since Taehyung had found his submissive side. It was so easy to slip into subspace around the older male and he couldn't really fight it, especially not when Taehyung would always coax him back into submission.

"I'll show you", he muttered before continuing his typing. The loud sound of the mixer drowned out his words and it made Jungkook grin as an idea made its way into his head.

Taehyung had no idea what he was in for.

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