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Not much changed after that.

Jungkook still visited Taehyung every now and then, his surprise visits not being much of a surprise anymore. Sometimes Taehyung would find himself staring at Jungkook's lips for a bit too long. The thin pink lips that had been once on him, the same lips that had told him such dirty things. Lost in thoughts, the younger boy would notice the look he was given and he'd smirk before pulling Taehyung into a sweet kiss.

Sometimes Jungkook found himself looking over at Taehyung, wondering if he would ever see him in the way he saw him that night. Naked, moaning, begging him to go rough on him. He'd get hard thinking about it and had to hide himself every time. He had been spending a lot more time in Taehyung's bathroom and he seriously hoped the older didn't notice.

It was a Friday night when Jungkook heard about Lottie's trip to Paris. His mother had told him during dinner and looked at her son with sympathetic eyes. She would be away for two weeks with her parents. Apparently her parents were already very invested in making sure Lottie would go to a good college, especially one in Europe. She would be able to learn a new language, live in a new culture and meet new people.

Jungkook didn't really care, he was more overjoyed than anything. But he couldn't show his parents that so he pulled the corners of his lips down and put on his best puppy eyes. "I'll miss her", he sighed deeply, dropping his fork on the table. His parents threw him sympathetic glances as he acted his best role of sad boyfriend.

He went over to her house later to do the same act again. Every time she pulled him in for a kiss, he'd remember the way he'd pull Taehyung in for a kiss. Every time she talked to him about her day, he wondered how Taehyung's day had been. It had become a serious problem, or rather, it had become an addiction to one specific person.

Jungkook didn't know what to do. Taehyung was crying, like full on sobbing, and he hadn't been able to catch onto his explanation on why exactly he was crying. The younger boy felt useless, completely and utterly useless as he stared at Taehyung who was wrapped up in sheets on his bed. What could he do? How could he possibly calm down the older? He was bad at comforting anyone ever and would always be.

Taehyung flinched when his hands got ripped off his face and warm lips pressed themselves against his mouth. He flinched before relaxing, feeling the familiarity of the situation as he pushed his hand up against the boy's firm chest.

The kiss tasted salty and he cringed at the realization that Jungkook was tasting his tears as well. But the boy didn't seem to care as he pressed his whole body down against Taehyung's. It was messy and Taehyung was still sniffling and hiccupping, but at least the steady stream of tears had stopped.

They pulled back after a minute, Taehyung's chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath. He couldn't believe Jungkook had kissed him again. Couldn't believe he let this happen again.

"'m sorry", Jungkook mumbled, face pressed against Taehyung's shoulder as the older boy wrapped his arms around the boy's tiny waist so he wouldn't roll off. "Didn't know how to make it stop".

Taehyung closed his eyes, not finding any words to respond with. So he just laid in his bed with Jungkook warm in his arms. He nearly fell asleep by the body heat and the weight pushing him down, but the slightest hint of lips pressing against his neck was enough for him to stay wide awake.

"Jungkook-", he sighed out, tilting his head backwards to grant him more space to work with. He didn't mean to be so pliant in the younger's boys touch, but he couldn't really stop himself now. He was already too far gone.

"You're so pretty hyung".

And oh god, the way Taehyung moaned at those words. He cursed as the pressure on his skin deepened, teeth scraping against it almost teasingly. "Pretty hyung", Jungkook mumbled, eyes closed as he nosed Taehyung's jaw.

He should not be allowed to say such things, Taehyung thought. But here Jungkook was, kissing down Taehyung's jaw, up to his ear, saying things that made Taehyung arch up against him.

The younger boy knew all too well what he was doing, was teasing him. He kept his body firm onto the older, making it unable for him to grind up again. "Jungkook-", Taehyung whined, breath hitching when he felt teeth grazing his ear before pulling at.

"Are you okay again hyung?", Jungkook asked, pushing himself from the other's body, doe eyes staring right into his soul. "I hate to see you sad".

"Well if that's how you're going to fix my sadness", Taehyung grinned, wrapping his arms around the boy's neck, pulling him back down, "I don't mind being sad".

"That's not how it's supposed to work", Jungkook mumbled, face back to being buried in the older's chest. "What happened for you to be so sad?"

Taehyung hummed, his large hand running towards Jungkook's hair, softly petting the boy's pretty locks, "Just some old school breakdown caused by college work piling up".

"I'm sorry school is stressing you out", Jungkook pouted, putting his chin on the older's chest so they were face to face again. Taehyung could coo at the way his pretty brown eyes shone in the artificial lighting of the room.

A large smile broke out on his face when he looked at the boy, "It's not your fault silly".

"I know", Jungkook mumbled again, back to burying his face into the warm chest. Taehyung's shirt material was surprisingly soft and really, if Jungkook could, he'd fall asleep right there on the spot. Sadly he had to go home. Lottie would be leaving tomorrow and it'd be too suspicious for him not to stay with her for the last night.

"I heard about Lottie leaving", Taehyung spoke, hands now rubbing up and down the younger's back. His shirt had ridden up by the motion but did either of them really mind? Not really. Taehyung felt the warm skin under the palm of his hand as he pressed it against the boy's back. Jungkook let out a deep sigh, happy at the contact when Taehyung traced a finger up his spine.

"She visited yesterday", Taehyung proceeded, looking at Jungkook's peaceful expression. He had to be careful not to let the boy fall asleep on him, "I told her to have good trip. Hopefully she stays in Paris forever and maybe get a baguette shoved up her pretentious little ass".

A light chuckle left Jungkook's lips at that, "You're silly".

Taehyung raised an eyebrow, his hand stopping in the middle of his back, "What? Are you denying she has a pretentious little ass?"

"No", Jungkook said, shaking his head, "Besides I like your pretentions ass much more. It's much bigger too".

Taehyung's cheeks flushed pink at that and if the younger would be looking at him, he'd given him a glare. The older's hands lifted off his body, making Jungkook let out a small whine, trying to arch into the lingering touch.

The hands were back on him in no time, but this time on a whole other body part. "You're ass is quite nice as well", Taehyung smirked, hands now cupping the boy's butt.

Jungkook flinched at the sudden feeling but soon started laughing, "You're still silly".

And really, all Taehyung wanted at that moment was to spend the rest of his days with Jungkook in his arms.


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