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The next day he got a message from Lottie, explaining how she was sick and that she wouldn't be in school today. She didn't know he tried picking her up yesterday when she was absent already. He typed a message back and slid the phone back into his pocket.

This was the perfect opportunity to talk to that boy.

He waited in front of the school gates yet again, some parents eyeing him suspiciously after hearing the conversation between him and that boy yesterday. He wondered if they all thought he was into family fucking, cause he sure as hell wasn't.

Once the boy from yesterday spotted him at the gates, he froze. Taehyung walked to the middle of the gate so he wouldn't be able to pass him and crossed his arms, sending him a look.

The boy shook his head, before taking a big gulp of air. He seemed to be debating something before blinking away his tears and stalking towards Taehyung and grabbing his wrist, "We need to talk".

"I think we do", the older nodded, feeling himself getting tugged along the street.

"I'm Jungkook, by the way", the boy said once they had settled down in a café. He was a lot calmer than yesterday, but he wasn't sure why. Maybe it was still the aftershock that was getting to him. Or maybe he too hoped this was all a big nightmare.

"The name's Taehyung", the college student shortly smiled, his hands clutched around a hot cup of coffee, "Why did you think I was Lottie's cousin?"

"She told me you were", he mumbled, noticing Taehyung's frown deepening, "But obviously, that was a lie". The boy looked down and the older noticed Jungkook's phone lighting up, his home screen showing his girlfriend.

Taehyung gulped and grabbed the phone, ignoring Jungkook's protests, and clicked the home button, making the screen light up again. "It's really her", he breathed out, seeing how his girlfriend was giving Jungkook a kiss on the cheek.

"I still can't believe it either", Jungkook sighed, rubbing his temples. He had gotten a headache from the continuous crying he had done at home. He had stayed up all night trying to tell himself this was a nightmare and Taehyung wasn't actually dating his girlfriend.

The younger cleared his throat, "How um- this is going to hurt but I need to know- how long have you guys been together?"

"In a few days it'll be 7 months I think", Taehyung said, seeing Jungkook pale again, wondering if this meant Jungkook's relationship had been shorter or longer than his, "What about you?"

"Almost three years", Jungkook gulped, now getting the chance to see Taehyung pale, "We're neighbors so we've been friends for ages".

"So she has been cheating on you with me", Taehyung spoke out slowly, trying to wrap his head around it, "I thought I felt bad already, but I can't begin to imagine how it must feel for you".

"It's pretty bad", Jungkook croaked out, wiping his cheek, "How did you meet her".

"When I went bowling. We made out that same evening and started dating not even a week later", Taehyung explained, fondly thinking back to that night before realizing just how bad it seemed now. She had a boyfriend and that time and didn't tell him.

Jungkook pondered for a moment before he gasped, "I remember that. She went bowling for a friend's birthday. She didn't come home that night".

Taehyung scratched his head, "Yeah, she spent it with me".

Jungkook's eyes widened.

"W-we didn't do anything! I slept on the couch", he spluttered, not wanting to sound like a guy who has sex after meeting a person for a few hours.

"Why didn't I notice something? I should've seen some signs!", Jungkook cried, cradling his face in his hands, "If she was seeing some other guy, I should have noticed. How many times has she lied to me? How many times did I think she was doing homework while in reality she was doing you".

"Hey! We didn't have sex that many times", Taehyung protested, though it was a blatant lie. They did have sex quite a lot, but it's not like he wanted to tell her crying boyfriend that. "Besides, I'm asking myself the same question".

He sighed for the ninth time that day, "This does explain why I've never met her family though. She told me they were extremely protective and didn't want her dating because it would distract her from her studies".

Jungkook frowned at that, his hands enclosing around the coffee mug standing in front of him. "That doesn't sound anything like them. They're the nicest people I've ever met".

Taehyung nodded, already expecting something like that. It seemed that everything he had ever believed to be real, was falling apart with every word the younger said. But he knew that Jungkook was probably experiencing the same thing, maybe even worse after their 3 years of relationship.

Taehyung huffed, "I guess you are the show off boyfriend and I am the secret one".

Jungkook immediately began shaking his head at that, "But you're the cool college boyfriend and I'm the boring, same age boyfriend". He took a sip from his hot drink and then narrowed his eyes at the older, "I guess you're the social type aren't you? Smart, cool, drives a car? Confident in himself?"

"I guess I'm kind of cool", Taehyung hummed with a shrug, "I'm definitely smart. I don't drive a car here in the city, but I could".

"You sure are confident", Jungkook clicked his tongue, wondering how the hell his girlfriend hadn't broken up with him the moment she met Taehyung. Why did she keep him on the side?

Taehyung merely shrugged, "There's nothing wrong with a little bit of confidence". Right after he said those words, Jungkook's phone started ringing, the picture of the two of them flashing brightly on his screen.

The youngest gulped as he read the name that was displayed on the screen, "Lottie is calling".

Taehyung's eyes went from the phone to Jungkook, "What are you going to do?"

"What are we going to do?", Jungkook repeated, trying his hardest to ignore the ringtone going off for the second time. He narrowed his eyes at the older, "Do you still want to date her?"

"Do you still want to date her?", Taehyung fired back.

"Of course not, she broke my heart and my trust and I don't ever want to see her again", the youngest said, though he knew he desperately wanted to see her. He wanted her to explain to him that this was all just a misunderstanding.

Taehyung hummed, "Well same goes for me, but we can't just let her go away with this. She has to pay for hurting us like this. If we break up with her, who knows how quickly she'll find another boyfriend?"

Jungkook hadn't even thought of the possibility of a possible third boyfriend. What if she was cheating on both of them with yet another person? "So what should I do?"

"Act normal, for now", Taehyung spoke, pointing at the ringing phone, "Answer that phone like nothing's wrong. Act like you suspect nothing".

Jungkook nodded, though he was terrified of slipping up, he grabbed the phone and pressed the answer button. "Hey babe", he said as he started to feel himself sweat from having to lie.

Taehyung could only hear some muffled words coming from the phone and not long after Jungkook ended the call. He placed down his phone again before looking Taehyung deadly in the eyes, "We need a plan. And a good one".


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