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The inside of the club was hot, oxygen almost unavailable and sweat an immediate response when entered. Jungkook hadn't been in one before and was fascinated by the people enjoying their night out as the heavy and hot atmosphere pushed down onto the dancing bodies. Some pop song was playing in the club, the sound loud enough for people to start yelling at each other in conversation.

Jungkook had gotten in by some fake id Namjoon pulled out from god knows where. He finally started walking again as a large hand spread out of the small of his back, palm warm as it guided him towards one end of the club where there was a bit more space to move around.

Taehyung smiled down at him as they leant against the wall of the club, eyes scanning for their two other friends that had gone off to the bar to try and get them drinks. "What are your thoughts?", Taehyung asked as he saw Jungkook's nervous but curious expression.

"There's a lot of people in here", the boy responded, eyes flickering from one person to another. Everyone seemed to be having a good time, and if they weren't, they were chugging down alcohol to make it seem that they were alright.

"You want to dance?", Taehyung asked, his hand now on Jungkook's shoulder, making the younger boy look up to him. Taehyung didn't wait for a response though as he grabbed the younger by the waist and began moving.

Jungkook wanted to protest, tell him about being awful at dancing, but he was too drunk to care and really, why would he even waste effort on opening his mouth to argue, if he could just use his mouth to kiss the boy in front of him with.

Namjoon wasn't surprised to find his friends barely dancing, mouths too busy to really try their best at moving the rest of their bodies to the beat. Hoseok was a bit more surprised but merely shrugged as he caught Namjoon's stare and they quickly retreated back to the bar.

Jungkook lapped his tongue against the inside of Taehyung's mouth, feeling the vibrations of the older's moans as his palm rested on his chest. He wasn't really sure if people were staring at them or if the song had changed, but it was hard to care when your back was suddenly pushed up against a wall and someone was grinding up against you.

"Taehyung", he moaned out, chest heaving as he was finally able to take a breath, "We should stop. We should dance".

"We were dancing", Taehyung smirked before grabbing Jungkook by the waist and pulling him against his body. The song had slowed down to something and Jungkook felt his eyes close at the soft tune as he leaned his chin on the other's shoulder.

Taehyung's shoulders were quite broad and he'd spend the whole night admiring and marking them if he could. But right now, they were in public, unfortunately, and they were dancing, kind of. Jungkook was actually starting to calm down from their former kiss, when the beat jumped up again.

His breath hitched in his throat at the sudden swirl of arousal that shot through him. Taehyung had pushed himself forward, effectively grinding up against him. Jungkook didn't know what to think as the song changed into something lustful and soon their dance turned into one as well.

"We should get out of here", Taehyung whispered, breath hot against the shell of Jungkook's ear. The younger boy didn't have any strength left, pathetically rutting up against the older but being denied by large hands holding his hips steady. "Let's go". And who was Jungkook to deny such a thing?

The dorm was dark and Jungkook had barely enough time to close the curtains in Taehyung's bedroom before he was pushed onto the bed.

Taehyung smirked as he climbed onto the boy, thighs firmly pressed against Jungkook's hips. The younger boy was dazed, trying to grasp the image of Taehyung on top of him, looking so pretty. The older pressed his hands against the boy's firm chest and gave his hips an experimental roll. Jungkook groaned and tilted his head backwards, his arousal only growing at the way Taehyung was staring at him through lidded eyes.

"Are you going to be a good boy?", Taehyung asked, voice suddenly sultry and really- Jungkook had never been this aroused in his life. He was pretty sure he'd never been this loud before but Taehyung didn't seem to mind, a sly smirk appearing on his lips.

He began rolling his lips in a steady rhythm as he leaned down, breath fanning over the other boy's lips, "Tell me what you want Kook".

Jungkook really wanted to do, tried his hardest to form words, but the way his dick responded to the friction was enough to make his brain stop functioning altogether. Taehyung didn't seem too happy with the lack of response as his hand reached towards the raven black locks of the other and gave a rough tug.

And as he expected, the roughness didn't hurt Jungkook, rather make him moan even louder. "Good boys answer when they're being asked something".

Jungkook didn't expected he'd ever enjoy being manhandled but guess you find out new things about yourself every day. "I- uh I want you", the boy grunted as another tug pulled his head forward, lips now barely grazing Taehyung's.

"Be more specific baby", the older boy spoke, mischievous eyes staring deeply into the younger's. He then released the other's hair and stopped rolling his hips, drawing out a loud whimper from Jungkook. "Seems you don't want to fuck me at all".

"N-no please- don't stop", Jungkook didn't know why it was so hard to speak. Was it the alcohol? The arousal? He was so fucking needy for the other boy but he could barely express his feelings. His eyes widened and slight panic rose when he saw how Taehyung pushed himself off the other boy and when it looked like he was beginning to actual leave, Jungkook panicked and grabbed onto his wrist. "No! Please don't leave! I can- I can be good".

"Are you going to be good? Be a good boy for me?"

Jungkook nodded, his head seemingly on automatic pilot as he watched Taehyung climb back onto his body. "I-I'll be good. I'll be a good boy for you, I s-swear".

Taehyung tutted, head tilted to the side as he watched the tears slip out of the younger's eyes. It didn't seem as if Jungkook knew he was crying, was too far gone to focus on anything else but Taehyung's touch. "I'll treat you very nice tonight baby", the older boy smiled, wiping his thumb underneath the boy's eyes, "You look very pretty when you cry".

"Please- I want to fuck you- want to make you feel good- want to take care of you-"

"Shh baby you're good, being very good", Taehyung smiled, pressing a soft but lingering kiss on the boy's lips, "Let's get you out of these clothes first alright?"

"Wan' to undress you".

Taehyung raised an eyebrow but complied, "C'me here then".

Well then. That was something.

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