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Jungkook was again standing in front of the living room window, buzzing with excitement and nerves. His parents were in the back of the room watching him but they weren't as confused as last time. "So that's why you were so excited to be going to the mall with a supposedly mere friend a few weeks back", his mother smiled as Jungkook hopped around, trying to get rid of his nerves.

"Should've known there was something strange going on", his father mumbled, "He never dresses up when seeing friends".

His mother hummed, "And surely never puts on pants that tight".

"Can you shut up already", their son whined, his face now practically pushed against the glass, breath fogging up the window as he looked left and right. There still wasn't a car heading their way. "Jungkook stop that, you'll get the window dirty", his mother scolded before turning on her heels, wandering back into the kitchen where an amazing scent came from.

Jungkook let out a loud gasp when he noticed the black car pulling into their driveway, quickly letting go of the window. "He's here!", he yelled before spurting towards the front door. His parents shared amused looks and watched how their son almost stumbled on the doormat before slamming the door open.


The said boy chuckled as he saw how excited the other boy was. Jungkook almost bounded over to him, tackling him into a hug when he was into arm's reach. "You're so happy to see me", Taehyung smiled, ruffling the younger boy's hair.

"I'm always happy to see you", Jungkook smiled, before pressing his lips onto the older's. They lost each other in the kiss for a moment before they realized they were still standing in the doorway. "Let's go in!", Jungkook said, stepping aside so Taehyung could make his way through.

When the older boy was inside and Jungkook made sure to accept his coat and scarf like the good host he is, they made their way to the living room where his parents were waiting. Both of them shot Taehyung a warm smile when he walked in, already coming over to shake their hand.

"Thank you for the invitation", Taehyung smiled as he shook Jungkook's father's hand. The man shook his head and gave an equally polite smile back, "No, thank you for taking care of our son these past weeks".

"Dad", Jungkook let out a huff at the man's words, "I'm an adult, you know. He doesn't take care of me".

"Oh I think I take good care of you alright?", Taehyung grinned before sending him a mischievous wink that made the tips of Jungkook's ears bright red. The parents ignored his words, both still needing to get used to the thought of their son being intimate with a boy.

"Let's eat", his mother smiled, diverting the conversation to something entirely different. Taehyung nodded and took the seat that was right across of Jungkook so they could play footsie beneath the table.

Dinner went quite smoothly. Jungkook's parents got to know about what he was studying at college and what he tried to achieve by it. They were told he was renting an one person's dorm but was quickly interrupted by Jungkook telling his parents that two people could easily fit in there. Taehyung had to laugh at that, knowing that Jungkook was trying to persuade his parents into letting him go to college with Taehyung, and preferably stay in the same dorm.

When dessert came around Taehyung got a call and he excused himself from the table. Jungkook bit his lip in worry when he noticed the older boy step back into the room not even a minute later, a puzzled look on his face. "What's wrong?", he asked softly. His parents were busy in the kitchen, probably scooping out ice cream.

"It's my mother", Taehyung spoke, his voice quite strange.

Jungkook tilted his head to the side in confusion, "Oh what did she want to talk to you about?"

"She doesn't want to talk to me", Taehyung spoke, before pushing the phone into the younger's hand, "It's you she wants to talk to".

"Me?", Jungkook almost shrieked before giving the small device a panicked look. Talking to Taehyung's mother? That was not something he had signed up for yet! They weren't even officially together yet- well, not that it really mattered anyway. They saw each other as boyfriends and he saw his graduation day as the official date they started dating.

Taehyung nodded and ushered him to talk to his mother. Jungkook lifted the phone up to his ear, hand a bit shaky by the mere thought of messing up the conversation. "Hello?"

The brunette listened with a heavily pounding heart to Jungkook's side of the conversation. He had no idea why his mother wanted to talk to Jungkook when he had only told her about him a week ago.

It's not that he wasn't fond of his family. It was more of a necessity to not have too much contact with them. His mother had been coddling him every day of his life and he was relieved when he could finally leave for college. However, even with so much distance between his hometown and college, she still couldn't let go of her youngest son.

And so she called every day, asked about everything he had done the day before and so on. It drove him absolutely crazy. He didn't feel like he was finally independent and so he straight up told his mother to leave him alone, that he was an adult now, and that she had to stop meddling with his life.

It had gotten even worse when he realized she often checked where he was through this app their whole family had. You could see a phone's location on it and so his mother often texted him about staying out too late or being in clubs when he wasn't even legal to drink yet.

And so another outburst had happened and from that moment on he had broken almost all contact with his family. He still visited with Christmas and other holidays and if there was a huge problem he had to deal with he'd call his dad or something.

He hadn't wanted to inform his mother about Lottie, scared she would start worrying about him too much up to the point she'd go back to her meddling self. But when Jungkook declared his love to him, he just had to tell the news about his newfound boyfriend.

"Okay, I will", Jungkook smiled, "Have a nice day Mrs Kim!"

He then ended the call and Taehyung was ready to pounce on him. "What did she say?"

Jungkook grinned at him, a smug look washing over his face. He draped his arm over the table as he handed the phone back to Taehyung. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

"What would he like to know?", his father asked when he walked inside, plates filled with ice cream and pieces of brownies in his hands. Taehyung huffed and sat himself back down, quickly kicking Jungkook's leg under the table to notify him of his annoyance.

"Taehyung's mother wanted to talk to me".

"Really?", his mother asked when she walked in with the remaining plates, surprise evident in her voice, "What did she say?"

"She was ecstatic to hear about this wonderful boy that had made her son's whole world better", he smirked, seeing Taehyung sink deeper into his chair. "And she wanted to meet me. So I'm invited for a weekend to Daegu".

"You are what?", Taehyung asked, done with sliding down his chair when he heard this information.

Jungkook laughed at him, an amused expression now on his face, "Oh but she told me you could come as well".

"Thanks, I feel so honored to be invited to my own house", Taehyung said with a roll of his eyes.

He couldn't believe his mother invited Jungkook to his house right underneath his nose. She really was an evil woman. But when Taehyung looked up to Jungkook when they started eating dessert and found the honest excited expression in his eyes, he silently thanked her for being so supportive.

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