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They didn't talk about it the next day. Which was weird considering they had been quite talkative the day before. The bedroom was deadly silent, even though both of the boys had been awake for some time. Jungkook was considering just straight up leaving since the tension in the room was almost suffocating. He glanced at the half naked boy lying beside him, wondering what the hell was going through Taehyung's brain at the moment.

Jungkook was confused, unsure if Taehyung had meant what he had said. The reason he had given Jungkook affection that time they were drunk was purely because he w needy. What if that had been the reason for last night as well? What if it was all just pure and useless lust.

Taehyung closed his eyes as he felt huge waves of regret hit his body, regret at letting his feelings get the best of him. He shouldn't have done this. He shouldn't have opened his mouth and let it all spill out. He should have just kept his mouth shut and watch the movie. But no- he had to get emotional and fuck it all up.

What if Jungkook regretted it as well? What if he was suddenly aware of the fact that he wasn't gay at all and was actually disgusted by Taehyung?

Neither of the boys spoke. That was until Jungkook's phone started ringing, accompanied by a picture of Lottie, reminding them both of what exactly had happened last night and how bad it'd be if she found out.

Jungkook took the call, hoping it'd clear the awkward tension in the room. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Taehyung get out of bed with a wince and limping to the bathroom. He felt bad for bringing pain to Taehyung, he felt bad for not taking care of him.

But he couldn't say that. He couldn't say anything. He could only watch how Taehyung limped out of the room and could only listen to Lottie's rambles about their supposed date night tomorrow.

He left soon after. Both boys not haven spoken a word.

"I fucked up Jimin".

The college boys were sat on Taehyung's couch, holding hot mugs of tea as Taehyung spilled the details of the night before. Jimin merely listened, knowing his friend just needed to get it all out first before he could say anything back at all.

"We didn't even talk this morning. I know he regrets it, I know he does. It just fucking hurts to think about how I messed up our friendship".

"Taehyung", Jimin sighed, eyes looking up from the mug to his friend's pitiful gaze, "It takes two to have sex. He had a say in it as well".

"But I started it".

"And he finished it, from what I can remember", the older boy spoke, a slight hint of a grin on his lips. Taehyung's ears turned red at the memory of Jungkook coming inside of him while he himself had already finished.

"What do I do now Chim?"

"I'd say you just try to pretend as if nothing happened. If he wants to talk about it, fine. But if you both regret it, maybe it's best to just forget it ever happened.

Which was an easy thing to say, but not as easy to do.

Because Jungkook showed up a week later, a bag of candy in his hands and a wry smile on his face.


Taehyung's breath got stuck in his throat at seeing the boy he'd been thinking about all week stand in front of his door.

"I guess this is a surprise visit, again", Jungkook awkwardly chuckled before pushing out his arm and showing Taehyung the bag, "This is for you".

Taehyung merely stared at the bag before he realized he needed to say something. "For me? Why?"

Jungkook cleared his throat, eyes a bit shifty, "Because I just left last time. Without saying anything".

Oh shit he was talking about it. He wasn't going to pretend as if nothing's happened.

"You didn't have to-"

"I felt bad, really really bad, and I guess I tried fixing it with candy", the boy proceeded, cutting off the older.

Taehyung frowned, the bag of candy heavy in his hand, "You shouldn't feel bad. I kept quiet as well". This made Jungkook look up, his teeth nibbling on his bottom lip. "Yeah why did you?"

Taehyung sighed. "I was scared you regretted it. I was scared I'd fucked up our friendship. I was scared you got disgusted by me".

"Taehyung, I had sex with you. How the hell could I be disgusted by you?", Jungkook asked, voice now even softer than before.

The older male shrugged, "I don't know- hey, if that's so, then why didn't you say something?"

Jungkook rubbed the back of his neck, seemingly embarrassed by the question, "You're not going to like my answer". Taehyung merely stared at him, silently telling him to go on. "I thought you might regretted it as well because that night you kissed my neck, you told me it's because you were sexually frustrated and I uh-"

"You felt used", Taehyung realized, mouth open and eyes wide at the sudden memory of him telling Jungkook that. "Jungkook, the only reason I said that was because I didn't want to explain that I found you attractive".

"Oh". Jungkook abruptly dropped his arm, his face now blank. "Well, I guess then we were worrying about nothing".

"You wanna come in?", Taehyung finally asked after realizing he had left Jungkook standing in the hallway. He really hoped none of his neighbors had heard their conversation. It was pretty evident what it was about.

Jungkook gave a tentative smile, "Sure".

Two updates today maybe???? Because this one is quite short????

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