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Jungkook was laughing, a bright sound that almost lit up the entire outside ice skating rink. Even though Taehyung's cheek was sticking to the ice and his body was a bit hurt by the fall, he couldn't help but smile. He had set one foot onto the ice and slipped, Jungkook being too slow to catch him. "Help me up please", he mumbled, sticking out an arm.

The youngest chuckled before nodding his head, reaching out his hand as well so he could pull the other up. He clutched the side of the skating rink to hold himself upright, before pulling the other up. "I have never seen someone fall that dramatically ever before", Jungkook grinned when the boy finally stood back on his two feet.

Taehyung huffed as he patted the snow off his pants, his jeans now soaked and cold. "Shut up", he murmured, ready to push the younger down if he dared laughing again. "Let's skate".

"You sure you can?", Jungkook was still grinning, his eyes catching the older's glare, "Come on you baby". He grabbed Taehyung's gloved hand and tugged him along, the older letting out a surprised shriek at the sudden motion. His legs wobbled as Jungkook pulled him with him.

"You're too slow", Jungkook complained, hearing the older's complaints about him being too fast. Taehyung resembled a baby deer trying to walk for the very first time. Jungkook snickered and released his hand.

This frightened Taehyung even more since now he had nothing to hold onto. As he glanced up from his wobbly feet to the younger to complain about letting him go, his eyes widened. Jungkook was skating away at a fast pace before jumping up, doing a turn, before landing backwards onto his other skate.

Taehyung's mouth fell open at that. He noticed some other people staring at Jungkook as well, the boy now skating back to him, a bright smile on his lips. "I still got it", he said as he grabbed both of Taehyung's hands and started skating backwards, pulling the older forward. "How- Where did you learn that?", the older boy asked, his facial expression still one of shock.

"I did some ice skating when I was younger. That thing I just did is called an Axel", Jungkook explained, his movements smooth as he pulled a swaying Taehyung with him, remaining eye contact the whole time, "I thought of becoming a figure skater before people started telling me not to, since it'd be too gay. So I did ice hockey for a few years until I discovered baseball".

"It looked so cool", Taehyung blurted out, his eyes almost starry like as he stared at Jungkook, making the younger boy chuckle. "Do it again please".

Jungkook rolled his eyes but complied. There weren't many people on the ice that day, leaving a lot of open space for him to practice on. He released Taehyung's hands and turned around, beginning to gain some speed. As he skated, he got another idea. He turned around, skating backwards this time, his gaze meeting Taehyung's confused one.

He did a double spin and landed back on his feet, again backwards this time. Some people he passed by started clapping, making his smile grow even bigger and his cheeks redden. "How can you do all that when I can barely stand on my two feet on the ice?", Taehyung gaped, pointing at the nearing Jungkook.

"Practice. Lots of practice and lots of bruises", the younger chuckled, "Do you want to skate around some more?"

"I think I'm going to sit down for a while? My feet are hurting already", Taehyung pointed back to the bench outside the skating rink, "But you can go on. I'll watch you from the side line".

Jungkook nodded before seeing Taehyung off, the boy clambering off the ice and finding a spot on a comfortable bench. The older loosened his skates, sighing in relief when some of the pressure on his feet was relieved. He smiled when he saw how determined Jungkook looked when he glided along the ice. The boy seemed to really be enjoying himself.

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