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Taehyung hadn't heard from Jungkook in days and so it completely surprised him when he found the boy standing on his doorstep.

"Hey", the brunette smiled, eyes sparkling at seeing the boy again. He had gotten worried by the lack of contact these past few days but the worry that was washed away just a few seconds ago was quickly replaced with even worse nerves when Jungkook opened his mouth.

"We need to talk".

Taehyung pressed his mouth shut and merely nodded as he let the boy shuffle inside. Jungkook was trembling, that was the first thing he noticed, and the second thing was the scratchy voice that left his lips. "I need to tell you something important".

Taehyung felt this throat close up, sensing that whatever Jungkook was about to say would hurt him. "Sure, what is it?"

"I have one request", Jungkook began, "Will you please let me finish talking before asking any questions?"

Taehyung frowned but nodded nonetheless. He didn't like the sound of that request but he couldn't help but agree to it. He motioned over to the couch so they could sit down but Jungkook merely shook his head, denying the invite. This worried the older even more.

"I've decided not to go through with our plan".

Taehyung opened his mouth in protest but remembered he needed to hear the whole explanation. He watched how Jungkook took a shaky breath, hands still trembling even when they were holding onto the front of his own shirt.

"I'm going back to being with Lottie", he spoke, his voice coming out completely lifeless and it made Taehyung's chest hurt. He wanted to protest again but was battling with the compromise he had made a minute ago. So he kept his mouth shut once again and hardened his gaze as he gazed at the younger boy.

"I told her I knew about her cheating. And she said she was sorry, then she begged me to stay with her", the younger boy continued, the trembling gotten even worse, "I still love her Taehyung".

"Bullshit", Taehyung retaliated, the cold voice making Jungkook step back in surprise. "Are these your own words Jungkook?"

"Y-yes", the boy nodded but the older wasn't convinced at all. The boy was acting as if this hurt him as much as it hurt Taehyung. There was no way those words were his own.

"What about us?", he immediately shot back, feeling his heart squeeze at the thought of stopping whatever was going on between the two of them, "Does she know about us?"

"No", Jungkook furiously shook his head, "And she doesn't need to. There's nothing to tell anyway".

The older boy took a hesitant step back, breath clogging up in his throat, "Are you saying we were nothing?" The voice was barely a whisper and it was obvious how conflicted Jungkook looked when he heard the question.

He hesitated for a moment before sighing, dropping his previous fumbling hands in the progress. "What could we have ever been Taehyung?", he voiced out, the question hanging in the tension thickened air.

Taehyung couldn't believe what he was hearing. They were nothing? No- fuck that, they were everything! They were everything he had ever wanted. "Are you fucking serious right now?", he yelled out, "You have to be fucking kidding me".

It only angered him when the other boy kept silent. "I should have known you weren't going to be strong enough to go through with the plan", Taehyung snapped, tone as vicious as a snake, "Should've known you're only a cry baby".

Jungkook's face fell at that, "That's not true-"

"Get out Jungkook", Taehyung yelled, face red at how angry he had gotten. He hadn't thought he had ever been this upset before. This moment hurt him more than the moment he found out about Lottie cheating on him.

The younger wanted to protest but he gave up at seeing the furious look on the other boy's face. It was as if his whole body deflated and he started taking slow steps towards the front door. As he passed Taehyung, he could hear the last awful mumble that made him bite back a sob.

"And get out of my life while you're at it".

"He what?"

"You heard me", Taehyung snapped, grabbing another tissue out of the box as he practically faceplanted into it. He had been crying for the past two hours, feeling like absolute shit ever since Jungkook walked out.

He was on the phone with Jimin, having completely broken down in the middle of his explanation and so he had to do the explanation twice. "I can't believe he did that", the oldest boy spoke through the phone, "From what you told me, he doesn't seem like the type to do this kind of shit".

"Well he obviously dumped me", Taehyung sighed, voice croaky after straining it for the past two hours, "Not that there was a lot of dumping to do since we were never actually together".

"Bullshit, even if it wasn't official between you two, it was obvious you were on your way towards something official", Jimin retorted, still puzzled by hearing what Jungkook did. He could faintly hear a knock in the distance and Taehyung responded with a small Just one second.

"Hoseok? Namjoon?", the brunette asked, confused at seeing the two boys standing in front of his door. He quickly wiped his eyes dry, cursing at himself because his eyes were obviously still red.

"Hi, we heard what happened", Hoseok gave the younger a tentative smile. When he got an even more confused look back, he motioned over to his own dorm door that was barely a few meters away. "It was obvious".

"Oh". Taehyung didn't say much else and let the boys inside. He then held the phone back to his ear, "It was Hoseok and Namjoon", he then listened to Jimin and changed the call to being on loudspeaker.

"I don't understand", Namjoon sighed as he sat down onto the couch, pushing back his fringe, "I saw the way you guys interacted with each other. The chemistry between you two was obvious to everyone around".

Hoseok shook his head as well, "I don't understand either. He seemed to be really into you".

"Guys, this isn't helping", Jimin's voice spoke from the phone. It made Hoseok and Namjoon's mouth immediately clamp shut, both giving Taehyung guilty glances. They noticed the unshed tears in the younger boy's eyes and Namjoon gave him a supportive pat. "We're here for you bud".

This made Taehyung break out in loud sobs, going to hide his face in his hands. He cried his heart out as the other three boys softly shushed him, Namjoon giving him soothing rubs on his back.

"Sometimes I just wonder", Taehyung's voice broke, "What did I lack that he had to go back to her?"

Welp looks like it's time to hide away from the oncoming upset readers *disappears into thin air*

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