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"Babe are you okay?"

Taehyung was worrying if the whole train carriage was shaking at this point as he glanced to the side to look at his boyfriend who trembling with nerves. His leg was bouncing up and down, probably trying to release stress, but it agitated Taehyung. So he reached over and put his hand on top of Jungkook's knee, pushing down a bit so he'd stop moving.

Jungkook huffed at the action and turned his head to the window. "Just a bit nervous", he mumbled as he watched the scenery flash by.

His anxious filled eyes softened when he felt a kiss being pressed against his hair. An arm wrapped around his waist and pulled him closer, the boy almost squeaking at the quick movement as he slid across the train bench and was pressed against his boyfriend's body.

"It'll be alright", Taehyung smiled down at the boy who was now pouting, "My parents will love you".

It was hard to stay pouting when his boyfriend was being so soft with him. So Jungkook changed it into a smile as he cuddled into the older boy, face now pressed against the broad shoulder that was clad in a thick woolen sweater. The material couldn't hide the secrets that were underneath because Jungkook knew just what kind of state Taehyung shoulders were in.

Yesterday, he had finally been able to worship the boy's shoulders as he always had been wanting to do. Taehyung had laughed when Jungkook had starting attacking them with his lips, covering them in love bites. "Your shoulder kink is showing baby", he had said, fingers tangled into his boyfriend's dark hair.

Jungkook didn't care he had a shoulder kink. He was a sucker for the boy's broad shoulders and now there was proof that he did.

Taehyung noticed the way his younger boyfriend was nuzzling against the part of his shoulder where a larger hickey he had made the day before was situated. The older boy shuddered as the material of his sweater made contact with the bruise and he knew that Jungkook was probably grinning at his reaction.

Taehyung noticed were nearing their destination and it was obvious by Jungkook's worrying on his bottom lip that he noticed that as well. Taehyung raised his hand and pressed down onto the pained bottom lip, stopping Jungkook from attacking it even more. "Don't hurt yourself", he spoke calmly before softly tracing the chapped lip.

Jungkook shuddered at the touch but allowed it, knowing he shouldn't be worrying so much. The train slowed down and the station came in sight. Taehyung dropped his hand and his eyes started searching for a familiar person waiting for them on the platform. They got up, grabbed their suitcases and exited the train, Taehyung quickly pulling his boyfriend towards an older man.

The younger boy immediately noticed the resemblance between his boyfriend and the man waiting on the platform. He had the same broad shoulders, the same smile and twinkling eyes. "Son", the man spoke, a bright smile on his lips as they came closer.

Taehyung released Jungkook's hand for a moment, diving into his father's arm. "Dad", the older boy mirrored the bright smile, eyes crinkling as he hugged his father.

Jungkook watched the two hug and felt the nerves coming back double fold now he was actually standing in front of his boyfriend's father. He waited for the two to release each other before making himself known. "Hi, I'm Jungkook". He stuck out his hand in politeness.

"Hello Jungkook, I'm Daehyun", the man spoke before taking the smaller hand in his and shaking it. Jungkook stared at the large hand in fascination. When they made their way towards the car the younger boy turned to his boyfriend. "Large hands totally run in your family", he whispered.

The older male chuckled before enclosing Jungkook's smaller hand into his own, the younger boy glancing down. "And you totally love it", Taehyung grinned as he watched his boyfriend's eyes twinkle in happiness.

Taehyung and Jungkook got in the backseat as Daehyun took his place behind the steering wheel. The trip to their house didn't take too long and the car ride was mostly filled with Taehyung and his father catching up with each other.

Jungkook noticed the suburban neighborhood they entered and started wondering what kind of house Taehyung grew up in. Would it be the kind that had a swing in the backyard, flowers in the front yard, the kind of house nothing bad could happen in?

He wasn't far off with his assumption because the drive way they parked into was huge and Jungkook believed he unconsciously started dating a man that came out of a wealthy family. Taehyung paid no mind to Jungkook's wide surprised eyes as they got out of the car.

Daehyun had already taken their suitcases out of the trunk and was carrying them towards the front door. Jungkook wanted to protest, not quite happy with the fact that Taehyung's father was carrying his heavy suitcase, but he was stopped by his boyfriend. Taehyung merely shook his head and took Jungkook's hand in his, leading him towards the front door as well.

A brightly smiling woman was waiting for them in the hallway. She greeted her husband before flying over to Taehyung, engulfing him in a big hug. Not even five seconds later she released her son and turned to Jungkook instead, hands going over to clasp his shoulder tightly.

"I can't believe Taehyung has such a cute boyfriend!", she chirped, effectively coloring the boy's cheek a bright pink, "I'm so glad you accepted our invitation Jungkook".

"Thank you for inviting me Mrs. Kim", the boy shyly smiled, overwhelmed by the woman's excitement.

Taehyung clicked his tongue as he recognized his boyfriend's expression, "Mom, you're scaring him"

The woman didn't seem too bothered by what her son said and decided to ignore it instead, "Call me Yoori, dear, Mrs. Kim makes me sound so old".

Her husband rolled his eyes, "You are old". Jungkook was amazed at the quick movements of the woman as she immediately turned around at those words, hands already grabbing the man's tie. "You're two years older than me, what does that say about you", she slowly spoke as she narrowed her eyes.

Jungkook had no idea what was happening but it didn't matter because soon enough the three of them were laughing and he was pushed into the living room where the amazing scent of ramen filled the air. His coat was taken and hanging on the coat rack and he was offered comfy slippers instead of his shoes.

The house was impressive on the inside. It looked modern but wasn't too abstract and still had a homey feel to it. He was pushed onto one of the couches by his boyfriend, the white leather feeling cool to his skin, but the pretty colorful cushions were soft to the touch.

"Do you like it?", Taehyung asked as he watched Jungkook's eyes sparkle in amazement when he took in the interior of the house. "I wanted to show you my room but mom said we should have dinner first".

Jungkook nodded, too busy taking in every detail to reply. The contrast with his own home and family seemed so big. These parents were ready to accept him as their son's boyfriend, neither of them weirded out by him being a boy. They weren't awkward, didn't seem to have any financial problems either and there was no Lottie living right next to them.

Taehyung chuckled at his boyfriend, head shaking as the boy kept silently admiring the house. "Come on, I think dinner's ready", he nudged his boyfriend and got up, already making his way towards the dining table.

Jungkook, now finally shaken out of his daze, smiled as he watched his boyfriend interact with his parents. He was really excited for the rest of the weekend. And especially for what he had planned for their nightly activities.

I'm going on holiday with friends from Monday to Friday so I won't have much time to write. Sorry if there won't be as much updates as usual :/

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