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"You sure you'll be okay honey?"

The boy rolled his eyes, "Mom I'm almost eighteen. I can be home alone for a day".

"There's food in the fridge when you get hungry, or you can just order something if you want. We'll be back around midnight probably", the woman spoke, pointing to the fridge that was covered in sticky notes.

"Or maybe not", his father winked, drawing a disgusted expression on his son's face. The older man got a slap on the shoulder from his wife and he rolled his eyes, "Yeah, we'll be back around midnight".

Jungkook was buzzing on the spot, excitement running through his veins as he stared at the phone in his hand, a message still displayed on the device.

I'm on my way

Taehyung was spending the day at Jungkook's house. With Lottie and her parents away, and now also his parents, it was the perfect opportunity to invite him over. The older boy had never been in his house, obviously, and Jungkook felt guilty at always hanging around Taehyung's place. He couldn't wait to spend the day together. He had even cleaned his room just in case.

With trembling hands he flattened his hair as he looked inside the mirror. He was nervous to see Taehyung again. It had gotten a normal reaction to hearing – or just thinking – about the older boy. He glanced at the dark red hoodie he was wearing, the hoodie that Taehyung had bought him. He still blushed as he remembered the way Taehyung had offered to buy him something, wallet in hand as he told him to pick something he liked.

"Come on", he had said, eyes turning stern as Jungkook stayed unmoving on the spot, "Just see it as an early graduation present".

Jungkook had muttered, "You're sounding like you're my sugar daddy or something".

"I'm not that much older Jungkook", the older boy had rolled his eyes before nudging the other towards the clothing racks, "And that's not a kink I'm quite into".

"Glad we agree on that".

Jungkook nearly jumped a feet into the air, hearing the sudden doorbell break him out of his daydreaming. He hurried to the front door and almost slammed the door open just so he could see Taehyung's lovely face.

And indeed, his face was as lovely as always. The boy was wearing a grey turtle neck, wide framed glasses perched on top of his nose and tight black jeans wrapped around his legs. The boy smiled when the two made eye contact and Jungkook quickly forgot he was supposed to actually invite the boy inside and not just stare at him all day.

Taehyung stepped inside the bedroom, the last room of the tour Jungkook was giving, eyebrows immediately turning into a furrow. Jungkook's eyes followed the brunette as he spun around on his heels before marching towards the closet. With an amused expression he watched Taehyung quite dramatically open the closet, eyes immediately flicking over to the inside of the wardrobe. "Happy now?", Jungkook asked as the older boy's eyes swept over the posters of numerous baseball stars, figure skaters and big bang.

"You look like a boy that has a lot of posters", Taehyung spoke up, shoulders going up before dropping down in a shrug. He closed the closet doors again before glancing at the younger boy, "Why are they in there though and not on the walls?"

Jungkook's hand went up to rub his neck, "Well they are a bit creepy when you're having sex and they just stare at you". He already saw the eyebrows on Taehyung's forehead raise, obviously not amused at the explanation.

"Is that your opinion or Lottie's?"

Jungkook let out a cough before scraping his throat, "I mean- it used to be Lottie's opinion but I agreed with it". He could see that the older didn't quite like his words, evident by the eyebrows furrowing as he stared him down.

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