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The dark dorm was lit up by a faint light coming from a buzzing phone. It didn't wake up the boy sleeping in the bedroom, but it did annoy the sleeping boy still laying on the cold floor. Jungkook groaned in dismay as he tried to flip over, only to realize it was even more uncomfortable than being on his back.

The second thing he noticed was the headache, making him groan even louder in protest. He couldn't remember ever having a headache this bad, and for a second he couldn't focus on anything but the pounding in his head.

"What the fuck?", he winced, pushing himself off the floor once he realized the annoying buzz was coming from his phone. He was disoriented, unable to remember last night, before he glanced around and the memories all came crashing in.

He once again cursed and quickly walked over to his phone that was left on the kitchen table. He had no idea how late it was, or where Taehyung had disappeared to- "Taehyung", the boy whispered to himself, momentarily freezing.

Giggles. Empty glasses. Spilt beer. Disney songs. Wet kisses.

"What the actual fuck", Jungkook's eyes widened when it all came back to him. He snatched the phone off the table and glanced at it. A picture of his father was displayed on his phone, and bright bold letters told him the time right above the picture.

12:06 am.

Jungkook pressed the green button, answering the call, "Dad?"

A deep but relieved sigh came from the other side of the line, "Thank god you finally picked up". The boy felt guilt creep up, already cursing himself for forgetting to notify his parents. "Where are you?"

He hesitated for a second, running a hand through the tangled strands of black hair. He grimaced, feeling greasy after drinking so much and falling asleep on the floor. "Oh- I'm still at my friend's house. I accidentally fell asleep while we were uh watching a movie. Sorry".

"So you'll be staying the night there then?", his father asked, rolling his eyes at his son's antics. He himself was a deep sleeper as well, and he could fall asleep everywhere, so it's not a surprise his son was the same.

"I guess", Jungkook shrugged, unsure of everything at that moment. He figured he shouldn't go home this late. There wouldn't be any bus driving this late anyway so he'd have to go on foot.

With a deep sigh he pinched his nose, knowing that he'd have to talk to Taehyung first before making any decisions.

"We'll see you tomorrow then?", his father asked, a bit unsure with his son's reply. Jungkook nodded and then realized his dad couldn't see that, "Yeah I'll be home tomorrow. I should go now".

"Alright". Jungkook pressed the red button and ended the call and threw the phone back on the table. With a deep sigh he glanced at the closed door to the bedroom.

You can do this Jungkook.

He stalked towards the bedroom door and reached out his hand, pushing open the door with full force and making it hit the wall behind. "You just left me on the floor!?" He flicked on the lights and glared at the other.

Taehyung startled awake, his eyes flying open at the sudden intrusion. He had been having a peaceful dream before being awoken by this brute storming inside his room.

When his stare met Jungkook's, he gasped, remembering where he had left the boy when he had climbed into bed. The younger male crossed his arms and leant against the doorframe, his facial expression unamused.

"I w-was scared that when I would lift you up, you'd wake up. And I didn't want that", Taehyung quickly stumbled out, unsure of what to say or do. He didn't know if Jungkook remembered anything. He hoped to god that Jungkook didn't remember anything.

Jungkook rolled his eyes, "Cut the crap Taehyung. I remember what happened and I want answers".

Well shit.

When Taehyung stayed silent, he pushed himself off the wall and stalked towards the bed, making the older cower. "I-uh well um", he couldn't begin to explain his drunk antics. He didn't know how to say anything without messing up. Jungkook could feel his own worry grow as he noticed Taehyung's hands shaking as he tightly held the bedsheets.

"I guess-", Taehyung started, calming down a bit as he felt the bed dip down. Jungkook stared at him, gaze now softer than before. "It's just been a really long time since- since, you know".

Jungkook's eyes widened in realization when he understood what the older was referring to. His cheeks got a soft hue, unable to meet Taehyung's eyes now.

Taehyung sighed, feeling even more embarrassed now Jungkook was embarrassed as well. "I have to avoid Lottie and I can't start dating others. I guess I was tempted", he explained, trying to gauge the younger's reaction. It was silent for a minute before Jungkook replied.

"But I'm a boy". His voice was soft and laced with uncertainty. It was cute almost, how he kept staring at the bedsheets, his cheeks still a soft pink hue.

Taehyung cleared his throat when he realized that he had been staring at Jungkook for a bit too long, the boy beginning to squirm under his gaze. "You're a really pretty boy though".

Jungkook's cheeks flushed bright red at that and he momentarily forgot what he was angry about. He opened his mouth but nothing came out as he was even more bewildered than he had been. Taehyung took his silence as a sign to keep going. "I swear it won't happen again".

Jungkook was finally able to look up, though the color on his cheeks still hadn't drained. "Okay", he mumbled out, his mind jumbled, not one thought was clear. "Is it okay if I stay over? My dad asked if I was staying here".

"Yeah, sure, that's alright", Taehyung nodded, an awkward tension falling over the room. He couldn't believe it had come to this. He had messed up and it wasn't something he could just apologize for. This would make things awkward for a long time, maybe it would never stop being awkward.

Jungkook merely stood up and exited the bedroom, closing the door behind him without a word. Taehyung swallowed harshly, the lump in his throat not wanting to disappear. He felt like crying, which was something he tried his hardest to avoid. Even when he found out about Lottie, he had tried to keep it bottled up. She didn't deserve his tears.

Jungkook, on the other hand, was feeling a complete different set of emotions. He was mostly confused about everything, though he felt some others things as well.

Pride, because Taehyung thought he was really pretty.

Disappointment, because Taehyung seemed to regret his actions.

Anger, because Taehyung used him when he was needy.

He didn't know why he felt so proud, because it hadn't been the first time someone complimented him. And it neither was it the first time someone made a move on him. But it was the first time someone had regretted doing something with him. It was the first time he was drunk and hadn't consented. And maybe that's what made him overall sad.

So instead of thinking it through too much, he laid himself down on the couch and tried to sleep. Trying not to think too much about the boy in the next room. And he especially tried to ignore the weird churning in his stomach when he did think about the boy in the next room.


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