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You can tell, by reading this chapter, that my mom (and so I as well am forced to) has been watching a lot of Hallmark Christmas movies the past weeks.

When Taehyung woke up, Jungkook was gone. It's not as if it was a surprise to the older male, though he couldn't help but sulk as he sat himself down on the couch. It had already gone completely cold, as if no one had slept in it. As Taehyung stared at the messy coffee table which reeked of beer, he couldn't help but sigh. He messed up and he wasn't sure he could fix it.

As he started picking up the beer bottles that had fallen and clearing the small coffee table, the front door opened. Taehyung froze at the same time the person in the doorway did. Jungkook, arms stacked with bags, stared at Taehyung with wide eyes, as his foot was on its way to close the door.

"Oh, you're awake".

Jungkook's voice was casual as he finally started moving. He dropped the bags he was carrying onto the kitchen table, trying to ignore the eyes following his every move. He tried to act as casual as possible. He knew that if he didn't, things would go awkward again. It was his responsibility to avoid that.

"Jungkook- you're back?"

Taehyung's voice wasn't as casual as he had hoped it to be. Jungkook hummed as he fished something out of his pocket and let it dangle from his finger. Taehyung recognized the key that was in the younger male's hands. "I took it with me just in case you wouldn't be awake to let me in. It'd been awkward if I was stranded in front of a closed door with our breakfast, right?"

Taehyung's mouth had run dry from having it open ever since Jungkook walked through his front door. "What?" His brain wasn't functioning at the moment and only some words that had came out of Jungkook's mouth had filtered through.

"I went out to get us some breakfast since all your cupboards were empty. You like coffee?", Jungkook asked, beginning to get everything out of the brown bags he had been carrying.

Taehyung merely blinked before he seemingly regained consciousness, "Uh no- not that much".

The raven haired male nodded, a small smile forming on his lips, "Great, I guessed it right then. I got you a hot chocolate just in case". He placed down two cups that had some coffee shop logo on them, together with an assortment of great smelling pastries.

Taehyung's stomach grumbled but he tried to ignore it, "You shouldn't have-"

"I wanted to", Jungkook interrupted, looking up from the muffins he was getting out of the bag, "You did so much for me, letting me stay here without a complaint, so I decided to do something back".

"You already bought me beer and wine", Taehyung said before realizing that maybe those two things weren't the best things to bring up. He saw Jungkook's expression falter for a moment before the usual smile was on his face again. Was he trying to suppress last night's events?

"Still, I felt like it", Jungkook shrugged, sitting down at the kitchen table, "And I was really hungry". Taehyung couldn't really say anything against that so he followed his stomach's will and sat down as well. "It all smells so good".

"Try the pudding thingies, they are delicious", Jungkook pointed towards a square shaped pastry that had chocolate on the upper side but had pudding inside. Jungkook himself was munching on a croissant, his cup of black coffee next to him.

Taehyung took a big bite out of his pastry and hummed, quite enjoying the taste of the vanilla pudding. He grabbed the other cup that contained hot chocolate milk, glad Jungkook hadn't bough him coffee. He only bared to drink it to survive through his exam periods.

"You planning on doing anything today?", Taehyung asked, breaking the silence that had started to form. Jungkook shook his head as he grabbed a chocolate chip muffin, "No, though that sucks, because chances are big Lottie will visit".

Taehyung nodded in understanding before the silence continued. Jungkook looked up from his muffin and tried to sneak a glance at the older male. He looked like he came straight out of bed, but he still looked so handsome. Jungkook didn't understand how that was possible. "You want to do anything today?"

The brunette almost choked in his food, "With you?" He didn't mean to sound so surprised, but he did. He could feel the side eyes Jungkook was giving him and it made him blush in embarrassment.

"Yeah, if that's alright with you", the younger frowned, tearing a piece off his muffin and stuffing it inside his mouth.

Taehyung quickly nodded, "Uh yeah sure. What do you want to do?" Jungkook seemed to ponder for a moment before his eyes lit up in what seemed like childlike excitement. "I heard there's an ice skating rink nearby, which they set up from Christmas. You want to go there?"

"Ice skating?", Taehyung repeated, a frown falling on his face, "Isn't that kind of-"

He stopped midway, knowing the word he was going to say was both going to ruin the mood, and made him feel repulsed by himself for even thinking that way. Jungkook didn't even seem bothered as he waved his muffin around. "Come on, it'll be fun".

Taehyung didn't know what to say. It already seemed so surreal to be having breakfast with the boy whose neck he started kissing last night. And now they were going to be hanging out together, doing something many people did on first dates. He wasn't sure if he could handle that. "What if Lottie spots us? Who says she won't be there".

"Because she absolutely hates anything cold related, especially ice skating", Jungkook mumbled, rolling his eyes at the clear memory of him trying to take Lottie ice skating, which almost ended in a breakup. She threw a whole tantrum and they ended up inside of her house with blankets and a romantic movie on.

"Alright", Taehyung nodded, "We'll go ice skating". It's not that he disliked the idea of ice skating, it's more that it had been such a long time since he's been on the ice, he wasn't sure he could even be on his two feet for more than a second.

A big smile appeared on Jungkook's face, his eyes squinting a bit, "Great!"

He looks like a cute bunny. Dear god, help me. This day is going to be the death of me.

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