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"My fiancé is looking good".

Taehyung looked up from his laptop, the faint light of the bureau lamp illuminating the figure leaning against the doorway. He quirked an eyebrow as his gaze raked over the raven haired man who was dressed in his usual sleeping attire.

"What do you want?"

The younger man scoffed at the question as he began sauntering inside of the office. He took notice of the broad shoulders untensing when he placed his warm hand on top of them. Jungkook had been worrying about the work load his fiancé always seemed to carry home. He had been cooped up inside of his office for hours now. He hadn't even showed up for dinner and so Jungkook took action.

"Nothing, I just really wanted to tell you how good you look tonight".

Taehyung glanced down at the clothes he was wearing, a frown making its way onto his face. He was in black sweats and a grey sweatshirt. His thin framed glasses were on the top of his nose and he was pretty sure his hair was a big mess. He had dyed it blonde around two months ago and his dark roots had been showing. "I look terrible".

"No, you don't. You're the prettiest like this", the younger spoke softly as he pushed Taehyung's desk chair backwards so he could make himself comfortable on his lap. He latched his hands behind the older man's head, bringing him closer so he was straddling the man, chests now touching.

Taehyung had to contain the need to bury his head into the other's shoulder and just enjoy his presence. He needed this program to work tomorrow and so he couldn't be distracted, didn't matter how much he yearned for being distracted.

"Jungkook", he sighed in content when the man's fingers started running through his hair, the motion sending tingles down his spine, "I can't go to bed yet. I need to finish this first".

It had to be expected. The pout. The one thing Taehyung was a sucker for. The big doe eyes combined with the pretty pout was something that shot a arrow right through the older's heart. But still, work had to be done.

"I'm serious baby", the blonde sighed, "But I'll promise you I'll make it up to you by tomorrow".

Jungkook rolled his eyes, not too pleased with the answer he received. He hated sleeping alone ever since he started dating Taehyung and so the thought of going upstairs on his own made him sad.

"I don't want to sleep alone tonight", he uttered, shoulders sagging with disappointment, "I don't want to sleep alone again".

"Baby", the man sighed, "If I could, I would go to sleep with you, but I can't".

Jungkook knew he was being clingy and maybe annoying but he just really missed sleeping in his fiancé's arms. Waking up with kisses being pressed to his hair, large warm hands running up and down his sides, it was something he often missed these past weeks.

"I understand", he sighed before clambering off the man's lap, "I'll be upstairs if you need me".

Taehyung watched the other walk out of the office, obviously having lost the confidence he had when entering the room ten minutes ago. His shadowy figure disappeared into the hallway, the broad chest and tiny waist a clear indicator of his continuous workout routine. He had seen Jungkook grow taller and bigger, becoming manlier with the years even though in Taehyung's eyes he was still his baby boy.

The older had gotten a job at one of the biggest banks. He was one of the IT men assigned with building programs for the bank and maintaining the accounts. It was a tough job but it was worth it every time the pay check arrived. It was no wonder they could afford to live in a fairly big house overlooking a nice garden in a good neighborhood.

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