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Jungkook sighed in annoyance as he was sitting around the cafeteria table with his so called friends. It's not like he didn't like them or anything, but he knew that the only reason they were sitting at the same table and talked to each other was because they were on the same baseball team.

He didn't really identify himself as a jock, especially not if you saw what sort of other people were on the baseball team. Jungkook liked sports, but that didn't mean he liked everything that came with it, such as the attention, the popularity, the pressure and most of all, the stereotypes. He hated how everyone assumed that he only got good grades because otherwise he wouldn't be allowed to partake in sports, which is why the jocks all tried to get grades good enough to pass.

But Jungkook liked working for something, he liked getting good grades to make his parents and himself proud. He wanted to get into a decent university and he wanted to be smart, not just so he could play baseball.

People also assumed he was into girls, and he'd flirt with every and each one of them if he could. Even though he had a girlfriend, many tried to hit on him and only saw his lack of interest as a sort of trying to act cool kind of behavior.

But honestly speaking, he was terrible at making conversation with girls. He had been so happy to find a girl that accepted his stuttering and lack of social skills, that he didn't care that he was still bad at it when he finally started dating Lottie. He hadn't expected to have to find a girl all over again when he learned about his girlfriend's betrayal.

"Dude", he heard Yugyeom next to him speak up, bumping his elbow against Jungkook's, "Why are you so silent? You haven't eating anything either".

Jungkook looked at the banana and apple laying in front of him, reminding him of the night he shared with Taehyung. He had completely forgotten about it in the hurry of getting up and ready for school, and only now it had crashed into him that he had been cuddling in bed with another boy.

"I'm not that hungry", Jungkook shrugged, hoping that his friend would leave him alone at that, which fortunately was the case. He sighed and grabbed the apple, examining the deep red color.

Taehyung had been the first one to awake in the morning. Meaning that either he also noticed the position they were in and ignored it, or he knew about it all along. Or maybe they had switched positions when Jungkook went back to sleep and maybe when morning came they hadn't been cuddling at all.

Jungkook decided to shake these thoughts off him and took a bite, munching on the sweet and crunchy apple. Lottie, who was sitting on the other side of the table gave him a look, but he quickly ignored it and kept eating.

Jungkook sighed in relief when he reached his home where he could finally show his real emotions again. Lottie hadn't walked home with him, fortunately, and claimed she was going shopping with some friends. He didn't care whether that was the truth or not. If she went to Taehyung, he'd know soon enough. And he'd also know that she wouldn't get her needs satisfied there either, bringing a smile onto his lips.

The raven haired boy stopped in his tracks when he noticed a familiar person sitting in his living room, sharing a pot of tea with his mother.

"Jin hyung?", he called out. He watched his favorite cousin munch on a biscuit before his eyes flitted over to him. "Jungkookie!", he smiled, ushering him over.

The younger immediately kicked his shoes off and flung his backpack onto the ground, getting a disapproving look from his mother in return. She let it slide as she noticed her son happily walking over to where they were sitting, taking a seat next to his cousin on the couch.

"I didn't know you were coming over today", Jungkook spoke, practically vibrating with giddiness at seeing his cousin again. He had been on holiday in Thailand for more than a month and had only just returned home.

"I invited him over for dinner", his mother spoke, placing down her cup of tea, "I thought you guys might want some time to catch up". Jungkook eyes practically twinkled with happiness as his mother stood up and went into the kitchen to prepare dinner, leaving the two boys to catch up.

The older turned to his younger cousin, with a smile, offering him a biscuit, "How was school?"

"How was Thailand?", Jungkook immediately shot back, taking a cookie.

Jin turned his head to the side and clicked his tongue. "I asked you first Kook". He gave the younger a pointed look making him huff in annoyance.

"But my life is so boring! I want to hear about your trip", Jungkook whined playfully though the older didn't give him the answer he hoped for. "How's Lottie?", his cousin instead asked, not realizing the words would sour the mood.

Jungkook's smile fell, though he quickly tried to cover it up with a fake smile. He thought it was believable but his cousin could see right through it. "Good", the youngest said, before a sudden question popped up inside his head, "I actually have a question".

Jin raised an eyebrow at the sudden change of subject but shrugged, "Sure, shoot".

"I have a friend, well he's a new friend, and he recently helped me with something. I want to return the favor, but I don't know him that well and so I don't really know what to give him", the younger cousin said, suddenly turning a bit shy. He had been thinking all day about something to give Taehyung in return for letting him stay at his dorm. Though he was clueless to what the older would want.

Jin hummed in thought, "Is he in your school?" Jungkook shook his head, going back to playing with his fingers, "No, he's in college".

"Give him some booze. College students love drinking, trust me", the older laughed, fondly recalling his colleges days and passing out at his friends' places. Jungkook pouted at that, "Like what? I don't know a lot about liquor and I certainly can't buy him some".

His cousin smiled, "Let's go to the supermarket later and I'll help you buy something".

Jungkook nodded at that, a genuine smile now gracing his lips, he really hoped Taehyung would like what he would buy.

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! I wanted to post an update today as my present to you guys. The chapter is not that entertaining, but I'm sure you'll like the next one! (hehehe)

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