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They were going to the mall. The mall. Like a date. Was it a date? Jungkook wasn't quite sure. He hasn't been sure about anything for the past month. Hasn't been sure about anything since Taehyung came into his life.

Jungkook was practically buzzing with excitement. He already had his coat on and he was shuffling in front of the living room window that gave a nice outlook on the street. Taehyung had texted him about picking him up with his car. And picturing Taehyung behind the steering wheel was something he quite enjoyed.

His parents were a bit puzzled by their son's behavior. Never before had he been so excited to meet up with a friend. "Honey, why don't you introduce him to us? We've never met him".

"Mom", Jungkook whined, dragging the syllable a bit, "He's a college student. I'd be so lame if I wanted to introduce him to my mother".

It wasn't the whole truth of course. They couldn't meet Lottie's other boyfriend just in case they'd describe him to her or something. And besides, he'd be so lame if he actually introduced him to his parents. Taehyung was older and cool and in college and everything Jungkook had never thought he'd ever find attractive in a male.

The last time he saw the male was the morning after the party. His ears still burned whenever he thought back to the hazy night they spent together. They had fallen asleep straight after both had finished and both had grumbled about that mistake because they woke up feeling sticky and gross.

Jungkook had helped Taehyung into the bath since the boy was quite sore. Jungkook had left him to wash up, still a bit shy being around Taehyung naked, especially after he had found out how dominant the older boy could be in bed. Weeks ago Jungkook used to be brave and cocky around him, even after having sex the first time. But that was before he realized just how plaint he could become under the older's hands.

"He's here!", Jungkook practically jumped into the air at seeing a black car pull up at the side of the road. He passed by his parents in something that could match the speed of light.

"Take care son!", his father yelled but the front door was already shutting with a load thud. Jungkook tried his best to look casual as he strolled to the car, but the wide grin on his face wasn't as easy to hide. Taehyung waved at him from his place in the driver's seat and Jungkook couldn't wait to spend the day with him.

Jungkook smiled, sliding into the passenger seat. His flickered over to the interior of the car, gaze sticking to the pine tree air freshener, "Nice car".

Taehyung chuckled, hand shifting gears as he drove the car out of the street. "Hello to you too".

Jungkook rolled his eyes, "Hi". He tensed when the hand that had been on the gear stick shifted to his leg. The large hand spread out on his thigh, fingers slightly squeezing the skin. Jungkook had seen this in movies before and had always found it a bit overrating. What was so special about someone's hand on your leg?

Apparently, it was very special because Jungkook was blushing. He tried hiding his red cheeks by staring out of the window but the low chuckle coming from the male behind him said enough.

"I'm actually not sure which way to take to the mall. Could you take the map and check for a second", Taehyung asked, hand shortly leaving his leg to point a the map laying on the dashboard. Jungkook took the map, eyebrows furrowed as he stared at the foreign thing.

"Sure", he dawdled, opening the map until he was almost fighting with the thing. He heard Taehyung laugh as he tried flattening the paper, trying to find where they hell they were. His finger started tracing the roads, eyebrows furrowing even deeper before looking up, trying to find a road sign.

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