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Jungkook had to push past his friends, an angry Lottie and furious parents before finally reaching the boy he wanted to desperately talk to. He could still hear his parents yell behind him and people gave him weird looks but he didn't care when Taehyung finally came into sight.

"What are you doing here?", he yelled out, watching Taehyung's eyes cross his.

"Watching an incredible speech take place", Taehyung grinned opening his arms wide when the boy ran towards him. Jungkook didn't slow down and merely jumped into the older's boy's arms, little squeal leaving him when Taehyung spun them around.

The brunette set him down again and engulfed him in a warm hug and Jungkook's eyes got glossy when the familiar lanky arms were once again wrapped around him. "Seokjin gave me an invitation. He also explained your situation", Taehyung explained, voice soft as his breath hit the boy's ear.

"What?", Jungkook gasped, pulling out of the hug so he could look Taehyung in the eye, "How? Why-"

"He noticed how depressed you had gotten", Taehyung explained, chuckling at the puzzled expression on the boy's face. He loosened a hand around Jungkook's small waist to put it on the boy's face, "And apparently your parents told him everything".

"And you actually took the invitation?", Jungkook asked, doe eyes wide as he leant into the warm touch, "I'd think you wouldn't want to come and just chuck the invite into an open fire or something".

"As much as I would have loved to do that", Taehyung grinned, but a roll of his eye told him otherwise, "I couldn't just ignore Seokjin's words. And I kinda wanted to see you graduate".

Jungkook smiled at that, happiness engulfing him completely now he was back in the arms of the boy. "And hey, you went through with the plan", Taehyung spoke up, accompanied with a wink.

"The moment I saw you it's like this switch went on in my head and I couldn't stop spewing out words", Jungkook explained, eyes completely dazed as they stared into Taehyung's.

"You did great", Taehyung smiled, bowing down to give the boy a small kiss, not caring that they were in a public place. He wanted to show everybody how incredibly fond he was of this boy and how happy he was to have him in his arms, "I'm very proud of you baby".

Jungkook felt the usual butterflies erupt in his stomach at the words. God, had he missed Taehyung's praises. Taehyung's touch. Taehyung's deep velvety voice. He had missed Taehyung as a whole. And he never wanted to miss him again.

"You also told everyone you loved me", Taehyung mumbled, watching how Jungkook's ears turned red at that, "And I couldn't even say it back- well I could have tried shouting it from all the way in the back".

"No- thank god you didn't do that", Jungkook whined, burying his head into the other's wide shoulders. Taehyung dipped down to place a kiss on the boy's raven colored locks, "I love you too Jungkook".

And really, what else did Jungkook ever want to hear in his life? Words were meaningless if they weren't this set of words spoken by this one specific person.

But sadly he was harshly tugged from Taehyung by his wrist and dragged outside by his parents, followed by a still shocked Lottie. Taehyung watched Jungkook give him a helpless look and the older boy's legs started moving towards him but was stopped when he noticed the two people coming to stand next to him.

"So you're the other boyfriend".

Taehyung glanced at the couple standing to the side of him, the woman carrying the same kind of air around her like Lottie always did. "Yes ma'am that's me", he nodded before sticking out his hand, "Kim Taehyung, nice to meet you".

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