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The sexual tension was real.

Jungkook had appeared on his doorstep like usual, intending on taking his now clean clothes back home. He had surprised Taehyung who had been in mere boxers and a large shirt, his usual sleeping attire, when he had opened the door.

Jungkook's smirk was evident as his eyes raked over the boy's naked thighs. The older boy could feel his cheeks heat up but kept his mouth shut. He welcomed Jungkook into his dorm before excusing himself to go put on some pants.

"I won't disturb you for too long", Jungkook informed him as he waited inside the living room. He was tapping his foot, seemingly impatient, and looked around the all too familiar room.

"You already disturbed my peaceful sleep so it can't get much worse", Taehyung said, obviously joking, though he was a bit annoyed at being rudely awakened out of his nice dream. But he couldn't be too mad, since the main character of his dream was now inside his dorm.

Jungkook's eyes swept back to the bedroom door when Taehyung emerged from the room, now fully clothed, holding a bag filled with his clean clothes. "I don't think there are any stains", Taehyung mumbled, handing the bag over.

"It doesn't matter that much. You shouldn't have washed them anyway", Jungkook smiled, his left hand now weighed down by the bag, "But thank you'.

"It's totally fine", Taehyung smiled back. The tension from before was gone, though it wasn't the same atmosphere as they shared a few weeks back. Things had happened between them, things they didn't really talk about but it was evident in their flirty texts that things had definitely changed.

"How did it go with Lottie?", Jungkook asked after a few seconds. He had gotten Taehyung's messages the day before, informing him about Lottie suddenly appearing on his doorstep, much like Jungkook did today.

Taehyung's hand swept through his hair, ruffling his terrible bed hair, "To quote your words from last week, the deed has been done".

"And? How was it?" Jungkook didn't sound all too interested but had asked the question anyway. Much to Taehyung's dismay. "What do you mean, how was it? Not entirely too great but I guess my body was satisfied with it".

"You didn't fake it?"

Again, Taehyung looked confused at the words that were coming out of Jungkook's mouth, "No, did you?"

"No, it's kind of hard for a guy to do that", Jungkook awkwardly chuckled, "And besides, I just didn't look at her and imagined something else". He suddenly paused at his own words when he noticed Taehyung's eyes widen. "I- I mean-".

"I did too", Taehyung blurted out, not entirely too sure why he was telling Jungkook this, "But it's normal for guys to do that no?"

"I guess", Jungkook spoke, the tension now back into the room, "Well, I got to go so-"

"Yeah- see you some other time".

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

It wasn't long before Jungkook was back in his usual place. He was scribbling something in his workbook, seated in Taehyung kitchen while the older boy sat on the couch, going through his laptop. He was getting messages from Jimin every now and then. It had been a while since he had spoken to his best friend, mostly because he was still upset at his friend's words.

But they had been partnered in a group project so he couldn't exactly not speak to Jimin. He had informed his friend about Jungkook staying over again and was met with a bunch of confused texts.

You're still seeing him? Are you guys friends now? That's so weird though. Do you bond over mutual hatred? I guess that's a thing that exists.

Taehyung rolled his eyes at the long series of questions he had gotten. Jimin was typing again, the bubble popping up, but before he could send Taehyung another message, the boy had replied.

He just needs a place to stay when Lottie becomes too much. Apparently she knows all of his other friends and could show up there as well and stuff. So this is his hide away.

He waited for a moment before his phone buzzed again.

I get that. But are you friends?

Taehyung pondered for a second before his eyes slid over to Jungkook's hunched back. Were they friends?

Yeah, I guess we are.

He then hesitated for a moment. He had been aching to tell someone about that night, but he and Jimin weren't on the best terms. But he felt like he could practically combust if he didn't tell anyone sooner or later.

I also kissed his neck

He kind of expected the immediate buzz that followed his message.


Taehyung sighed and began explaining, trying to seem casual about it.

We were drunk and I initiated it but it's cool! We talked about it and sorted everything out.

That sounded casual enough, didn't it?

Don't tell me that it didn't change anything.

Well- Jimin wasn't wrong, though Taehyung hated to admit it.

Well I guess there's this tension now sometimes. Idk how to call it but I can feel him checking me out and tbh he's hot as hell so I do too.

It was weird finally admitting this, instead of thinking it and then throwing the thought away. He really really was attracted to Jungkook. Weird.

So you gonna fuck or-

Taehyung almost let out a gasp as he read over the message. His cheeks bloomed a dark color at the mere thought of- oh my god he had to stop thinking about it. He was so glad Jungkook had his back turned to him.

What the fuck no! I don't even know if I'm gay or if he is.

That was the truth. He could have imagined Jungkook's smirks and glances. He could be absolutely delusional.

C'mon tae, we both know you used to be bi-curious.

Okay now he just felt offended. There was no need to thrown his awkward middle schooler self into it.

No I wasn't.

He knew Jimin wouldn't leave it at that. And to his worst luck, he was indeed correct.

Do I need to remind you of Min Yoongi? The hot senior you had a crush on?

God, he really didn't need to remind Taehyung of him. His friend was right though, the senior had been so hot he had changed Taehyung's perspective on boys completely.

I did not have a crush on him! he was just cool

Denial. Nice.

So that's why you send him a valentines card?

He had really hoped that Jimin had forgotten about that. But his best friend had a great memory, sadly, and was great at bringing up embarrassing stories from Taehyung's childhood.

Stop! I'm ending his conversation right here.

And he did. He shut down his phone and let it bounce off the couch onto the floor. Jungkook looked up from the thud it made, eyebrows raised now the device was lying on the ground.

"You alright?", he asked, pencil hovering right above his paper. Taehyung gave him a tightlipped smile. He was totally alright.


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