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It was again a week later when Jungkook decided to bring back the sweater Taehyung had bought him. Half of the time he had been worshipping the clothing piece, burying his face in it and sleeping with it as if it would bring Taehyung back. The other half of the time he avoided the thing like the plague, stuffing it into cabinets and corners so it could be out of his sight.

He wanted to return it so he wouldn't be reminded of him. It was also maybe an excuse to see the boy just one last time.

Taking the all too familiar bus to the all too familiar college dorms was something he had been bracing for. He knew how it would feel once he arrived in front of the older boy's door. Instead of the usual smile and greeting he expected something vicious to get thrown at him or just get the door slammed in his face.

But Taehyung wasn't home, and so Jungkook used the spare key he had gotten four weeks back to let himself in. He found the dorm as messy as ever. There were a few clothing articles strewn around and some beer bottles could be found on the floor but besides that everything seemed fine.

Jungkook's smile was bittersweet as he placed down the sweater on Taehyung's kitchen table. He was glad Taehyung seemed to be doing somewhat fine. It would have broken his heart if he had found Taehyung's dorm in pieces.

But he was obviously mistaken as a not so sober Taehyung barged into the dorm not even a minute later. Even though it was only 8 pm, the boy was drunk and reeked of alcohol. Taehyung slammed the door shut behind him, legs wobbly as he kicked off his shoes. He hadn't noticed Jungkook yet and the boy braced himself from what was about to go down.

"What the fuck", was the first thing that came to Taehyung's mind and also the first words that made their way past his lips. He didn't freeze, just glared at the boy as he continued his way over to the couch, an evident limp in his walk.

When he passed by Jungkook, the boy was finally able to see his face clearly and he gasped at the brightly purple bruises forming on both Taehyung's eye as right cheek. "What happened?", he asked in panic, following the boy to the couch.

Taehyung ignored him as he collapsed on the couch, a moan of pain leaving him when he felt pain shoot up his spine. "Taehyung", Jungkook repeated, hands shaking a little as he stood besides the boy, worry evident in his eyes.

Taehyung wanted to roll his eyes but they were bruised and it was painful enough just to blink. "I don't see why you would care", he rasped, swatting away the hand that reached out to cup his cheek, "Go back to that cheating girlfriend of yours".

"I just want to know what happened Taehyung", Jungkook asked, voice small, "You don't seem too good".

"Of course I don't seem too good", he spat, anger flaring up inside of him, "You broke my fucking heart Jungkook and so what else could I do then intoxicate myself up to the point that I couldn't think about your stupid face anymore". His voice got louder and boomed in Jungkook's ear. The younger wanted to reach out to him again but his hand got slapped away, the sting not half as bad as what Jungkook's heart was enduring.

"I tried getting over you but then when this guy was about to fuck me I started crying because it wasn't you Jungkook. And then the guy got angry because I denied him and then he beat me up and I let him because this physical pain doesn't even begin to compare to what I'm feeling inside", Taehyung barked out, "So yeah I'm not too fucking good".

"She's changed Taehyung", Jungkook gulped, bringing his own hand back in fear of the want to touch Taehyung getting too big again. He didn't know what else to say. He didn't know how to react to everything the older had told him. He couldn't react the way he wanted to and so he was left to defend Lottie, even if it hurt him.

"You have too", the brunette scoffed, eyes momentarily switching from anger to sadness because Jungkook hadn't reacted to his story the way he had wanted to. He had expected Jungkook to break out in tears, yelling out with guilt. But instead he defended her. "I don't like this Jungkook. He's naïve".

The younger boy frowned, "You just don't like the fact I'm not with you".

"Of fucking course I don't like that. We were basically together and then you ran back to that bitch", Taehyung growled, hands pushing himself off the couch to make himself at least a little bit taller, "Fuck off Jungkook, I don't want to see your face".


"Get the fuck out", he hissed, "Hope you have a fan fucking tastic life with her".

"Fine", Jungkook sighed, knowing he had lost the battle. It wasn't as if he had ever expected to win anything. He had broken Taehyung's heart and they had both lost something ever since. "I returned your sweater", he mumbled before walking back to the door, dropping the key on the house mat because he knew he wasn't ever welcome anymore.

Taehyung groaned when he woke up on the couch. His eyes stung from falling asleep crying, thanks to Jungkook's unexpected visit, and the bruises that had been left unattended were sore from the pain. Realization didn't quite reach Taehyung yet until he heard the knocks on his door, the sole reason he had woken up from his nap.

He pondered for a moment, unsure if to open the door or not. But when he was pretty sure it wasn't Jungkook again, because why the hell would he dare show his face again, he limped up to the door.

He frowned when he came face to face with an unknown male. "Hi, I'm Seokjin, Jungkook's cousin".

And Taehyung didn't know it yet but he was about to be enlightened.

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