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"Thank you for taking me out of there." Jin overhears the pink hair omega that was next to him earlier in the auction whisper to the Alpha that had bid on him.

The Alpha seemed somewhat friendly contrary to what Jin would have expected. He was making small conversations as the car drove them to an unknown destination. However, the Alpha who had paid more than he had ever expected someone to pay for him was silent their entire journey thus far. He was distant, and not once did he speak.

The only time Jin had heard his voice was when he had told the owner to send Jin outside to him. Jin wasn't sure why he had paid to get him out of there if it was to keep him as a mate or for something else. Either way, he didn't really care. He had every intention of escaping when the time was right.

"A pretty thing like you don't belong in such a place. The moment I saw you, I just knew I had to get you out of there." Taehyung said to Jimin while his eyes scanned Jimin up and down.

Jungkook couldn't wait to get Taehyung out of his car, he was indeed an embarrassment to Alphas. Who even talks to omegas that way. He was already feeding that omega with power to think he was some kind of treasure.

"Seokjin, is it?" Taehyung turns towards Jin, who was practically one with the car door.

Jin looked towards Taehyung and nodded his head. He didn't know that the guy had known his name. "Why are you so quiet? Aren't you thankful to my friend who paid so much to get you out of there?"

"I am usually quiet, and no, I am not," Jin said, trying to look out the tinted windows if he could make out where he was at, but it was hard for him to see.

Jungkook raised an eyebrow at Jin's words and smirked to himself, but stayed quiet while swiping through his phone.

"I guess you both make the perfect pair then. Jungkook here doesn't talk either. He was raised a mute, so words are foreign-"

Before Taehyung was able to finish his words, the car came to a stop, and the driver announced they were at Taehyung's home. "That was quick. Sorry, I have to go, but I am sure I will see you around. Jungkook, try not to be too much of an asshole, and thanks for the ride." Taehyung said before pulling Jimin out of the car and slamming the door, but not before giving Jungkook the middle finger.

After Jimin and Taehyung left, the atmosphere in the car was weird. Jungkook continued swiping through his phone with an unreadable expression on his face, and Jin continued sticking towards the car door.


Jin's eyes wandered around the room he was standing in as he waited for Jungkook to come back after he had told him to stand in one place and not move. He saw pictures around the room of Jungkook and people who he assumed to be his friends or family. In every picture, he noticed that Jungkook had the same unreadable expression on his face. Not one did he smile in any of the pictures he had seen.

Looking towards the door, Jin studied the lock to see how easy it would be for him to make an escape during the night. Jungkook had yet to say much to him. But from all that he had overheard with Taehyung and seen thus far, he was almost sure it was expected for him to stay there with Jungkook for a reason unknown to him.

Jin could already tell Jungkook was a dominant Alpha as he struggled while looking at him directly in the eyes. Every time he had made eye contact with Jungkook, his omega felt weak and submissive, something that rarely happened to him.

"I don't want you touching anything in this house until you are showered and cleaned. Once you are done showering, put these on and use this shower gel and this lotion. When you are done, come straight here and do not touch or go searching into any other room, but the bathroom I am going to bring you to. Now, follow me." Jungkook handed Jin a T-shirt and a pair of his boxers along with a cinnamon flavored shower gel and lotion. He needed Jin to use something that would cover up his scent.

Jin closed the door to the bathroom, uncertain of what to feel. He winced in pain as he stripped out of his clothes and surveyed the scar and bruises he had gotten from the place he considered to be a prison. He wanted to cry, but he was afraid to. He couldn't figure out Jungkook's personality, and that alone was making him worried.


"Have a seat," Jungkook commanded as Jin walked back into the room he had instructed him to come back to.

Jin did as he was told and crossed his legs while intertwining his fingers together. He felt a lot cleaner than he had earlier, especially considering it was the first time he had got to shower himself since he had been kidnapped.

"What's your full name?" Jungkook asked while he poured himself a glass of bourbon.

"K-Kim Seokjin," Jin responded while looking at the glass Jungkook held in his hand rather than at him.

"How old are you?"

"I am twenty-two."

"I paid twenty million dollars for you. What can you do to repay me for that? You told Taehyung you are not thankful to me, why is that? Shouldn't you be?"

"You made a personal decision to pay that much for me. I don't know why you did. I also don't understand why I should be thankful when I wasn't asking to be sold in the first place." Jungkook was taken back by Seokjin's response, but instead of responding, he smirked and shook his head.

It was clear that Seokjin had no idea who he was dealing with. Jungkook was never quick to act; he instead observes. He needed to understand the stranger he had paid twenty-million dollars for before he did anything.

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