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Jin let out a deep breath as he leaned back on the counter. He saw the look on Jungkook's face as he walked out of the kitchen, his eyes were filled with tears and made Jin feel even more horrible than he had felt in the last couple of days.

Jungkook had been right, maybe he should not have had Jimin and his twins over, he tried over and over to convince himself that he was getting better. However, today was proof he still did not have it all together.

Sighing to himself, he walked out the kitchen and then towards the front door, he knew if he were the one to walk out the house like that Jungkook would have followed after him. He was wrong for his actions, which needed an apology.

Upon reaching outside, he trembled as a gust of wind blew over him. He had not realized how cold it had gotten, considering most of his days were spent inside. Walking down the long driveway, he saw Jungkook sitting on one of the benches that lined the sides of the driveway.

"Jungkook," he calls out to him but got no response back. When he got closer to his Alpha, he realizes the reason for it. Jungkook had tears running down his cheek as he looked into the distance of the evening.

This cause Jin to feel even worse for his words earlier; his Alpha was not someone who cried easily. He could count on one hand the number of times he had ever seen Jungkook cry. "I am sorry, I should have spoken to you about the bakery, and I did not mean what I said in there about blaming you-"

"Seokjin, you know you are not the only one who is hurt about us losing our son. I am hurt too, and I am frustrated that as your Alpha, I failed to protect you. So if you want to blame me for that, then blame me for that, but do not blame me as one of the reasons our son died. Yeah, I messed up the beginning we both acknowledge that, but I think I have paid my dues and shown to you how much I love you and how important you are to me. I put my emotions aside, to make sure you are happy, you are comfortable. I know it's bothering you that you are not pregnant, and it bothers me, too, because I hate to see you sad.

I am sorry that this happened to us, and I am sorry because of it; you can't be you, or I have to walk around you on eggshells fearing I might say the wrong things."

Jin wrapped his arms around Jungkook and leaned his head and on his shoulder, "I don't want to blame you for anything, I got angry earlier, and I spoke without thinking, I should not have said those words to you. I am sorry for being selfish all this time and not acknowledge your pain a well. I think for me, I just thought you wanted me to get over the fact we lost our son. After the hospital, I never really saw you cry. Then you tell me to let's not rush the process of having another child. It bothered me, and I guess I allowed my mind to assume many things, things maybe I should have just spoken to you about, rather than let it burden me."

"Just because you have never seen me cry much does not mean I don't hurt too. I only told you that so you wouldn't depress yourself any more than you have. I was trying to say things to help; you should've told me I was only hurting you and your feelings. I want us to have a baby, but I don't want us to be so focused on that that we destroy what we worked so hard for. With or without a child, we have a responsibility to each other. Our son, it's unfortunate, but we can't get him back, Seokjin. What we have right now is us, and if we are not careful, we could lose that too, and I don't know about you, but I sure as hell don't want to lose you." As Jungkook spoke, he could feel Jin's tears falling on his shoulder, and he shifted so he could hug him.

"I know you didn't mean what you said in there, I get you are angry, but lets whatever we do, let's try not to go back to how we used to be. I love the progress we have made. And I sorry for yelling at you; I am bothered that you thought about reopening the bakery without talking to me. I thought that was something we decide together. You told me how important being equal and having communication is. However, you decided without even including me, had I don't that to you, you would scream at me for it."

Jin listened as Jungkook spoke, and he felt terrible, he had been selfish with many things lately, and it was wrong of him. "I don't want to lose us, and I sorry for not talking to you about it, I guess I have been selfish lately, and my intentions weren't to become like this. I love you more than anything else in this world, and I am sorry for neglecting your feelings in all of this."

"It's okay; it been a lot on us, but we will get through it, and I love you too."

The two stayed together, hugging each other as they watched the even sun go down. Jin wiped away his Alpha's tears and thought about what they could do to keep strengthening their relationship instead of tearing it apart.

"I have been thinking about something, but I don't know how you would feel about it." Jungkook lets out and sits up to look at Jin.

Jin folded his legs and leaned back on the bench, "what is it?"

"How would you feel about us adopting?"

Jin's eyes widen in surprise, "I-I would love that. I had that thought too, but I didn't know if you would think I was too much thinking like that."

"No baby, I don't think that way. The doctor may be right; it will be hard for us to have a child on our own, instead of you being disappointed every time you take a test, it's best we look into alternatives."

Jungkook was amazed by the smile on Jin's face; he hadn't seen him smile the way he was in a long time. "I love you so much, thank you!" Jin reaches over and hugs Jungkook as his smile turned into tears of happiness.

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