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Jungkook had called his parents to tell them the news about him finally mating an omega of his choice. It's what his father always wanted him to do for him to give the company over to him.

"I don't believe you, son, not until I see this Omega for myself." Jungkook knew that is father was going to say that. That's why he had thought of holding an event beforehand. An event he would be sure to have Min Yoongi attend.

"Figured you wouldn't, but you and mom can stop by at any time to meet him."

His father was silent on the for a while, all that could be heard was his mother squealing. Of course, she would be happy about these stupid and irrelevant things.

"Since you claim to have mated an omega, when is the wedding?" Jungkook's father was firm with his question. He knew his son better than anyone, Jungkook had no desire to marry or mate anyone. His son was never someone who cared about having a life partner, no matter how much he and Jungkooks mother pleaded to their son to find a mate. He would act out and reject even the omega's they had chosen for him. So it was not believable to him that his son had suddenly found an omega of interest and mated them. Mating between omega and alpha was a big thing, it was giving yourself to someone for the rest of your life until death. It was not like a marriage where you could throw the wedding ring aside and sign a piece of paper to end things. In their world, trying to leave your mate can inflict severe pain that could even lead to one's death.

"W-what wedding? We are mated, no need for a wedding."

"Jungkook, your mother's life long dream was to see one of her sons walk down the aisle and get married. If you mated an omega, then you need to marry them as well. I am not handing my company over to you unless you do both. Also, where did you meet this omega? How come your mother nor I haven't heard anything about him before?" Mr. Jeon knew that Jungkook was probably trying to scam them to get the company, and while he loved his son very dearly, he was not going to do that. Jungkook needed to have stability in his life while understanding how to be an Alpha that takes care of his home and his family before he could be in charge of a company.

He knew if he handed the company to Jungkook, he would never mate or marry anyone. He would immerse himself so deep into his work that he would forget about the things that are meant to be important to an Alpha.

Anger pierced through Jungkook as his father mentioned his mother's life long dream. Of course, she would've gotten her wish, had it not been for Yoongi. He doubts there would be so much pressure on him now to do so many things had Hoseok still be alive. He was the omega, he was the one that was supposed to fulfill their parents' dreams and request, not him!

"I am not interested in getting married dad, having a mate should suffice. Would you mom like for me to introduce to every omega I decide to fuck?-"

"JUNGKOOK!" his mother screamed in the background

"If you must know, his name is Kim Seokjin; he was the fiance of Min Yoongi."

"Jungkook, what did you do? What do you mean he was the fiance of Min Yoongi?" Jungkook's father's head was spinning; he hated to hear that name.

"Do you remember the guy Yoongi left Hoseok for?"

"Y-yeah, of course, I remember, how can I forget Jungkook?"

"I- can't listen to this." Jungkook's mother voice out as tears run down her face. She walked out of the room, leaving her husband on the phone.

"Well, he is my mate." Jungkook looked into the mirror that was across from him while biting into his bottom lip.

"Son, what did you do? How is he your mate?"

"It's a long story, dad, and I am sure if I told you, you wouldn't believe me. But if it helps since you always think I am the problem child, I didn't go looking for him, he came to me, dad. And then when I found he was that fucker fiance, I couldn't help it. I couldn't help myself."

"So, your force mated him?" Mr. Jeon was trying his best to understand his son, he knew Jungkook wanted revenge on Yoongi since the moment his other son, Hoseok died.

"Before you judge me, dad, listen to me. He was a virgin, and I wanted to take what he was protecting away from him and then send him back to Yoongi defiled and broken. I wanted to cause Yoongi some hurt for what he did to Hoseok, but I don't know what the fuck happened. I ended up mating him, and now he is fucking pregnant and here in my home!" Jungkook kicked over the night lamp in his room as he cried into the phone. He didn't want a mate, and he didn't know the first thing about parenting. In seeking to fuck up Yoongi's life, he had fucked up his own life.

"Does this omega know about Hoseok, or what happened to him?" Jungkook was surprised when he heard his mother's voice. He thought she had left the room; had he known she was there, he would've never confessed what he did.


"Jungkook, did you, force mate, an innocent omega to get revenge on Yoongi?"

"Mom, I didn't force mate him, we were having sex and his scent, my anger, everything it was too much, it's like I was in a daze, I couldn't help it." Jungkook tried defending himself, he didn't intentionally mate Jin.

"So, you mated him against his will." His mother said, sternly into the phone.

"Why does any of this fucking matter? He is part of the reason why Hoseok is no longer here, what does it matter if I force mated him or I didn't? Shouldn't you both be happy that I am doing something to get back at Yoongi?" Jungkook screamed into the phone in anger.

"Jungkook, I will not tolerate you screaming at your mother. It's unfortunate and heartbreaking what happened to your brother, our son, and I know you want revenge, but we have told you time and time again to let it go. Now, you have destroyed an innocent person's life because of your hate towards that man-"

"So, now, I am being blamed? He fucks my brother over, and now I get blamed?"

"That's not what I am saying, Jungkook, and you know it too. Calm yourself down, I tell you all the time that anger of yours is going to land you in trouble one day and look what you now did. You mated someone you don't even know, not only that, but you say he is pregnant, Jungkook do you recognize the damage you have done. How can you say you did this for Hoseok? Would your brother be happy about this? Right now, I honestly don't think there is a difference between you and Yoongi."

"I AM NOT ANYTHING LIKE HIM. NO ONE IS DEAD!" Jungkook screamed into the phone at his father as he punched his fist into the wall. The phone drops out of his hand as pain surged through his body.

Jin, hearing the noise, walked with curiosity towards Jungkook's room. The door to Jungkook's room was cracked, so he peeked into to see Jungkook standing by the bed with blood dripping from his hand.

He didn't understand why, but it pained him to see Jungkook in pain.

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