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Jungkook was standing in front of his mirror naked, examining his neck while glaring at Jin through the mirror. Who was on his bed, exhausted.

"Why did you do this?" he turns and walks towards Jin, pointing to his neck.

Jin pulled the blanket over himself and tried sitting up, but failed, so he remained laying on his side. "why did you do this?" Jin pointed to his mark.

Jungkook lets out a frustrating growl, grabbing his sweatpants off the floor and tugging them on. "If you thought doing this! was going to make me have feelings for you, it's not. You might be my omega, but I don't trust you, nor do I like you."

"I didn't do it because I want you to have feelings for me, and in case you thought wrong, I don't like you either. I did it because you did it to me without my permission, now we are even. As the new CEO, you are, you can show off your mark too. Tell everyone it's my engagement present to yo-"

Jin stopped talking when Jungkook stood over him, "I swear on my honor, if you weren't pregnant, I would grab you by your throat and throw you the fuck out of the house. Don't get ahead of yourself now Seokjin, I am the only fucking alpha in this house, and I will not tolerate you talking down to me." Jungkook spoke in an authoritative tone.

Jin glared at Jungkook with his chest rising up and down; he wanted to scream. He couldn't believe he had just had sex with this person. Why did he even have sex with him, he wanted to slap himself for it. "I hate you so much!"

"Good, and make sure you keep it like that." Jungkook turned to walked out of the room when he heard Jin whisper, "What did I do wrong to end up with a mate like you?"

"I am asking myself the same question," Jungkook responded and slammed the door.

Jin wanted to yell and tell him to fuck off but didn't have the energy, and he also knew there was only, but so much he could say to Jungkook. He couldn't even believe his parents didn't try to do anything for him earlier, but why was he surprise, they didn't try to listen to him with Yoongi anyway. It was always about status and money for them. What do they care if he was sold or if someone paid money for him? As long as Jungkook was wealthy, that's all they care about.

"I hope you are not an omega," Jin whispers while resting a hand over his stomach. "being in this world defenseless is the worst way to be. I hope that's never the case for you; you don't deserve to be treated like this. Your father is an asshole, a control freak, a prideful and narcissistic bastard; he is selfish, egotistical, deadly, and a psycho."

Jin was too busy talking to his stomach that he didn't realize that Jungkook had returned to the room and stood by the door watching him. "Is that really how you plan on talking about me to my child? Have you lost your damn mind?"

"lost my mind because I am telling the truth?"

"How are you telling the truth? If you want to tell the truth, why don't you tell the truth about my brother? Tell the baby why they will never meet their uncle, tell the baby whey they will never meet their cousin, go ahead! tell our baby the truth!" Jungkook walked over and sat on the bed, pushing Jin's feet to the side as he sat down.

Jin looked at him, confuse, and shifted more on the bed to be out of his way, "what are you talking about?"

"Oh, so now, you don't know what I am talking about. Let me guess; the truth is hard for you to remember. Let me remind you that you and Yoongi are the reason why my brother is dead!"

"w-what are you talking about? I don't know your brother." Jin was completely confused by Jungkook's accusation. He had never killed anyone in his entire life, and if he was going to, the person who he would want to kill the most was sitting right in front of him.

Jungkook chuckled, "of course, you didn't; you were too busy taking Yoongi's attention away from him."

"I didn't take Yoongi from anyone! I didn't even go looking for Yoongi. Do you even know what you are talking about? Do you even know how Yoongi and I got engaged? I bet you don't, so please don't accuse me of shit you don't know." Jin sat up on the bed and yelled at Jungkook, neglecting the pain he was feeling.

"Did you just yell at me?" Jungkook's eyes darken, and he glares at Jin.

"I DID!" Jin screams at him even louder.

He yelps out when Jungkook pushes him down, his hands held both of his wrists pressing them into the bed, while he hovers over him. Jin whimpers as Jungkook dominant stare took him over. "This rebel behavior of yours might have worked with Yoongi, but let's make one thing clear, I am not Yoongi, and I am not going to warn you again to stop. You would be a lot more tolerable if you keep your mouth shut."

Jungkook released his hold on Jin and got off the bed, deciding he was going to leave the room and sleep somewhere else for the night due to how mad Jin was making him.

"You would be a lot more tolerable if you weren't abusive and an asshole," Jin mumbles under his breath.

"What did you say?" Jungkook turns and glares at Jin.

"I- I was telling you congrats on the promotion."

"Yeah, cause you think I am stupid. I know you said something smart, what did you say?"

"Don't you get tired?" Jin was exhausted from everything that had taken place in the day, and he couldn't understand how Jungkook had the energy to do all he had done and continued to do.

"Of course, I get tired, but how can I sleep when you keep acting up and creating problems?"

Jin looked at Jungkook in disbelief but didn't respond to him. He was done and had enough for one night, his body was tired, and mentally he was exhausted. He covered himself thoroughly and laid his head down, closing his eyes, locking out Jungkook's questioning glare.

Jungkook gritted his teeth watching Jin ignore him, letting out a frustrated sigh, he turned his room light off and got into the bed next to Jin, he decided he was not going to allow Jin to make him sleep outside of his room. It was his bed and his house. He should be able to sleep wherever he wants. Fluffing his pillow, he wrapped his arm underneath it and laid his head down, turning his back to Jin. However, Jin's scent was driving his senses crazy. He never met someone who threw him over the edge as much as the omega in his bed did, but at the same time made him feel things he didn't want to.

"I didn't do anything to your brother, I never even met him," Jin whispered into the dark, he couldn't wrap his mind around how Jungkook could have accused him of something he had no clue about.


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