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Jin was sitting down in the hotel lobby waiting patiently on Jungkook to check-in, which he thought was taking a very long time, especially considering he was hungry. He didn't understand why they even had to check-in and why the room wasn't ready.

Sitting by himself, he began browsing through his phone, finding his way to searching up the latest news on Yoongi. He was curious to know if it was a suicide or if someone, meaning his husband had something to do with his death. He didn't get a clear answer from Jungkook, but it was enough to speculate that he could be capable of it.

He turned his head when he heard a soft cry of a baby. A man was sitting next to him, holding a baby boy in his arms, who was fussing and crying while staring at him.

"I am so sorry." the man said, feeling embarrassed to have a crying baby in his arms, which was bringing him unwanted attention. His husband had left him with the baby knowing he was not the best person to handle him.

Looking at baby eyes and back at the man, Jin gave a weak smile, "don't be, you should be happy you can hear his voice."

The man looked at Jin, confused but smiled nonetheless as he tried calming the baby who was now stretching his arms to Jin surprising both of them. (This is legit me, with every baby. They always want to come to me.)

"Do you want to hold him?" the father offered, and Jin immediately shook his head, "n-no, it's okay. I should go. My husband is waiting for me." Jin got up very quickly and walked as far as he could from the man and his son.

He wasn't paying attention to where he was going and almost tripped, but thanks to Jungkook, he gripped his arm and held in place.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook questioned, looking at Jin.

Jin nodded his head, "I am fine, did you get the keys?"

"Yeah, I got them, our bags were sent to our room. There is a restaurant that is serving brunch, do you want to get something to eat now?"

Jin shook his head, "I am not hungry anymore, I want to go to the room." he said and pulled Jungkook by his hand, directing him towards the elevators.

"Wait, wait. What do you mean you are not hungry? That's all you yelled at me about on our way here in the car."

"That was earlier. I had a snack; I didn't realize I had in my bag. Let's go to the room."

"We can go later. I am hungry," Jungkook said and pulled Jin from the elevator, leading him to where he was told the restaurant was.

"No! I want to try for a baby now." Jin screamed out loud, unintentionally causing a lobby filled with people to turn and look at the two of them.

"Come on, if he doesn't help you, I will help you." someone called out and whistled at Jin.

Jin saw the anger flare in Jungkook eyes, and he held on tightly to his arms, "don't engage, don't engage, please." he could hear Jungkook's heart racing, so he pulled him into the crook of his neck, using his scent to calm down his Alpha. He heard his Alpha growl and grip tightly into his shirt.

In a matter of seconds, Jungkook had Jin flipped and over his shoulder. Jin's eyes widen as he looked down at the ground, hanging upside down.

As Jungkook walked with him, excitement grew within him, he hadn't seemed Jungkook like this in a while, and it took this moment to realize he missed the crazy side of his Alpha. Hearing the elevator ding, he knew they were going up to their room, but when they got into the elevator, Jungkook placed him down on his feet, and he was taken back by the look in his Alpha's eyes, which were filled with jealousy and lust.

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