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Part Two: The Journey Begins.


Two Months Later

Jungkook closes the front door of his home and turned on the alarm, which he had turned off before entering the house. Taking a deep breath, he let out a tiring sigh, "Listen; I just got home, I will think about it. However, I don't think now is the right time, he has been hurting a lot, and I am trying to do what I can to not add to it. Maybe in another month, I really don't know, and I don't have a timeline, but let Jimin know it's nothing personal. He can call Jin if he wants, I can't guarantee he will pick up, but he can try."

Taehyung, who was on the other line, looked at his omega, feeling sorry and shook his head, letting him know that visiting Jin was still a no. He mouthed to him; he would be back before walking out of the room to get some privacy so he could talk to Jungkook more.

"Don't worry about it, and I am sure Jimin understands. I will let him know he can text or call Jin. I know he has been texting, but not sure if Jin responded, but it's understandable at the same time. But how are you holding up? I know this has been hard on you as well."

Jungkook's eyes scanned around where he was standing, and he bit into his bottom lip, everything that had happened within the past month came flashing back to him, evoking the pain and emptiness within him.


"Please, tell me they are okay?" Jungkook pleads with tears in his eyes to the doctor who had walked out of the operating room that Seokjin had been brought into three hours earlier.

The doctor looked down on the floor and then back at Jungkook, "Your omega is now in a stable condition, we are going to need to keep him for-"

Jungkook hugged the doctor out of nowhere before he could finish what he was saying, "thank you so much, thank you so so much. I thought my life end just now, and how's our baby?" he pulled away and wiped his tears away, feeling at ease to know his Seokjin was okay.

The doctor seeing Jungkook's reaction didn't know how to deliver the news he had to him; it was the very part of his job he hated. "I am sorry, but he didn't make it. We tried everything we could, but the fetal trauma was too much."

As the news was delivered to him, the tears started falling again, the emptiness he had felt earlier returned, and for the first time in his life, he didn't have words to speak or know what to do.

"Do you have any family, you would like us to call-"

"Where is Seokjin?" Jungkook lets out, wiping away his tears and trying to pull himself together. "D-does he know?" he voice cracks as he imagines the terrible pain his omega must be in at the moment. All he wanted was to be next to him.

"No, he is still under, but we have moved him to a recovery room, so he will be waking up soon. I know this is hard for you, but you must be there when he wakes up."

End of Flashback

"Jungkook, are you there?" Taehyung questioned as there had been a long paused on the other end of the line.

Jungkook pulled himself back to reality and spoke in the phone, "losing Hoseok was painful, but I never knew losing our child would've left me feeling so empty. There is an emptiness that I don't think can ever be filled, it's something I can never explain, and something you will never understand unless you have experienced it. But, Seokjin is having a lot harder time than me right now, so I am doing my best to try and make things easier for him."

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