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Jin lets out a shocking scream as Jungkook drops him onto the bed. "Wait, wait, I said not today." he holds his hand up in defense, blocking Jungkook.

Jungkook spreads his hands apart, gripping his thighs and pulling Jin to the edge of the bed as he settles between his legs, "don't tease me if you can't handle the consequences." Jungkook says as a growl escapes his lips.

Jin looked at Jungkook's lust-filled eyes and swallowed; he could feel Jungkook's harden member through his pants. "Sorry," he whispered and pressed his lips together, trying not to smile.

But his face turns to worry when he saw Jungkook smirking, "considering you are sore, why don't you use these and help me out?" Jungkook presses his finger against Jin's lips, and pushes it in Jin's mouth, and pulled it back out slowly, as he examines the feel of Jin's lips on his finger.

"Your lips are soft." he winks at Jin and removes himself from between Jin's legs. Jin took the opportunity to sit up, and he was about to respond, he stopped and looked at Jungkook with his eyes wide, as Jungkook slipped out of his pants.

"Wait-" he was shut up by Jungkook's finger, which pressed against his lips, "I am only trying to exercise an alternative for the days you will have your excuses."

He removed his finger from Jin's lips and hooked his hands at his boxers to take them off, but Jin stopped him.

"No, listen! I don't mind doing this, but not right now, I want to do it at my pace, I am scarred from the last time."

Jin's word caught Jungkook off guard, and the look in his eyes changed. "Last time? Who did you do this with?"

Jin could see that Jungkook was getting angry. "I-I didn't do it willingly."

"What are you talking about?"

"A-at that place, t-they forced me. One of the guys, you know, he made me suck his-"

Jin jumps back onto the bed as the lamp next to their bed went flying into the bathroom door. "What the fuck did you say? Which guy?" Jungkook barked at Jin as anger rose in him.

"I-it doesn't matter. I am not there anymore." Jin tried explaining as he felt nervous to the pit of his stomach. He had seen many sides of Jungkook, but the side he saw now, it scared him.

"Seokjin, what guy was it?!" Jungkook screamed at him.

"Stop yelling at me! I didn't do anything; he did, I-I don't know his name, b-but he was the one who kidnapped me, he f-forced me to do." Jin yelled as tears began forming in his eyes.

"Come here, and I am sorry I wasn't yelling at you." Jungkook pulls Jin from the bed and hugs him. "I have been working to have that place shut down, but now, I think having them killed is a much better solution."

Jin pulls away from Jungkook, "no, no, you can't kill them. They are wrong, but you can't kill someone, that will mean you will go to jail. I am pregnant; I can't raise a baby by myself."

Jungkook's face was serious as he looked into Jin's eyes, "I said I could have them killed. Not that I was going to be the one to kill them. It's not that hard either, and I won't go to jail. But, it's cute you are thinking about me like that."

"Umm, you make it seem like you have gotten someone killed before." Jin smiled nervously.

Jungkook smirked and pulled Jin back into a hug, "some things are better left in the past."

"Wait, so are you saying-"

"Seokjin, no more questions. Just know you won't ever have to worry about another omega, or beta experiencing what you did. I fucked up in the beginning with how I treated you, you didn't deserve it, and you didn't deserve it from them either." As Jungkook spoke to Jin, he couldn't have his mind erase the thought that someone had touched his omega, it wasn't sitting right with him, and he was going to make sure they suffer for it.

"You know, I get why they did what they did, but I can't understand why you did what you did. Like you took me from there, your Alpha chose me, but after I mentioned Yoongi's name, you became a monster. Blaming me for your brother and stuff, why? These are questions and thoughts I have even though I am trying to move forward with you."

Jungkook releases his hold on Jin and lets out a deep sigh, "it's complicated. I misunderstood and assumed." he sat down on the bed and looked everywhere else, but at Jin.

"Then don't make it complicated, explain it to me so I can understand as I feel this will always be something between us, and I would feel a lot better if I have some closure about it. I mean I have thought of reaching out to Yo-"

Jungkook eyes connect with Jin making him stop mid-sentence, "it was only a thought, but I won't, if you tell me. Talk to me, tell me why, did I do something?"

"You are never reaching out to him! and there is no compromise on that; that's an order, and I will make sure to remind you of it whenever I need to!" Jungkook jawbone clenched as he glared at Jin.

"Fine, fine, I am not, and I won't. Now, can you use to same energy and strength and tell me what happened? Why was I blamed for something I have no clue about, particularly your bother?" Jin questioned, sitting next to Jungkook.

Minutes went by, and Jungkook stayed silent and looked down at his hands, not responding to Jin. Jin not letting the subject go, place his hand on Jungkook's face and turned his head to him, but what he sees surprises him, Jungkook was crying.

Jin didn't know the feeling of heartbreak until he saw the tears running down Jungkook's face, "baby, what's wrong?" he pulled Jungkook to him, letting Jungkook's head lay on his shoulder. "Did I say something? Please tell me if I did something wrong."

"You didn't do anything wrong, I did," Jungkook whispered out as he pulled away from Jin and wiped his eyes. "I thought you were apart of the reason why my brother committed suicide."

"What do you mean?"

Jungkook turned and faced Jin with his body as he told him the entire story of what happens with Hoseok. Jin's face turned into horror as he listened. As a pregnant omega with previous concerns, he could relate so much to what Jungkook's brother must have gone through. He, too, had a time when things had gotten hard had thoughts similar to those. However, it was his determination not to lose or give up that kept him going.

"I am so sorry, and I wished you told me! I didn't know." Jin tried pulling Jungkook into a hug, but he pulled back.

"Stop trying to be so Alpha and let me help you. It's okay to cry, you know, it won't kill you. Holding the emotions, you hold inside is what will kill you. Thinking you have control of everything is another thing that will kill you. Look how fragile life is, I am sure your brother never wanted to do what he did, but the emotions and the pain got too much for him. Don't do that to yourself."

Jin got from the bed and straddled Jungkook's lap, hugging him tightly as he laid his head on his shoulder. Jungkook returned Jin's hug and leaned his face into his mark on Jin's neck as tears fell from his eyes.

Jin rubbed his back gently, allowing him the moment to let go of whatever he was holding in, which he knew as something hard for the Alpha.

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