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Jungkook stepped into the house struggling to carry the many bags he had in his hand, Jin had ordered so many things that he had to pick up from the store. He didn't understand why they couldn't have it delivered the next day and why he had to pick them up today, but knowing his omega, he knew it was best to do what he was asking.

As he made his way up the stairs, he was surprised by how quiet the house was, especially after Jin told him he was going to be baking today. But, oddly, the house didn't smell like anything was baking, or was baked. A smell he knew very well and enjoyed coming home to, from time to time.

Going up the stairs while struggling with the bags, Jungkook tried his best not to make any noise even though it was almost unavoidable. When he finally got to their bedroom and pushed the door open, he was surprised to find Jin sleeping. Taking his time, he placed the bags down and tiptoed outside of the room towards the hallway.

Walking down the hallway, he pushed the door to what used to be Jin's room and peaked his head in, raising his eyebrow in surprise when he saw that not only one, but both kids were sleeping. He smiled and closed the door, heading back out to go to his and Jin's bedroom.

After he and Jin had decided to adopt, they did not hesitate to start the process, even though it took longer than expected. At first, they planned to adopt a baby girl, but it was discovered out she was a twin, and Jin couldn't bear with separating the twins. Jungkook understood and agreed; therefore, they went forward with getting both.

It had been only a month since they had the twins, they were six months old, which wasn't bad for them, even though they were hoping to get them as newborns, it didn't turn out that way.

While they waited for the twins to come home, Jungkook wanted Jin to decorate the room, but he had refused to do so, as he was afraid it wouldn't happen and didn't want to have a baby room to look at with no baby. Now, this is why every day, he has Jungkook bringing things home from work.

Jin thought everything he was shopping for, but Jungkook thought the complete opposite, some he thought were never going to be used, especially the clothes that they were already growing out of.

"You are awake," Jungkook said to Jin as he entered their room to find his omega sitting up on the bed. "I check on the kids, they are sleeping." he knew if he didn't say anything, Jin would be going to check on them.

"Oh, that's good, I figured when I saw the bags you were home. How was work?" Jin got off the bed and walked towards Jungkook, wrapping his hand around him as he leaned his head against his chest.

Jungkook hugged Jin back and kissed him on his forehead, "work was good, long ass meetings which I wish I could've cut short. I thought you were going to bake what happen? You are sleeping a lot; lately, I should start calling you sleepy."

Jin pouts and pulls away to look at Jungkook, "don't call me that! Try being here with these two all day, and see if you won't be sleeping a lot too. I have to feed them, clean them, bathe them, and attend to their every need, so when they are resting, I take it upon myself to rest too."

"I am sorry then, I know it's hard and you are busy at home. If you want, I can work remotely twice per week to help out. However, honestly, I don't think it's the kids that are making you so sleepy, I know you don't want me saying this, but I think you are pregnant-"

"Jungkook, please stop, I am not pregnant, I have taken a million pregnancy test, and all are negative, I even took one last week after you brought it up again last week and nothing, it was negative. Yes, I gained weight, but I have been eating a lot, baking a lot more, and taking in a lot of sweets. If you think I am getting too fat, tell me, but don't keep bringing up me being pregnant when I am not because it's only messing with me mentally."

Jungkook waited patiently for Jin to finish, he knew it was going to happen once he brought the topic up, but as Jin's Alpha, he couldn't sit back and watch him not listen to him. He was the Alpha for a reason; there were certain things he could sense and knew.

"One, I don't think you are getting too "fat" you will always be perfect for me no matter how you are. What I do think is that you are pregnant. To settle this, since I believe you are pregnant and you are saying the test is telling you differently, let's make an appointment with the doctor. That's the only thing that will convince me you are not. Look at your stomach and tell me you don't see that it's growing, you are trying to tell me that is you are getting fat?"

Jin knew what Jungkook was saying, he had a lot of pregnancy symptoms, and he could see his stomach was a lot bigger within the last two months, but at the same time all the test were negative, and he refused to get his hopes up for something that wasn't true.

"We can go to the doctor, but I am telling you the test are accurate. We have two kids now, I am happy, we are happy, why are you trying to do this me? And how can I be pregnant, we have been trying forever, and now we have two kids who are so young, there is no way I am suddenly pregnant."

"I am sorry, I don't want to make things painful for you, but as your Alpha, I know my senses are better than any pregnancy test you can ever take. Maybe the test you are taking is faulty."

Jin gave into Jungkook, and both agreed on going to the doctor for confirmation.


"Can you repeat that, please?" Jungkook asked the doctor for confirmation while he held the two babies in his arms.

The doctor looked over at him and down at the twins feeling sorry for the family, he couldn't relate, but he certainly did not want to be them. "Sure, I said you and your omega here are having triplets. He is three months along."

"Is that possible?" Jungkook still wasn't able to wrap his head around how Jin was pregnant with triplets and them having twins already. If he counts correctly, that meant five kids.

Jin looked at the doctor as he tried sitting up on the bed, "I don't understand I have been taking a lot of tests, and they all were negative."

"To answer your question, it is possible, and for you, sometimes pregnancy tests are faulty."

"I see, but you are aware of what happen the last time I was pregnant and how long it has taken me to get now pregnant, do you see and issue with me carrying three babies?" When jin heard he was pregnant with triplets, he was first happy and thrilled that he was pregnant, but now his main concern was whether there be any issues with carrying three kids.

"Can I speed grow the two of you?" Jungkook questioned looked down at the twins who were looking around the room, trying to understand their surroundings.

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