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Jin and Jungkook's clothes were on the floor of the kitchen as the two made out on the kitchen counter. Jungkook kissed Jin with hunger and desperation, his hands enveloped around the omegas waist, keeping their body close as his member probed at Jin's opening teasingly. He was pushing his tip in and out deliberately.

Jin held onto the side of the counter, fearing he would fall as his ass was almost at the edge, even though Jungkook hugged him tightly he was worried he would slip. He wanted to convince Jungkook for them to go to the bedroom, but the look Jungkook had on his face was one he hadn't seen before, it was his first time witnessing an Alpha in a rut and based on what he knew now was not a good time to provoke the Alpha.

A gasp escapes Jin's lips as Jungkook grunt and growl while pushing deep into him. Jin's felt his hole stretching open at the sudden push of Jungkook's member. He drew away slightly as he tried adjusting to Jungkook, but Jungkook pulled his hips back into him until their bodies were glued together. Jin moaned aloud and leaned his head back, Jungkook eyes got darker as the mark on Jin's neck is revealed to him.

He begins pounding into the omega, as he watched Jin's mouth parted, and cries of pleasure, leaving his lips. Jungkook hugged their body tightly more than before, pressing their body together, their sweat mixing as he bites into Jin's neck. The omega squeals out, wrapping his legs around Jungkook's waist, prompting Jungkook to go deeper into him, hammering into his prostate.

Jin's back arched as he raises his hips slightly to take in more of Jungkook. What Jungkook was doing was a new feeling for him, the Alpha kept his rhythm in place, his mouth lodged to Jin's throat, as he sucked and fucked the omega. Jin's eyes were dazed with desire, and his body felt hot, the eruption in the pit of his stomach only made him cry out louder.

He started grinding into Jungkook, making the Alpha grunt, he wanted more, he didn't want Jungkook to stop. Jungkook removed his mouth from Jin's neck, and looked at the omega, amazed at how his body was responding to his. His lust and need for the omega increased, and he kisses Jin's lips, roughly soaking in Jin's loud and pleasure-filled moans.

He felt the warm liquid of Jin's cum running down his leg which causes him to increase his speed, thrusting into Jin harder than before, Jin's fingers rake through Jungkook hair pulling at it as he begged him to go harder. He wished their position was different; he wanted nothing more than to ride out his orgasm by sitting on Jungkook.

Jungkook had never seen this side of his omega; Jin wanted it; he was begging him to take him. He was struggling to hold back as he was trying his best to keeping in mind that Jin was pregnant, and if he lost complete control, he could hurt the omega, but the omega wasn't helping him to stay sane, but instead, he was driving him crazy. His scent, being inside of him, his sweet moans, and the way his body was responding with desperation for him was all messing with his Alpha.

Jin lowered his head into Jungkook's shoulder, biting into it as the Alpha pumped into his prostate hard and fast. Jungkook fingers press into Jin's skin as he erupts inside of him. Jin removes his mouth from Jungkook shoulder, absorbing in the taste and scent of his Alpha as the hot liquid from Jungkook's cum paints his inside. A sudden cry escapes his lips as Jungkook teeth bite into his mating mark again, and his knot swelled inside of him.

Jin stayed still; his head leaned to the side as he immersed himself into the feeling of having his Alpha lodged into him. After a few moments, the knot dislodged, and Jungkook removed his teeth from Jin's throat but didn't pull out of Jin as he looked at the omega.

Jin gulped as he saw nothing but lust and desire in the Alpha's eyes. Jungkook tight grip on his body told him they were far from done, which made his stomach twist in anticipation for what was to come.

He leaned forward and kissed the Alpha urging him to continue, letting him know he wanted him to continue. Jungkook eyes flickered with an unknown emotion, and he growls against Jin's lips, nipping his bottom lip as he sucked on it, before plunging his tongue into Jin's mouth. Taking control, sucking on the omega's tongue, and deepening their kiss.

Jin yelps out when Jungkook lifts him off the counter and starts moving around with him. He gasped in surprise when he landed onto something soft, looking around he realized he was on the sofa in the living room, but before he could take note of anything else Jungkook plunged into him, causing him to scream in both pain and pleasure.

His nails dig into Jungkook shoulder, and he widens his legs. Jungkook lifts Jin's right leg over his shoulder, providing for a better angle to go deeper into him. The force that Jungkook was pounding into Jin with causes him to cum quickly, cum splattered all over his chest and his face. Jungkook smirks at the mess the omega made and leans down, licking and sucking the cum off Jin's body.

Jin licked his cum from his lips and pulled Jungkook into a kiss, wrapping his leg that was free around Jungkook's waist, urging the Alpha to press deeper into him. Jungkook pulled out of Jin slowly, and Jin whined, pulling their body back closer together, his teeth biting into Jungkook's lips, pleading with him to continue, a deep roar escapes from Jungkook as he plunges hard into Jin.

Jin pants loudly, and he raises his leg, freeing one of his hands to hold his leg wide open so Jungkook could keep his current rhythm, his body was responding to the Alpha's thrust in ways he never expected it to. Jungkook was making him feel things he didn't expect to feel either. He didn't want this moment of pleasure to end.

Jungkook grinds his waist into Jin, repeating his long deep thrust; he didn't want to stop. His omega knew exactly what he needed and was responding even better than he had expected him to. "Mine," he whispers against Jin's lips as he kisses him hard and picks up his speed, pumping harder into him, hitting against his prostate and swallowing his cries of pleasure.


"Gaahh," Jin moaned out as he slams down on Jungkook's member. He had both hands on Jungkook's chest as he rocked his hips back and forth, riding Jungkook. Jungkook hands settle on Jin's waist, and he thrust in and out of Jin, matching the rotation on Jin's hips.

He was more turned on than before with the position they were in, oddly having the omega on top of him; his tight hole stimulating his member gave him new feels and made him feel something he had never felt before.

Jungkook griped Jin's member stroking it while looking at the omega; his hips continued thrusting into Jin, who kept up the Alpha's speed, rocking his hips to meet his every thrust. As their speed increase, Jungkook could feel Jin's inside getting tighter, the rotation of his hips got faster. His inside constricted around Jungkook's member, and Jungkook felt his member twitched in his hand as cum spilled out, and Jin cried out in pleasure.

Jungkook felt himself go deeper into Jin as he shuddered around his member, bringing him to yet another release. He pulled Jin into a kiss, and both of them kissed each other hungrily. And as Jin tried getting off Jungkook, the Alpha growled and began thrusting slowly into him, letting him know they were nowhere near being done.


A/N: Listen, I tried, if it made sense it did, if it didn't, well, sharpen your imagination 😩. Honestly, I don't know what that was, I fell asleep in between writing it.

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