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Two Years Later (Yes, that's correct).

Jin looked around the kid's playroom and sighed; he didn't know where to start with cleaning up. It was the same for him every evening after the kids were put down for their nap, he would try to clean up after their playtime, but every day it seemed the mess they made got bigger, and it was more work for him. Jungkook had recommended that they get a maid who could come in and help out, but Jin refused. As much as it was a lot of work, he enjoyed doing it.

He didn't even allow the nanny to help out with cleaning; he wanted to do. It was also his quiet time to relax his mind. He didn't know cleaning could be a form of therapy until after having five kids in the home.

The kids were young and exploring; Jungkook had remodeled half of the home solely for them. They had a huge playroom, with every toy one could think of for their age. The girls who were older enjoyed playing a lot more than their brothers, who enjoyed making a mess while discovering new things. They had to get gates for the stairs and make many things in the home childproof as there was nowhere the little ones didn't try to go.

Plugging in his music, he began his cleaning. Wiping down and sanitizing all of the toys that they had played with for the day as he usually did. He then cleaned the carpet and their playmats. He wiped up the spilled juice and apple sauce that was spread on the wall with their fingerprints. By the time he was finished, he had gotten his daily workout. That was one of the perks of having five kids; he stayed fit as they had him up and down all day long. Even though they had a nanny that came daily, except the weekends, the kids stuck to him the most, well that was usually until Jungkook got home. He was seen as the fun parent, especially to the girls.

Jin knew they only loved him for the Saturday tea parties he hosted for them; other than that, he knew the kids saw them the same. The boys were rather interesting; you didn't have to have much to get their attention; whoever had their food in hand was automatically their favorite person. They had an appetite that surprised Jin. Jungkook was proud, though, claiming that they were all going to be Alpha's, which got him and Jin in an argument. As Jin did not want him declaring anything over their kids, he wanted them to present in the future freely as who they are-not thinking of one species more superior than the other.

He wanted to raise all their kids with equality, teaching them that none is above the other no matter what they end up becoming. If any of his kids are Alpha's, which he sure some will be, he wants them to respect Beta's and Omega's and not see them as beneath. He knows some things are innate, but he also knows some things can be thought, especially if thought while young.

Due to this, he had made it clear to Jungkook respect between them as parents should always be upheld in their home. Jungkook being an Alpha, should never use his Alpha authority in front of the kids with Jin. There was not much concern with this for Jin. Jungkook had come a long way as an Alpha and head of their home. He gave respect and listened to what Jin wanted versus what he wanted. They learned how to compromise, and Jin allowed him to lead, trusting him as an Alpha.


Jungkook walked into the house, sniffing and licking his lips at the sweet aroma that fills his nostrils. He could tell his husband had prepared a delicious meal, which surprised him as Jin had told him he had no plans on cooking and take-out would be for dinner unless he wanted to cook.

Appreciating the home's quietness, he heads towards the kitchen, where his husband was bent over, checking something in the oven.

"Someone was waiting for me." Jungkook lets out, making Jin jolt in surprise, almost dropping the ceramic baking pan in his hand.

"Damn it; you almost cause me to burn myself," Jin said, closing the oven and turning to face Jungkook.

Jungkook pulled him into his arms, resting his face into his neck, "I am sorry."

Jin rolled his eyes and hugged him back, "apology is only accepted if you brought us something."

Pulling away, Jungkook stared at his husband and smiled, "well, I brought you something, but I will give it to you later." he gave Jin a wink making Jin shake his head. Resting his hand on Jin's belly, he smiles, "as for this little one, I brought chocolate."

Kneeling, he lifts Jin's shirt kissing his belly, "how are you today? Was Appa nice to you? Did he feed you?"

Jin stood still watching his husband, who did the same thing every day with his belly. He was pregnant with another boy. Adding another addition to the family.

After having the triplets, they decided that they wouldn't stop having kids; after knowing the feeling of losing a child, Jin wanted to have as many as possible. Jungkook understood him and agreed that they should make it happen naturally. So five months ago, when Jin found out he was pregnant, the couple was happy and was only surprised when they found out they were having another boy. They had thought they would be making things even with the boys and girls, but it appeared as though not this time around.

Jin felt as though he would have gotten pregnant sooner, had it not been for the first year after having the boys, he had lost his sex drive, not wanting to have sex as much as before. He had sex to satisfy Jungkook's needs, but for him, it became nothing. His heats were even delayed, and then suddenly, one day when Jungkook had traveled for a trip, Jin went into his heat, causing Jungkook to have to fly home, since then his body had returned to normal. His sex drive increased, causing many wild days and nights between the two and now baby number seven.

He will always count himself as having seven kids, as he had held their first child in his arms, he still remembered his features as though it was only yesterday. Those memories can never be removed from his mind, no matter how many kids they have. His firstborn can never be replaced either by any of the kids. Every year, he had a memorial for his son, remembering him and thinking of who and what he could have been like. Something he and Jungkook will never actually know.

Every time he saw a pregnant person even at his appointments, he wished them well, hoping they would never endure something like he and Jungkook had endured. He had been kidnapped and sold, but even that didn't compare to the pain of losing his son.

"He said you weren't nice to him; why is that? What did you do?" Jungkook pouts, looking up at Jin.

"Don't let me slap you, get up, and help me set the table; Jimin and Taehyung are coming over."

"I let you slap me if you allow me to-"

"NO!" Jin said immediately, knowing what Jungkook wanted.

Standing up, Jungkook pulled Jin to him, "please?"

"No, the last time, you had me cuffed to the bed all night. I am pregnant; we are not doing any of that."

"It's different, babe; I was in my rut then, I promise, only for one round?"

Jin looked at Jungkook and sighed, "only one round?"

"Yes, I promise."


A/N: You can start preparing to say goodbye to this book. I was originally going to make it longer, but have decided not to.

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