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"Get up! There are somethings we need to discuss." Jungkook yelled towards Jin, who was sitting in the same place Jimin had left him.

Jin didn't want to move, but he couldn't help himself. As much as he had hoped and prayed that the mating bite wouldn't take, it did. Even though his mind tried resisting Jungkook as an Alpha. He also tried pleading with his omega that Jungkook wasn't the one for it, but just being around Jungkook made his omega submissive.

Whenever Jungkook wasn't around him, his omega felt alone and weak. Meanwhile, for him, he wanted to be as far away as possible from Jungkook, but he couldn't. He knew he was now trapped.

Jin had thought that being kidnapped and taken against his will would have been his greatest pain, but it wasn't. It was nothing compared to what Jungkook had done to him. He doesn't even think in his entire life he will ever be able to forget that night. Not only was his virginity that he had vowed he wouldn't lose until marriage was lost, but he was mated and knotted against his wishes.

He no longer felt as though he was a human being with rights, but just an omega who had become subservient to an Alpha male. In one night, his entire life was stolen and destroyed. The human side of him didn't have a purpose or reason to exist anymore. Still, his omega did, and that had become his biggest struggle since being marked.

Jungkook was angry with himself. In trying to get his revenge, he had given himself to an omega, an omega he didn't even want. Now he knew he was stuck with Jin at; first, his primary thought was to refuse Jin as an omega, but that was the thought of his human side; his Alpha was not in agreement with him. Similar to Jin, he was now feeling trapped, but while Jin had every reason to blame Jungkook. Jungkook had no one to blame but himself.

As Jin followed Jungkook into the living room, he was amazed to see how the place that was once a messed cleaned up. It made him wonder if Jungkook's friend or Jimin had helped him. He had gone into hiding after Jungkook began screaming and throwing things all over the place.

Jungkook had tried reaching after Jin at one point, ripping Jin's shirt open and driving more fear into him. For his own safety, Jin decided to hide, but after Jungkook yelling and telling him he could smell him, he knew it was pointless.

"I don't want you," Jungkook said once he sat down into his chair. As soon as those words are released from his mouth, Jin felt a sharp pain by the mark on his neck.

"But considering you have my mark on you, you are stuck with me. You will be presented to the public as the omega of Jeon Jungkook. I will have a party to make this announcement, and we will be sure to invite your little friend Yoongi. Since you now have my mark, I won't have to worry about you going anywhere. So I guess you can say you will be granted some freedom you wouldn't otherwise have before me marking you.

However, you will not and cannot go anywhere without my permission. You have a responsibility when it comes to this home, and your primary job will be to ensure this home is cleaned, and a meal is prepared for me at all times. The pantry and refrigerator should never be empty or low on groceries. I would also prefer that we have limited contact while living together in this house. Although if my parents come around after I have announced you pubicly to everyone, you will treat me like the Alpha that I am. That also goes for if and when we are out in public.

The only time we should communicate is if you are letting me know my breakfast and dinner is ready. Also, when you need money, you can let me know, and I will provide it to you. Do I make myself clear with all of this?"

"W-why did you do this to me?" Jin questioned as he trembled in his seat. Tears were falling out of his eyes. He didn't feel like a human, he felt more like a slave that was now stuck with his master forever.

"Do you really think I wanted to mate you? If you really think that I suggest you get over yourself and be thankful that I am not rejecting you." Jungkook stood up in annoyance.

"T-then, why don't you? Reject me, let me suffer. I am sure even death would be better than being stuck here with you."

Jungkook eyes turned dark at Jin's request, and his Alpha got angry. He marched towards Jin and gripped him by the throat, "Don't you dare try and challenge me. As an omega, you will need to learn your place!"

Jin's omega felt weak as Jungkook held onto his throat, and he could almost feel himself not breathing, but he didn't care, so he didn't fight back. Jungkook realizing this release his hold on Jin and dropped him onto the floor.

"Keep being stubborn. I am going to show you why being stubborn will cause you to suffer more." Jungkook walked out of the room and left Jin on the floor, holding onto his throat and crying.

He had sensed how much Jin's scent had changed and knew that the younger was already expecting. Jin probably wasn't aware, and he was going to use Jin's pregnancy to teach him a lesson as to why being stubborn and putting up a fight is wrong for an omega. Neglecting Jin during his pregnancy would be easy for him anyway as a child was not something he wanted.

On the bright side, he knew this would only anger Yoongi more. He couldn't wait until he gets to announce Jin as his omega to the public.

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