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"Why would you do that?!" Jungkook's mother yells at him as soon he walked off the stage, holding onto Jin's hand and pulling him with him.

"Do what, tell the truth? I refuse to have you, dad or Seokjin use this against me any more than you already have. Next time you think of threatening and forcing me to do something, this will make you think twice. Now, if you'll excuse me, we need to go."

Jungkook wraps his arm around Jin's waist, pulled him along with him as he walked away from his mother. "Aren't you proud of me? You should be. Not everyone gets to have an Alpha like me."

Jin looked at Jungkook in utter disgust. How could he be so cocky with his actions? What was he supposed to do now that Jungkook had told everyone what he wanted to say to them?

Everyone was looking at them, and Jungkook didn't seem to care one bit. Taehyung was looking at Jungkook proudly, knowing that his friend was able to take control of any situation.

Jungkook walked with Jin towards where Yoongi was standing fuming with him, parents.

"Min Yoongi, I didn't expect you would show up. I guess I am not the only one who is shameless in this room. I'd introduce you to my mate, but that would be pointless, wouldn't it?" Jungkook smirked as he spoke to Yoongi, who was glaring at him. If looks could kill, Jungkook would've died on the spot.

Yoongi doubles his fist and punches Jungkook in the face causing Jungkook to stumble backward and fall along with Jin.

Jin winced out in pain as Jungkook fell on top of him. Before Jin could blink, Jungkook had Yoongi on the ground, pummeling him, "You killed my brother, are you trying to kill my child too?" Jungkook screamed as he repeatedly punched Yoongi.

Taehyung rushed towards the fight between the two and pulled Jungkook off Yoongi. While Jin's parents went to his side and helped him off the ground.

Jungkook shrugged Taehyung off and attacked Yoongi once more, but before he could hit Yoongi, his father pulled him back.

"Son, enough! Is this how you want to remember your engagement party? You are a CEO now, and you need to act like it!" Jungkook's father shakes him frowning at his behavior and the embarrassment he was causing the family in one night.

Jungkook shrugged his father off without saying a word and walked towards where Jin was standing with his parents.

"Sorry, we had to meet like this." He bowed to Jin's parents and then pulled Jin away from them.

"Are you hurt?"

Jin looked at him, confused, not sure if he was asking him that.

"Answer me! Are you hurt?!" Jungkook screams at Jin.


"Let's go." Jungkook didn't allow Jin to say anything else as he dragged him out of the building.


The ride to Jungkook's house was quiet. Jin sat as far as he could from Jungkook. He didn't know what Jungkook was thinking, and he was worried about himself.

It was clear he was stuck with someone who was very unpredictable. He had witnessed what Jungkook had done to Yoongi's face and now not knowing where Jungkook's mind was didn't have him feeling good.

Placing his hand on his stomach, Jin silently prayed for the safety of him and his unborn child.

Jungkook leaned his head against the car window as he regretted, not killing Yoongi when he had the chance to do so months back. Although he knew if something happened to his child, it would've been his fault for insisting that Yoongi showed up to an event he had no business being at.

He was going to make sure that the first thing he does as the new CEO of his father's company is remove their investments from the Min's family.

When they got home, Jin tried hurrying for the stairs to go to his room, but Jungkook stopped him.

"Come back here, you need to eat, and I'm hungry."

Jin turned to tell Jungkook something, but upon reminding himself of all that had happened for the night, he kept his mouth shut and walked towards the kitchen. He was hungry anyway and would've gone to bed hungry had Jungkook not said anything, but he didn't mind, anything to get away from the current atmosphere.

Jungkook stood in the kitchen and watched as Jin prepared something for them to eat. He paid close attention to everything Jin was adding to the food, not trusting him. He knew if presented with the opportunity, Jin would probably poison him.

While keeping an eye on Jin, his phone kept going off. He had gotten calls from his parents, colleagues, and Taehyung, all of which he ignored. He wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone or listen to any of the bullshit they presumably wanted to say to him.

"Here," Jin pushed a plate with food on the counter towards Jungkook and took his seat on one of the chairs by the kitchen island. He was hoping Jungkook would take the food and go into the dining room and eat. Tonight he wanted to be as far as he can be from Jungkook.

But to his disappointment Jungkook pulled the chair out next to him and sat down, eating his food without saying anything to Jin.

Jin tried to scarf down his food as quickly as he could. Coughing from time to time due to how fast he was trying to eat. Which earned him a few side glares from Jungkook, but he didn't care; he was trying to hurry and go to his room.

After finishing his food, he brought his plate to the sink and washed it out, but as he was about to put the plate in the dishwasher, the words that left Jungkook mouth made him drop the plate onto the floor.

"Starting from tonight, you are going to be sleeping in my room."

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