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A/N: This chapter is heavy in some ways, as a lot is going on.

After a warm bath, Jungkook was able to make it out of his room. He made a decision due to how he felt he would not go to work; instead, he would stay home and try to finalize everything for the upcoming event that would be announcing him as the new CEO of the family company. Of course, the 'announcement' regarding him being engaged was going to be revealed that night as well, but that was not as important as his promotion.

Grabbing his laptop, he walks out of his room to head down to his favorite place so he could focus on what he needed to. When he stepped into the hallway, he was hit by Jin's scent. It wasn't the ordinarily soft, but sweet scent he usually walks in to. It was heavy and stronger than usual. It made him feel very weird. He wanted to ignore it and walk down the stairs, but he couldn't. Instead, he found himself walking towards Jin's room.

Upon entering Jin's room, he was taken back by the sight before him and how much his muscles began aching him. Jin was curled up in a fetal position and crying as he rocked back and forth. Dropping his laptop Jungkook rushes towards Jin's and presses his hand towards his forehead. He was shocked by how warm Jin was. Jin reached out his hand and gripped onto Jungkook's own.

As Jungkook scent took over the room, he was able to stabilize his breathing. The pain he was feeling started to subside. He was able to straighten himself out on the bed and release his hold on Jungkook. His stomach and legs were weak, but it was a lot better than it was five minutes ago.

"Why are you burning up?" Jungkook demanded as he removed his hand from Jin's forehead and began looking around the room for something he could use to wipe the sweat off Jin's face.

"How should I know, do I look like a doctor?" As Jin was now pulling back to his senses, he didn't like the idea of Jungkook being in his room. He had done his best to avoid him.

"You were vomiting? How long have you been doing this?" Jungkook questioned, ignoring Jin as he caught sight of the trash can by Jin's bed.

Jin rolled his eyes and turned his back to Jungkook. He didn't know why he cared, and he didn't want to know. What Jungkook was doing was not normal, and he was not going to get caught up in one of his psychotic mood swings. He was, however, thankful that he stopped by because him being there helped whatever pain he was in.

"Do you think because I have been quiet and leaving you alone, you can now ignore me? Are do I need to remind you that I am your Alpha?" Jungkook walked around the side of the bed, Jin was now facing so he could look at him.

"You are not Yoongi so-"

Before Jin was able to finish his sentence, he yanked out of bed and placed on his feet, but he wobbled, trying to find his balance as his legs were still weak. Jungkook reaches out and grabs him by his shirt before he could fall.

"Look at me!" Jungkook commands Jin.

Jin unable to fight the authoritative voice of Jungkook, so he turns to face him. He tried breaking eye contact once they were face to face, but he couldn't.

"Who am I to you?"

"A....b-b-buyer," Jin uttered as he struggled to try and keep a sane mind.

Jungkook could see right through what Jin was doing, and it angered him, but rather than acting out on it, he decided to play on it. He had lots more time to get back at Jin, especially when he least expects it. He is going to make sure he understands that Yoongi's name should never leave his lips again. "Well then, since I am your buyer, and you are mine, get your ass in the kitchen and make me breakfast."

He gave Jin a push towards the door. It was a light push, but Jin's legs were still weak from earlier, so when Jungkook pushed him, he wasn't able to maintain his balance on his own and fell onto the floor. Jungkook tried reaching out to catch him, but it was too late.

While falling, Jin used his left hand to try and brace his fall, but that made things worst for him as he fell down on his wrist, twisting it. Jin screamed out in agony, rolling onto his back and grabbing his left arm that was hurting him.

Jungkook dropped to his knees immediately and pulled Jin towards him. He tried examining Jin's wrist, but he couldn't tell if it was a sprain or a fracture. All he knew was that Jin was in a lot of pain, and he could feel it.

"You need a doctor." he picks Jin up in his arms and walks out the room towards the stairs.

Jin, who was in a lot of pain, didn't have it in him to say anything to Jungkook. He just wanted the pain to disappear. Leaning his face into Jungkook's chest was the last thing he remembered.


"He has a sprained wrist, we wrapped it, and have prescribed some medicine to help with the pain. Please ensure he sticks to the medicine we prescribe for the pain and not anything else as with his pregnancy depending on the medication it can have an effect on the baby."

"How long will it take for his wrist to heal?"

"six weeks, but it can be longer. I need to see him again in two weeks to ensure the healing process is going well."

"Okay. Also, does he know any of this?" Jungkook was curious if the doctor spoke to him first before talking to Jin.

"No, I came straight to you. You asked that I meet with you first." Jungkook smiled at the obedient beta.

"Thank you. I will let my omega know all the details." Jungkook was about to walk off from the doctor when the doctor stopped him.

"Oh, another thing, he asked me to call this number for him and tell them to come search for him at this address. He said if I couldn't reach them to call the police for him. I was going to, but then I figure you, and I could probably work something out." The doctor runs his hand over Jungkook's arm and steps closer to him.

Jungkook pulls the beta into him and leans his face into his neck, "You are a lot more attractive when you are not trying to be a whore. Call whoever he wants you to, I don't fucking care."

Jungkook releases his hold on the doctor and storms off to the room Jin was in.

"Next time you are going to try and seek help to escape, choose someone sensible and not a whore who will suck my dick instead of carrying through with your request," Jungkook says to Jin as he walks over to examine the wrap that the doctor had put on.

Jin shifted on the bed, and Jungkook noticed it. "You know I didn't mean for you to fall, right?"

"Am I supposed to believe you?" Jin knew it wasn't intentional this time, but Jungkook was to be blamed no matter what. If he hadn't bought him, none of this would have happened.

"You don't have to. In any case, I wanted to remind you that I didn't intend for you to fall. Although I hope this serves as a reminder to never mention Yoongi's name like that again."

"Says the person who had pushed me down several times before and choked me. Can you be any more of an asshole than you already are? In case you forgot Yoongi is my fian-"

The stand with the food tray that was near Jin's bed got flipped over, and Jungkook punched his fist into the wall, "FUCK! STOP!" He marches over towards Jin and jerks his shoulder, "Stop, seriously fucking stop! You are pregnant, and I am trying my best not to lose my cool. Starting tomorrow, you will be announced as my fiance, not fucking Yoongi's! I AM YOUR ALPHA!"

"Is everything okay in here?" one of the nurses rushes into the room and asked. Jungkook moves away from Jin, "We are fine. Get me the discharge papers."

Jin was in a state of shock. He was pregnant? How did that even happen? It was only one time.

His heart rate began increasing as he started hyperventilating.

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