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Fifteen Years Later

Jin flips the cover from his naked body to get out of bed when Jungkook draws him back into his arms. "Jungkook, I have to get up; I need to get started on preparing breakfast."

"I just need a few minutes," Jungkook whispers in his ear.

"Lies, your few minutes are hours, and today we can't do that. Later, I will make it up to-" Jin stops talking as Jungkook gets on top of him and smirks, "I want you right now, though."

Jin stared into his Alpha's eyes, wrapping his legs around Jungkook's waist; he leans forward and kisses him. A throaty moan leaving him when Jungkook enters him. Jungkook groans, intensifying their kiss as he pushed deeper into his omega.

"Appa!" one of their sons calls out, hammering at the door, causing Jungkook to growl and bite Jin's lips as he thrust faster. This was nothing new to either of them. Jin usually stopped their moment if he was in control, but not Jungkook. He knew the kids were being brats and always had the worst timing.

"Appa, I am hungry!" another one of their kids screaming, this time it was one of their daughters.


"I am hungry too," Jungkook whispers in a grunt as he dives deeper into Jin, slapping their skin together, making Jin cover his mouth to stifle his moans.

"Leave dad and Appa's door alone, come; they will be out soon." Jin felt relieved as he heard one of their eldest say to the kids.

Jungkook stared at Jin and smirked, "See, this is why they have siblings."

"You are horrible!"


"Appa, can I pancakes?"

"Appa, can I get some too?"

"Appa, I don't want pancake; I want waffles."

"Appa, I want the chocolate chip pancakes."

"Appa, can I have a pancake with banana, please?"

"Appa, do I get bacon with cake?"

"Appa, I want rice with chicken."

Jin stood in the kitchen listening to all the requests of his little ones. It was the norm; after having fifteen kids, he and Jungkook had learned how to deal with all their demands. Their youngest was two, and their oldest was seventeen. Having so many kids had caused them to buy a much bigger home to raise their family comfortably.

Every morning he or Jungkook had the kids line up and tell them what they wanted to eat. On the days they had work, they took the request overnight. Most times, Jin could predict what the kids wanted, but sometimes they shocked him by requesting something they had seen on t.v.

Thankfully his older kids weren't a problem for them; they were able to prepare their meals. However, they ate down the house most of the time. In a few months, their twin daughters were turning eighteen, and they would finally present. Jin stressed a lot about it, but Jungkook kept reassuring him that the girls and their triplets' sons who would follow right after would be fine.

Jin knew he was right, but he also knew what he went through when he presented, and he didn't want that for any of their kids. Both his daughters had partners who made him feel more thankful. In case any of them presented as an omega, they would have help if they wanted it. He had educated them as much as possible and made them aware they didn't need to have sex if they weren't ready. He told them there were methods they could practice to get through their heat until he got them on heat suppressants.

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