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Trigger warning.

Jin pulled away from Jungkook and glared at him, "do you not have any shame or respect for me?" How could he dare call him sexy at a time like this?

Jungkook closed his eyes and ran his hands through his hair. This omega never stops, always has something to say to rebuttal anything he does or tries doing. Then he becomes the bad guy when he acts out.

Jin could sense Jungkook getting into a rage, but he didn't care. He walked around Jungkook and into the kitchen, feeding himself and the baby was more important than the Alpha's oncoming rage. He bent over to pick up a pot he needed to prepare breakfast from underneath the cabinet where they were stored.

After retrieving it, he turned with it in his hand to walk to the sink to rinse it out but stopped when he came face to face with Jungkook, who seized his wrist, spinning him around, making the pot fall from his hand and bowing him over onto the kitchen counter.

Jungkook held both Jin's wrist behind his back and pressed himself against Jin's ass. Jin wiggled, trying to push Jungkook away, but he couldn't. Jungkook smirks watching Jin wiggle, the feeling of him rubbing against him, the images he was getting in his head causes him to make a note of where he wanted to fuck him the next time they had sex.

"You have all this mouth, yet comparing to me, you are so fucking weak. When are you going to realize that a mere omega like you is no match for an Alpha like me? I am warning Seokjin, the sooner you realize who is in charge around here, the better your life will be. Now, get up, make us breakfast, we need to talk."

Jungkook releases his hold on Jin's wrist and then slaps him on his ass twice before walking away from him to the other side of the counter.

"You are an asshole!" Jin spat towards Jungkook when he stood up straight, holding onto the counter for support. His back hurt him so much, and he couldn't hide it. Taking his hand, he started massaging his lower back. "If you don't want the baby, tell me, we can get rid of it!" He screamed at Jungkook with tears in his eyes. Once again, he didn't care; he was in pain.

"What did you just say?" Jungkook walks back over to Jin, confining him to the counter as he blocks his way.

"You heard me, what's the point of repeating myself? You keep hurting me, tossing me around, can't your stupid ass alpha self realize you are not only hurting me but the baby! You want me to respect you, how about you stop acting like a fucking whiny ass alpha and BE an Alpha that thinks about his omega and his child! Not a cheater and an abuser! I mean for fucksakes, what kind of Alpha seeks pleasure in having an omega and a baby harmed? You are sick, you fucking psycho!"


"Hobi, you can do this without Yoongi. He is a prick for leaving you like this, but you have me, you have Taehyung, you don't need him, the baby doesn't need it. I warned you though, I told you-"

Hoseok pushed away his brother, who was hugging him and trying to reassure him that everything was going to be okay after finding out he was pregnant and rejected by Yoongi, the baby's father, the love of his life.

"Stop! Now is not the time for a reminder of your warning. Yes, you warned, fuck you told me he wasn't the one, but I didn't expect he would be anything like you and Taehyung. Forgive me if I thought he would be different."

Jungkook growled at the insult his brother was throwing at him. "When the fuck did this become about Taehyung and me? Did either one of us get you pregnant and reject you. You were a blind omega running after love, which I have fucking told you time and time again does not exist! You had no business sleeping with him, but you wanted this, you asked for this, now you got what you wanted, and you want to blame me? Are you fucking crazy?"

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