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Three days later 😉.

Jin laid in bed completely out of breath; he had lost count with the last couple of days how many times he and Jungkook had sex. He had heard about Alpha's being in their rut, Yoongi had tried explaining it to him when he told him he was being selfish, but he didn't get it. Not until he experienced it with Jungkook.

Every time he thought Jungkook was over it, he surprised him, wanting more, and his body was weirdly reacting to Jungkook's needs. They hardly had time to do much within the last few days but have sex, eat, sleep, and pretty much repeat. His body had bite marks all over it, and his muscles were pained up, but it felt good. He didn't feel as stressed as he had felt the days prior. He and Jungkook didn't have time to argue because of all they were doing.

"I am hungry," Jungkook mumbles and jumps off the bed. Jin looked at him and closed his eyes; he didn't understand how someone could still have so much energy. He believed if he weren't pregnant, Jungkook would've been a lot harder on him, he sensed it.

"I am tired," Jin whispered and turned onto his stomach, hoping Jungkook would go eat and leave him alone.


When Jin woke up five hours later, he found the side of the bed next to him empty, and he immediately panicked, sitting up and looking around the room. Grabbing his robe, he put it on and walked out of Jungkook's room to go down the stairs, but Jungkook's voice stops him.

"Where are you going?" Jin's heart skipped a beat when he heard Jungkook's voice. He let out a sigh of relief as he had thought that maybe Jungkook had left like he had the last time.

"T-to get water." Jin lied as he turned to face Jungkook.

"There is water in the room unless you are hungry, then I left your food downstairs." Jin pulled his head back and looked at Jungkook, confused, "you did?"

"Yes, I cooked, and no, I didn't do anything in the food."

"I never said you did," Jin mumbled as he examined Jungkook's wet hair highlighting that he had must have just gotten out of the shower.

"Well, I am telling you in case you were thinking about it," Jungkook said and turned on his heel heading back into the bedroom.

Jin shook his head and decided not to respond to Jungkook; he was feeling famished, he was hungry earlier too, but he was also tired, and he chose sleep over eating.

When he got downstairs, he saw in the middle of the counter food covered with one of the warmer. He uncovered it and examined it; it looked normal. The steak didn't look burnt or anything. Lifting the plate in his hands, he sniffed the food and wiggled his nose as he took in the scent. It didn't smell bad either. Maybe Jungkook was right; perhaps he didn't put anything in it, Jin thought to himself.

He jumped almost dropping the plate when Jungkook cleared his throat. "You don't have to eat it."

"I am going to eat it. I was just-"

"Checking if it was poisoned, yeah, I know. Unfortunately, the place I usually get my cooking poison from sold out of it." Jungkook rolled his eyes and walked to the fridge to get one of his protein shakes.

"I don't ever cook for anyone, so you should be thankful that I am sharing my cooking skills with you and don't expect to wake up to dinner ever again. I only did this because you helped me out."

"I helped you out?" Jin raised his eyebrows at Jungkook

"Well yeah, you know these past few days."

"You are such a fucking asshole, I tried doing by dues as your omega, and now you want to say I helped you out?" Jin pushed the food aside, not even feeling like eating anymore. "Why don't you help me out then by not being such a fucking ass all the time!" Jin screamed at Jungkook and turned to walk away, but Jungkook ran over to him and stopped him from leaving the kitchen.

"Calm down, damn it! I didn't know you were doing it because you wanted to, especially considering we were fighting before. I just thought you were helping me out, but I didn't mean it as a disrespect to you, seriously. I cooked cause I was trying to show my appreciation for what you did, not trying to make it seem like I took it for granted." Jungkook tried explaining to Jin.

"We were not fighting, I was trying to tell you how what you have done had affected me and where I stood currently, but because you hare me voicing my thoughts you assume we were fighting. And if you want to show me your appreciation, stop treating me as a product, and start treating me like a human being with feelings."

"How can I do that? Tell me, how can I? I cooked for you, and the first thing you thought is, 'oh, he wants to kill me.' I can't do anything right in your eyes, and if I try, you judge me. All you had to do was say 'thank you Jungkook, I will enjoy the meal,' but no, of course not. You know I might not show it, but I have feelings too."

"I don't think you and I will ever understand each other. In case you forgot, I was kidnapped and put for sale in a freaking whore house." Jin screamed at Jungkook.

"I didn't put you there! I tried to take you out of there." Jungkook yelled back.

"Oh, please, you had your disgusting reason."

"That's not true, and you know it. I didn't even know you knew Yoongi until you opened your big mouth and told me."

"So, I am supposed to suffer because of Yoongi, and what only get along with you when sex is at your convenience?"

"It sounds fucked up when you say it like that," Jungkook mutters.

"Because it is!" Jin snaps back at him.

"Okay, I get it, and I am sorry, but can we start over, like seriously? I have been thinking that maybe we should start compromising with each other, but for that to happen, I need you to meet me like maybe more than halfway."

"Why more than-"

Jungkook pulled Jin to him, "stop, please, stop. I am going to say this once and only once, and I need you to listen to me. I have no regrets taking you from that place. I am struggling with my feelings for you, but my Alpha has decided that you are my mate, and it's something I am working on accepting. I need you, and I can't pretend any longer that I don't. I know I am hard-headed and love things my way, but you are the same way, and it's not helping our relationship. I don't want us to have a child if they are going to see this every day. I don't know about you, but my parents never fought in front of my brother or me, I don't want to do that to our child.

I know we are not going to agree on everything, and I don't want us to. All I want is your commitment to try and understand me, allow me to be the leader of our family, if you can give me your word on that, I will do my best to be a better Alpha for our family."

Jin looked at Jungkook and started crying, unable to say anything as he was feeling too emotional.

"I guess this is better than you talking." Jungkook smiled and kissed Jin on his forehead.

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