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Jungkook slammed his room door and tossing the frame with Hoseok's suicide note onto his bed. Slamming his fist into the nearest wall, he growled. He couldn't identify the emotion he was feeling; one moment was feeling angry; the next, he was feeling something strange.

Hoseok knew about Jin; he knew Yoongi left him for Jin. Yet his clueless omega downstairs had no idea about Hoseok and Yoongi. It didn't make sense to Jungkook. He couldn't help but wonder how Hoseok would've felt about everything, how he would view him as his brother mating Jin, getting him pregnant. Sure he would think he was betraying him. He knew Hoseok, Hoseok, would take it as a slap in his face.

Every day his choices seemed more and more he fucked up. First, he bought Jin; second, he mated him, and third, he got him pregnant. Letting out a frustrating growl, Jungkook slammed his fist into the wall again, a low grunt leaving him as pain rush through his arm. He closed his eyes and held his fist. Gritting his teeth, he started pacing around his room.

He could hear Jin's movement in the house. He didn't know what the omega was doing, but he could tell he was moving around. He could also sense Jin's emotion being off. Jungkook tugged at his hair and continued pacing back and forth; he was confused.

Jin and the baby or Hoseok? His Alpha knew the answer, but Jungkook's human side was fighting against it. His pride and guilt weren't allowing him to face the truth.


Jin's hands were trembling as he paced around in his room. He didn't know what happened. Yes, he had an unpredictable Alpha, but something about Jungkook was different this time around. There was no hint of sarcasm in his tone when he told Jin if he stays or goes, he didn't care. He meant it, and Jin knew it because he felt it.

His stomach had a nervous feel to it. Leaving Jungkook wouldn't be the same as when he left Yoongi. When he left, he was an unmated omega; he wasn't pregnant either. Surviving wasn't hard for him then, but now it is.

As much as he talked a lot of shit with Jungkook, he knew he belonged wherever Jungkook is. It was one of the most fucked up things about being mated, that's why he never took it for granted, it's the reason why he never allowed Yoongi to force mate him. He knew the danger of the bond between Omega and Alpha.

After much through Jin knew Jungkook couldn't have meant for him to leave forever, that was impossible, unless he wanted to break their bond. Breaking their bond could kill their baby, and he knew Jungkook had to have known that, and even though he didn't care about Jin, he did seem to care about the baby at least.

Jin's mind was racing with too many thoughts. The make his day even more complicated, he wasn't feeling well. His stomach kept swirling with uneasiness. One minute he felt like he wanted to throw up; the next, he was feeling okay.

He stopped himself from pacing around the room when he felt a sharp pain in his stomach. He held onto the bedpost and breathed in and out. Once his breathing stabilized, he felt somewhat better. Walking over to his night table, he picked up the bottle of water that was there and drank it. It tasted old, but he didn't care, he needed something to calm his stomach.

Upon drinking the water, Jin took a seat on his bed and stayed there for a while until he was feeling a lot better. Once his stomach felt settle, he dialed Jimin number hoping he would pick up, he needed to talk to someone and Jimin was the only person who could probably relate to what he was going through.

It was useless calling his parents, and he didn't want to call his other friend, speaking with another Alpha about another Alpha would only be pointless. Namjoon would always side with Yoongi and make an excuse for him. He was sure he was not going to see his point about Jungkook or help him with a better solution than what his mind was thinking.

It took a while for Jimin to answer, but when he did, Jin asked if they could maybe meet up. Jimin hesitated for a while, putting Jin on hold for some time, then when he came back on the line, he told Jin he could, but it had to be somewhere near his home.

Jin could only sense that Jimin had to seek Taehyung's permission first. He was sure of it and knew that would've been the case for him had Jungkook not just screamed at him. He told him he could go or stay, so he was now free to meet with Jimin if he wanted to.

He also needed to leave the house for a moment. He wanted to reach out to Yoongi, as he needs to understand what happened between him and Jungkook's brother. He knew Jungkook would never tell him, but Yoongi might tell him. Jin liking the idea he had in mind, got up from his bed, and got ready. He would meet with Jimin and seek out his thoughts with everything he was dealing with, and he was sure Jimin could relate. He was also going to make sure to call Yoongi while on his way and try to get him to talk to him about what happened with Jungkook brother.

The house was quiet when Jin got downstairs; he wasn't sure if Jungkook had left. Although he had not heard the alarm on the door beep, so he figured he might still be home. But that wasn't for him to care or worry about. The last he knew Jungkook wanted to be left alone, and that's exactly what he was doing, even if it was only for few hours, he was going to leave and show Jungkook he doesn't care either.

Fixing his bag in front of his stomach, he pulled out his phone and requested a taxi. His face fell into a frown upon hearing the wait time, but he had no other choice but to wait. He paced back and forth by the door, repeating Yoongi's number in his making sure he had remembered it. He had hope Yoongi didn't change his number, but even if he did, he was certain Namjoon hadn't changed his, so if he couldn't talk with Yoongi, he could speak with Namjoon.

When his phone pinged alerting him the taxi was near, he smiled and walked to the door, entering the code and pulled it open only to scream out in fright when the door slammed closed.

Jin clutched his chest and turned to face an angry Jungkook. "Where the fuck do you think you are going?"

"I-, Y-you said I could go!" Jin let out; his heart felt like it was going to pound right out of his chest. His phone started ringing, he knew it was the taxi, but before he could even look at it. Jungkook grabbed the phone out of his hand.

"Who is this?" he barked into the phone, glaring at Jin. Jin watched as his expression changed, and he rolled his eyes. "No, a taxi is not needed. Now, get off my property."

He ended the call, his eyes not leaving Jin. "Where were you going?"

"You said I could go, why are you worried about where I was going?" Jin adjusted his bag strap and glared back at Jungkook. His heart was still racing; he couldn't believe the man almost gave him a heart attack.

"I said you stay or go, meaning you can stay in the dining room or go to your room. Where did you get the idea that I meant leaving this house?"

Jin looked at Jungkook in disbelief. "You are a liar! You know damn well that's not what you meant."

"And so fucking what? I changed my mind, and I am allowed to do that, aren't I?" Jungkook turned his eyes from Jin and began scrolling through his phone.

"You can't do that! That's not fair to me, and it's certainly not fair to the baby. You can't do this! It's selfish and just so wrong. I have never done anything to you, and all you do is mistreat me. It's tiring, I am stressed, the baby is stressed!" Jin screamed at Jungkook; he was mad. Mad that he probably wasn't going to see Jimin and angry that Jungkook was now lying and pretending like he didn't push him away earlier.

Jungkook walked closer to Jin, pulled him to him, and leaned down to his ear, "You are right. It's not fair. That's why I am telling you to stay, I-, the baby will stress too much if you leave."

"You are an asshole!" Jin punched at Jungkook's chest.

"That is true."


A/N: Errors will be reviewed and fixed at a later time.

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