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Jin paced around the house, not knowing what to do. It had been three days since he had last seen Jungkook. After their night together the next day, when he woke up, Jungkook was not there. All he left him was a phone with his parents, Taehyung, and Jimin's contact information along with a note telling him to stay inside.

At first, he didn't understand any of it; he was just thankful though that he had received a phone. He could finally have some form of communication with the outside world. The first day he found things around the house to do to keep him busy; he didn't want to think about the night he had.

Things had gotten way too out of hand between Jungkook and him. He had enjoyed it, and he wasn't supposed to. He cursed himself for it; he had gotten comfortable, entertained, and allowed it, something he should not have done. He felt stupid the next day; he should have been better at controlling things.

Jin didn't think anything of it when it got late, and he didn't hear Jungkook come home, but the next day when he woke up and didn't see any sign that he came back, he became puzzled but shook it off. He and Jungkook didn't have that kind of relationship where he needed to tell him if he was not coming home or not. Just because they had sex, it meant nothing, and it shouldn't mean anything. After all, he is only an unwanted mate.

The second day alone, he reached out to Jimin, not knowing what else to do, he didn't want to stay in the house, he wasn't the paint on the wall, or the furniture in the living room, he needed to go out. Unfortunately, Jimin didn't have a drive to come to him, and he didn't have a car to go to Jimin either, plus he had never been to Taehyung's home, so he wasn't feeling okay to go there. He tried convincing Jimin to come by him, but Jimin told him he didn't want to leave and get into a fight with Taehyung.

Spending his morning wondering, he decided to reach out to his mother, who he was thankful to answer the phone. She agreed to come by and pick him up, which made Jin happy. He had packed his bag determine to at least stay with them for a while. If Jungkook wasn't coming home, he didn't need to be there. However, he couldn't stop himself from worrying and wondering if everything was okay. Every time he looked at himself in the mirror, he couldn't help but wonder if Jungkook was doing okay; he didn't want to call him and make it seem like he was excepting something. Jungkook didn't communicate with him either. Which probably was his way of letting him know, not to bother him.

Jin's mother picked him up, took him out to breakfast, and brought him shopping, which was far from what he wanted. During their day, her attention was focused on his Alpha and letting him know how blessed he had been. Jin tried explaining to her all that occurred and what he was feeling, but she brushed him off and told him to be happy that someone picked him out of that place, and Jungkook didn't have to spend so much money on him.

In other words, she made it clear that he needs to be grateful and humble himself. She told him he should not be spending the night out without his Alpha knowing and to make sure he respects Jungkook and don't lose him like he did Yoongi. Jin wasn't surprised by his mother's comments; it had been the same when he told her that Yoongi was sleeping around. What he was surprised by was that she refused for him to stay with them for a couple of days; unless Jungkook was okay with it.

Their day ended with Jin going back to Jungkook's house to finding it empty as he had left it before. He didn't bother eating that night as he went to bed in wonder and worry. He didn't want to think about Jungkook, but he couldn't help it. While he struggled to sleep, he found his way to Jungkook's room into his bed, where Jungkook's scent brought him such much needed calm, enabling him to sleep.

Now here he was today, pacing back and forth, questioning if he should reach out Jungkook. What he found odd was that Jimin was going through the same, Taehyung wasn't home either and had not been for three days. Every time Jimin reached out to Taehyung, his phone went straight to voicemail, except one time when he told Jimin he would be home soon and for him not to worry.

Deciding that he was putting too much on his mind. Jin got to baking to shift his focus, reminding himself that his and Jungkook relationship was not one for him to worry about. He was not supposed to be concerned, Jungkook didn't care about him, so why was he allowing himself to suffer. The human side of him wanted to pull it together, but his omega, was struggling and he hated it.


Jungkook leaned back on the bed and breathed in the heavy scent of cigar that Taehyung was puffing around the room. He looked at the two omega's and two beta's that were passed out next to them. Two of them were on the bed with him and two asleep on the couch next to Taehyung.

"This was wild; I can't remember the last time we did something like this. I don't know about you, but I had fun!" Taehyung said while taking a puff of his cigar and smirking at Jungkook.

Jungkook didn't respond; he looked at the clock beside the bed and cursed at himself. He had planned this trip to get away from Jin. Things had gotten way out of control with them. He felt like Jin was trying to do something to him, and he couldn't allow it, his brother wouldn't have been proud and settling down wasn't for him, it was already bad enough he had a child on the way.

These days were to get him back focused and on track. However, all while out the past three days, he felt like he was doing something wrong, but he wasn't. He was doing what he always did before Jin came into his life and made him crazy. He had almost lost it when he saw Jin had left the house, but when he realized he left with his mother, he didn't pay it any mind. Nonetheless, he was going to make sure to talk with Jin because he didn't want him thinking because they had that night, he could be doing whatever he wanted.

Jin didn't even try calling him; even after he gave him a phone, It was evident he didn't give a shit either. Jungkook let out a frustrating groan and got off the bed, feeling disgusted with the scents that were in the room, these omega's and beta's had stayed too long, they weren't like the ones he had Tae had gotten the night before. Slapping them on their ass, he woke them up and asked them to leave.

"Y'all too, get out, this ain't your house." He walked over to two with Taehyung and woke them up too. Taehyung looked at him like he was crazy, "What the fuck you did that for."

"They smell horrible!" He growled at Taehyung and pulled the sheets off the bed.

"This is what you get for making an omega mark you. All you have been doing is ruining these days for me. If I didn't know any better, I would think you the one pregnant; not even Jimin acts as you do. Fucking moody and annoying for no reason."

"Say whatever the fuck you want, I am going to shower and get out of here," Jungkook responded and walked off to the bathroom.

"Don't make me find out you are turning into an omega's bitch!" Taehyung yells back at him.

"Fuck you, what do you think I am?" Jungkook yells back at him.

"Seokjin's bitch!" Taehyung responded and turned the half-empty bottle of soju to his head.

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