5. Prediction

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"Hey, mom---" Stevie said over the phone with a prominent smile.

"Hi, TeeDee---how are you? How are the grandbabies?" her mother, Barbara, beamed at the sound of her child.

"We're okay," she assured. "I'm just calling to see how you guys were doing."

"We're doing just fine---when are you bringing the kids?" she then asked.

"I was thinking after my upcoming tour, since it's only going to be a month..."

"That's great!" the woman beamed. "When are you leaving? Is it for the solo you just put out?"

"I'm leaving next week, on the twenty-fifth of October and then I'll be back November on the twenty-fifth or twenty-sixth and then I'll be home, can get the kids packed up and then we'll head out to Arizona," she assured. "Lindsey and I talked it over the other night."

"Well, that sounds perfect and then we'll have Christmas together," her mother nodded to herself.

"Yes... Oh, is daddy there?" she asked.

"Yeah," she turned away from the phone to yell for him. "What's up?"

"I wanted to talk to both of you---" she mentioned.

"Alright," her mother lingered, kind of aware of what direction it was going in. "Jess, come here---Stevie's on the phone."

The man grasped the phone and put it to his ear, "Hello, Stephanie---" he grinned.

"You sound so serious," she deepened her voice, trying not to laugh right after.

Chuckling, "What's up, honey?"

"I wanted to tell you and mom that Lindsey and I are having another baby---thought you would like to know," she smirked.

"That's so wonderful, dear---" her mother beamed.

"Yeah, that is great news---" her father smiled on his end.

"Well, I really called to check on you guys and tell you that," Stevie replied---grateful that her news didn't rain on any certain type of parade.

"Wait, wait---" her mother kind of hollered, taking the phone back while her husband lingered behind her. "TeeDee?"

"Yes, what?" she asked, kind of smirking since she was so hastened.

Her mother always had a series of questions to ask of her and so she was prepared to answer what she could.

"Are you for sure coming next month then?" she asked. "You'll not be too tired to travel? And how far are you?" she bombared easily.

"Oh, my... Yes, we're still coming---don't worry and I'll be fine to visit, plus Lindsey is always so helpful and I'm only twelve weeks," she responded. "By the time you see me, I should have a bump going," she added. "Oh and by the way... Leelee is very unhappy about the idea, so..."

"Well, you know she does get that from her mother, dear---" Barbara smirked.

"Yes, mother, I am aware..." she rolled her eyes, a small smile on her lips.

Jess kind of laughed.

All of them recalled that Stevie absolutely hated her brother, Chris, when he was born and when he was old enough---she would pull his hair and kick him and just be plain mean to him.

"And one more question," her mother pointed out before they all hung up.

"Yes, ma'am?" she rose her brows a tad, preparing an answer.

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