19. It's A Little Girl

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"Lindsey, I need help---" Stevie stated from the bathroom, her voice small because she was feeling a lot of pain. "Lindsey," she stated again.

"Hm?" he kind of rubbed his eyes and got up. "Steph, what's wrong?" he hopped up to be at her side.

Breathing slowly but heavily, "I don't know... Something's wrong---call the doctor," she winced in pain.

"Okay," he nodded and did as asked.

"Her water isn't broken," the doctor assured the other nurses as she prepared for the surgery. "I'm gonna have to break it to perform the cesarean," she assured.

When Lindsey had brought his wife in, she was in massive pain as far as contractions. Her water had never broken, the baby was breech, though her cervix had dilated a little---none of it was enough for her to be able to deliver naturally and there was a lot more damage for Stevie than there would be for the baby.

"Why did this happen?" Lindsey asked as a nurse handed him stuff to put on so they could be in the theatre. "Why is this so sudden?"

"It's preeclampsia---I barely seen it in her blood work," Dr. Phillips assured. "You were supposed to get a call tonight and then this happened. All the weeks, it never showed and it did now. It's caused from high blood pressure," she explained, putting a mask on. "Stevie, we're going to give you a spinal anesthesia---I have to break your water so that we can do the C-section," she let her know because they were injecting her already.

Stevie nodded a little, her hand searching for Lindsey; her body was nearly numb from pain while the medicine was taking over her lower half.

He made his way to her and he held her hand, sitting there the whole time to be by her side. "I'm right here, honey---" he added.

She let her head fall to the side, where his voice was at as she was numbed from pain.

Once the doctor inserted the hook and broke Stevie's amniotic sack, she connected her to a catheter so that she could get to the other part of the delivery which was an emergency cesarean section.

As the baby was being pulled out; Stevie only felt light pressure, but it was them extracting the baby from her body.

"It's a little girl, Stevie---" the doctor assured with a smile as the baby was getting cleaned up and whatever treatment she needed.

The baby girl was screaming her head off while Stevie's eyes were a little blurry from everything, but she was happy to see the baby out and doing well.

Stevie smiled a little, feeling herself want to sleep. "I want her," she mumbled.

The medicine they gave her was a type of anesthesia so she could stay awake and just not feel what was going on, however since her body was in a lot of pain since before they got there, everything was having a different affect on her.

"Okay," Lindsey nodded, kind of gesturing for them since the nurse was holding the baby.

Stevie was given her baby as she was being stitched up and she and her baby were skin-to-skin, considering the blonde was topless with just a paper thin material over her, having been in surgery to even recieve her little girl. "She's beautiful..." she stated, eyes blinking heavily.

"She is, Steph... You did so well," he added, kissing his wife's head as he laid a hand to his baby gently.

"Stevie, can you try and feed her for me?" the doctor asked as politely as possible as she stitched her stomach and cleaned her.

"Mhmm," she nodded, very lightly as she tried to position her.

Stevie was flat on her back, nothing supporting her head as she held the baby to her chest and the girl ate.

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